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                       Early Postoperative Small Bowel Obstruction associated with the use of V-loc Sutures during Surgery for POP

           Fig. 1: Small bowel obstruction with a transition point (arrow) in   Fig. 2: Adhesive band (arrow) entrapping the terminal ileum
                  the distal ileum at the level of the rectopexy             with V-loc™ suture nidus

           Fig. 3: After release of the adhesive band (arrow), the residual   Fig. 4: Transition point (arrow) in the mid-ileum at the level of
                           suture end is visible                                 the rectopexy

          the free end of the nonabsorbable V-loc™ suture on the  promontory (Fig. 4). Her symptoms resolved after several
          right side of the rectopexy. This band was divided and  days of bowel rest. She represented on postoperative day
          the V-loc™ was trimmed down to its base (Figs 2 and 3).  number 33 with recurrent abdominal distension and
          She was discharged home on postoperative day number  emesis. Repeat CT scan again demonstrated a small bowel
          4 after an uneventful postoperative course.         obstruction with a transition point in the distal ileum
                                                              at the level of the sacral promontory. She underwent a
          Case 2                                              diagnostic laparoscopy that demonstrated a 3-cm long
                                                              segment of the V-loc™ suture emanating from the apex
          A 57-year-old female underwent a robotic hysterectomy
          and sacro-cervicopexy for clinical Pelvic Organ Prolapse   of the pelvic peritoneal closure which had unfurled. This
          Quantification (POP-Q) stage III uterovaginal prolapse. A   elongated free end had penetrated the nearby small bowel
          Restorelle™ Y-mesh (Coloplast, MN, USA) was sutured   mesentery and subsequently formed an adhesion to the
          to the posterior wall of the vagina and secured to the   distal ileum. The remnant suture end was freed and was
          anterior longitudinal ligament at the level of the sacral   cut flush with the peritoneum until no stitch edge was
          promontory. The mesh was retroperitonealized by     visible. She was discharged home on postoperative day
          reapproximating the cut peritoneal edges over the mesh   number 2 after an unremarkable postoperative course.
          in a running fashion using an absorbable 2-0 V-loc™
          suture. She presented 7 days later with abdominal   Case 3
          distention, nausea, and vomiting. A CT scan revealed a  A 33-year-old female who underwent a redo robotic ven-
          transition point in the distal ileum at the level of the sacral  tral rectopexy with sacrohysteropexy for recurrent rectal
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2016;9(2):94-97                                 95
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