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                                                    Laparoscopic Management of a Volvulus Secondary to Midgut Malrotation
             Abdominal X­ray revealed dilated small bowel, and  Adult manifestations of midgut malrotation differ from
          although a suspicion of adhesions from the previous  the pediatric group. More often, symptoms tend to be
          surgery was a possibility, a contrasted CT scan of  chronic rather than acute, characterized by cramp­like
          the abdomen was performed given the history of a  abdominal pain, bloating, and vomiting over a period
          small intestinal anomaly. The findings confirmed the  of months to years.  Frequently, these symptoms are
          small intestinal obstruction and a high location of the  mistaken for another condition. The commonest cause
          vermiform appendix and cecum below the right lobe of  of an acute presentation of midgut malrotation in an
          the liver. Free fluid was present in the abdomen without  adult is a volvulus or an internal herniation due to
          any signs of perforation or pneumoperitoneum. A  Ladd’s bands.  3
          diagnosis of a midgut malrotation and small intestinal   Preoperative  diagnosis  of  midgut  malrotation  is
          obstruction was made.                               currently possible with the increasing use of preoperative
             A diagnostic laparoscopy was then performed  imaging. A plain abdominal X­ray may show a nonspecific
          with the findings of grossly dilated small intestines  bowel dilatation, but it may help lead to subsequent
          until the distal ileum. The distal ileum was twisted  investigations. The upper gastrointestinal contrast
          along its mesenteric axis several times and the bowel  study remains to be a gold standard for the diagnosis
          appeared dusky and congested. The terminal ileum  of midgut malrotation.  Ultrasound abdomen has
          was collapsed but remained viable. A Meckel’s diver­  also been described with a typical presentation of the
          ticulum was discovered incidentally. The volvulus  “whirlpool sign.”  However, in the acute or emergency
          was untwisted laparoscopically in a counterclockwise  setting, especially with the presence of an intestinal
          direction, and the mesenteric pedicles were widened  obstruction, ultrasound or contrast studies are rarely
          by  releasing  adhesions  between  the  cecum  and  the  being performed. Contrasted CT scans, on the contrary,
          duodenum around the superior mesentery artery  may be the preferred choice of imaging.  The twisting
          (SMA).  Ladd’s  bands were released.  As the bowel  of the intestines around its axis gives the appearance of
          appeared ischemic, an enterectomy was performed  the “whirlpool sign.”
          extracorporeally through a small incision in the right   Elective surgical correction of symptomatic midgut
          hypochondrium. A stapled side­to­side primary anas­  malrotation is recommended to prevent acute pres­
          tomosis was made. Caecopexy was performed using  entations and complications like bowel ischemia and
          nonabsorbable sutures, and appendicectomy was  gangrene.  Resolution of symptoms was seen in most
          prophylactically performed. The postoperative period   patients following elective surgical repair.  In acute
          was marked by a brief period of ileus, but the patient   presentations of midgut malrotation or intestinal obstruc­
          was ambulating on the first day following surgery and   tion, surgical repair is performed by correction of the
          had experienced tolerable pain. He was discharged a   malrotation by freeing the adhesions around the SMA,
          week after the surgery.                             a counterclockwise rotation of the small intestines, a
                                                              release of the Ladd’s bands, and fixation of the cecum
                                                              and right colon to the abdominal wall. The laparoscopic
                                                              approach has been described to be safe and feasible, and
          Midgut malrotation is a congenital anomaly due to a  equally as effective as the open procedure in the absence
          failure in the normal counterclockwise rotation of the  of a midgut volvulus. 3
          embryonic gut. There are varying degrees of this anomaly   In conclusion, midgut malrotation may be a rare but
          and may be characterized by the right­sided location of  important cause of volvulus in adults. Its presentation
          the small intestines, displacement of the cecum toward  may vary from a chronic to an acute setting. An index
          the right hypochondrium and the ligament of Treitz  of suspicion should be present in the adult patient hav­
          inferiorly, the presence of Ladd’s bands, and a narrow  ing nonspecific abdominal symptoms or intermittent
          base of the small intestinal mesentery. The latter may  intestinal obstruction. Symptomatic midgut malrota­
          result in a volvulus of the small intestines which can  tion should be electively repaired before potential
          manifest acutely or chronically. Internal herniation and  complications like bowel ischemia and volvulus occur
          duodenal obstruction may also take place due to the  as evident in this patient. Early diagnosis followed by
          presence of the anomalies. 1,2                      an immediate repair may prevent a fatality. The lapa­
             However, most of the complications arising from  roscopic approach is feasible and safe even in the acute
          midgut malrotation manifest in the pediatric age  setting and may result in less postoperative pain and
          group. Some remained asymptomatic until adult life.  early ambulation.

          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2016;9(2):98-100                                99
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