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          Hana Alhomoud                                                         10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1266

          The Effect of Tranexamic Acid on Blood Loss during

          Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy

          Hana Alhomoud

          ABSTRACT                                            30 years (Fig. 1). Tranexamic acid has also been used
          Background: Tranexamic acid (TXA) is an antifibrinolytic drug   in the prophylaxis and treatment of patients at high
          that has the property to reduce intraoperative and postoperative  risk of intra- and postoperative hemorrhage such as
          bleeding. This study was intended to establish the effect of TXA  hemophiliacs and patients on thrombolytic therapy and
          in minimizing the intraoperative and postoperative blood loss   has been found to be highly effective, without significant
          in laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy.                 side effects. 1-6

          Materials and methods: This was a prospective follow-up   To reduce intraoperative blood loss and the need for
          study conducted in Sabah Hospital, Kuwait, over 4 months  blood transfusion, new pharmacologic agents have been
          from September 2014 to December 2014. A total of 50 patients   developed. The clinical efficacy of these agents has been
          who underwent laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy were included   reviewed, and it has been reported that antifibrinolytic
          in this study; 25 patients were given tranexamic acid during   agents such as aprotinin and TXA are effective in
          induction and 25 did not receive. Selection of patients was done
          on a random basis. Intraoperative blood loss, visibility of field   reducing packed red blood cell transfusion.  The lysine
          of surgery, and amount of blood collected in suction apparatus  analog inhibitor TXA is particularly effective in reducing
          used during surgery.                                perioperative blood loss in various surgical procedures,
                                                              with no reported adverse effects. 8
          Results: Each group consisted of 25 patients. Preoperative
          intravenous bolus administration of TXA at 10 mg/kg reduces   The intravenous and tropical TXA formulations have
          blood loss.                                         been reported to be effective in decreasing blood loss in
                                                              some studies. 9-11
          Conclusion: Tranexamic acid is an antifibrinolytic agent that   The aim of this study was to assess the effect of single
          inhibits the action of plasmin. There is also reduction in blood
          level of D-dimer. It is seen to significantly reduce intraoperative   intravenous preoperative dose of TXA on blood loss
          blood loss during surgery. Additionally, there seems to be no  during laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy.
          alterations of coagulation parameters or untoward systemic
          effects. This should prompt further trials.         SITE OF ACTION
          Keywords:  Blood  loss,  Laparoscopic  sleeve  gastrectomy,
          Tranexamic acid.
          How to cite this article: Alhomoud H. The Effect of Tranexamic
          Acid on Blood Loss during Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy.
          World J Lap Surg 2016;9(1):30-33.

          Source of support: Nil
          Conflict of interest: None

                                                                             Fig. 1: Source: Wikipedia
          Tranexamic acid (TXA) is an antifibrinolytic agent and
          its predecessor epsilon aminocaproic acid has been used
          to treat postoperative bleeding in healthy adults for over    MATERIALS AND METHODS
                                                              This is a prospective randomized study. The study
                                                              period is 4 months from September 2014 to December
            Consultant                                        2014. A total of 50 patients who underwent laparoscopic
            Department  of  Surgery, Al-Sabah  Hospital,  Kuwait  City    sleeve gastrectomy were included in the study. The
            Kuwait                                            patients were grouped as treatment (case) group and
            Corresponding  Author:  Hana Alhomoud,  Consultant   control group. The randomization was done by the rules
            Department of Surgery, Al-Sabah Hospital, Kuwait City, Kuwait   of odd and even. In 25 patients of treatment group, a
            Phone: +96599227676, e-mail:
                                                              single dose of TXA, 10 mg/kg bodyweight was given
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