Page 46 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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          John Tillou et al                                                     10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1281
          CaSe RepORt

          Early Postoperative Small Bowel Obstruction associated

          with the use of V-loc™ Sutures during Surgery for Pelvic
          Organ Prolapse

          1 John Tillou,  Roger Eduardo,  Deborah Nagle,  Thomas Cataldo,  Janet Li,  Roger Lefevre,  Vitaliy Poylin
          ABSTRACT                                            iNTRODuCTiON
          Aims: To describe three cases of early postoperative bowel   Minimally invasive surgical approaches are being
          obstruction after use of barbed suture material during surgery   employed more frequently in the treatment of pelvic organ
          for pelvic organ prolapse (POP).
                                                              prolapse (POP).  The V-loc™ suture (Covidien, Mansfield,
          Introduction: The utilization of minimally invasive surgical   MA, USA), a unidirectional, barbed, self-anchoring
          techniques for the treatment of POP is increasing, with a   suture, available in either absorbable or nonabsorbable
          subsequent increase in the use of barbed, self-anchoring
          suture material, such as the V-loc™ suture, which facilitates   forms, is frequently utilized during the performance
          intracorporeal suturing.                            of maneuvers which require intracorporeal suturing,
                                                              such as peritoneal closure or sutured rectopexy. The
          Case report: We present three cases of early postoperative
          small bowel obstruction related to the use of barbed sutures   advantage of the V-loc™ suture is that multiple rows of
          during minimally invasive surgery for POP, as well as a review  barbs allow for the creation of a self-anchoring, running
          of the relevant literature.                         closure without the need for intracorporeal knots.  This
          Conclusion: Surgeons should use barbed suture material   allows for easier laparoscopic suturing and potentially
          judiciously and should have a high index of suspicion for barbed-  decreased operative times.  When using this type of
          suture related mechanical obstructions. These obstructions are  barbed suture, it is considered common practice to leave
          not likely to resolve with conservative management.  several centimeters of the cut end of the stitch exposed in
          Clinical significance: Barbed suture materials allow for ease  order to prevent potential tissue slippage.  However, as
          of laparoscopic suturing but carry a risk of contributing to early  has been demonstrated in several recent case reports, 4-10  a
          bowel obstruction. Laparoscopic surgeons should be aware of   potential downside to this practice and to the use of such
          this relatively unknown potential complication.
                                                              suture material is that exposed suture barbs may catch on
          Keywords: Bowel obstruction, Case report, Prolapse, Surgery,  adjacent small bowel, mesentery, or omentum leading to
          Suture.                                             serosal injury, obstruction, or volvulus. Here, we report

          How to  cite this article: Tillou J, Eduardo  R, Nagle D,   three such cases of small bowel obstruction in the early
          Cataldo T, Li J, Lefevre R, Poylin V. Early Postoperative Small  postoperative period related to the use of V-loc™ sutures
          Bowel Obstruction associated with the use of V-loc™ Sutures   during minimally invasive POP surgery.
          during Surgery for Pelvic Organ Prolapse. World J Lap Surg
                                                              CASE REPORTS
          Source of support: Nil
                                                              Case 1
          Conflict of interest: None
                                                              A 53-year-old female with a 1-year history of full thick-
                                                              ness, reducible rectal prolapse underwent a robotic
           1,2 Resident,  Chief,  4,6,7 Surgeon,  Section Head  rectopexy. The rectopexy was performed using 2-0
           1-4,7 Division of Colon and Rectal Surgery, Beth Israel Deaconess   nonabsorbable V-loc™ sutures on both sides of the sacrum
           Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts, USA         at the level of S3, and the pelvic peritoneum was closed
           5 Divison of Urogynecology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical   in a running fashion using an additional absorbable
           Center, Boston, Massachusetts, USA                 2-0 V-loc™ stitch. On postoperative day number 25, she
                                                              presented with a several-day history of abdominal pain,
           6 Division of Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery
           Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston Massachusetts   distention, emesis, and failure to pass flatus. A computed
           USA                                                tomography (CT) scan was notable for a small bowel
           Corresponding Author: Vitaliy Poylin, Surgeon, Division of   obstruction with a transition point in the distal ileum at
           Colon and Rectal Surgery, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical   the level of the rectopexy (Fig. 1). She was subsequently
           Center, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Phone: +6176674159   taken for a diagnostic laparoscopy, which revealed an
                                                              adhesive band, entrapping the distal ileum, attached to
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