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                                                                 Laparoscopic Removal of a Giant Gastroduodenal Bezoar
          CaSe RepORt

          Laparoscopic Removal of a Giant Gastroduodenal Bezoar

          1 Jignesh Gandhi,  Saneya Pandrowala,  Sadashiv Choudhari,  Suryaprakash Bhandari
          ABSTRACT                                            of surgeries are being reported to have lesser morbidity

          In today’s era of laparoscopic surgery, removal of giant gastric   when performed laparoscopically. We report a case of
          trichobezoar laparoscopically has become a common parlance.  complete laparoscopic excision of a gastroduodenal
          However, removal of gastroduodenal bezoar laparoscopically  bezoar en masse without a duodenal incision in a young
          en masse is extremely rare. We present a case of 15-year-  female which has not yet been reported.
          old female with gastroduodenal bezoar, which was removed
          laparoscopically without any complications, stressing on the
          fact that adequate preoperative evaluation to know the extent   CASE REPORT
          of bezoar and good laparoscopic technique to prevent it from   A 15-year-old female came with progressively increasing
          breaking intraoperatively are necessary for a good outcome.
                                                              complaints of pain in abdomen and vomiting since last
          Keywords: Bezoar, Gastroduodenal, Giant, Laparoscopic.
                                                              1½ years. The clinical symptoms worsened since last
          How to cite this article: Gandhi J, Pandrowala S, Choudhari S,   7 days with severe abdominal pain and intractable
          Bhandari S. Laparoscopic Removal of a Giant Gastroduodenal   vomiting, including difficulty to swallow the saliva.
          Bezoar. World J Lap Surg 2016;9(2):101-103.
                                                              She had history of loss of appetite and gradual loss
          Source of support: Nil
                                                              of weight during this clinical period. She had neither
          Conflict of interest: None                          history of fever nor any other prodromal symptoms. She
                                                              was an introvert child in the school. On further inquiry,
          INTRODUCTION                                        the mother gave a history of noticing alopecia in select
                                                              area of the scalp which was attributed to poor nutrition
          Bezoars are concretions of human or vegetable fibers   status.
          that accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract. In humans,   On examination, the patient was vitally stable with
          the most common type of bezoar is the trichobezoar,   pulse 82 beats per minute, blood pressure 110/70 mm Hg,
          which is mostly made of hair. However, bezoars can   afebrile with respiratory rate 14 cycles/minutes. On
          also be made of vegetable or fruit fiber (phytobezoars),   systemic examination, the patient has a large 15 × 10 cm
          milk curd (lactobezoars), or any indigestible material.   large lump in the epigastrium, reaching up to umbilicus
          Trichobezoars, unlike other bezoars, are not associated   which was firm, nontender, and moving with respiration.
          with alterations in gastrointestinal motility but with   Her laboratory investigations were normal except for a
          underlying psychiatric disorders, and these are most   low hemoglobin of 9.2 gm%. Computed tomography (CT)
          commonly present in adolescents and during the second   scan was asked for which showed a large-size foreign
          decade of life. Rapunzel syndrome is an unusual and rare   body occupying the whole of the stomach extending up
          form of trichobezoar extending into the small intestine. 1  to the second part of duodenum, as shown in Figures 1A
             In the era of minimal access surgery, laparoscopic
          surgeries are the rule and not the exception. All kinds   and B.
                                                                 A clinical diagnosis of trichobezoar was made after
                                                              confirming with the mother and the child, both later
            1 Associate Professor,  Postgraduate Student,  Assistant   confided the history of ingesting her hair on daily basis
            Professor,  Consultant                            for last 1½ years secondary to mood disorder.
            1,3 Department of General Surgery, King Edward Memorial
            Hospital and Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College   OPERATIVE TECHNIQUE
            Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
                                                              Laparoscopic removal of this giant trichobezoar was done
            2 Department of General Surgery, Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas
            Medical College, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India       with three port technique as shown in Figure 2.
                                                                 A gastrostomy was performed in the body of the
            4 Department of Gastroenterology, Global Hospitals, Mumbai
            Maharashtra, India                                stomach after mobilizing the entire greater curvature of
                                                              the stomach, so as to facilitate the removal of the proximal
            Corresponding Author: Jignesh Gandhi, Associate Professor
            Department of General Surgery, King Edward Memorial   portion of the trichobezoar in the region of fundus and
            Hospital and Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College   body of stomach. The challenge was to remove the distal
            Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, Phone: +919920443433, e-mail:   tail and duodenal part of the trichobezoar. This was
                                                              facilitated by first mobilizing the hepatic flexure of the
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2016;9(2):101-103                              101
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