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                                 Short- and Long-term Effects of LSG on Body Weight and Glucose Homeostasis in Diabetic Patients
                                            Table 4: Pre- and postoperative mean FBG
                               Minimum     Maximum      Mean       SD         25th       Median (50th)    75th
           FBG 1 day pre       156         299          209.3      36.6       185.3      200.5            229.3
           FBG 1 day post      130         250          172.5      29         150.3      170              190
           FBG 3 months        99          169          125.6      16.7       115.0      123.0            139.3
           FBG 6 months        77          167          111.7      20.9       99.3       104.5            132.0
           FBG 9 months        73          137          105.0      18.3       90.5       103.0            119.8
           FBG 12 months       70          145          102.9      21.0       87.5       96.0             122.3
           SD: Standard deviation

                                              Table 5: Percentage changes of FBG
                                  Minimum     Maximum       Mean    SD           25th        Median (50th)    75th
           % FBG change 1      –43.5       –2.2          –16.8      10.3      –20.9       –16.4           –8.4
           % FBG change 2      –61.5         7.6         –38.1      14.1      –49.1       –38.6           –31.4
           % FBG change 3      –66.6       –0.6          –45.0      14.4      –56.8       –44.3           –39.0
           % FBG change 4      –69.8       –12.7         –48.6      12.0      –56.3       –50.0           –42.1
           % FBG change 5      –74.7       –8.9          –49.4      13.8      –58.7       –50.3           –42.8
           SD: Standard deviation

          (p < 0.001) and 6 months (p < 0.004) but nonsignificant       Table 6: Improvement of FBG by time
          declining at 9 months (p < 0.25) and 12 months (p = 1)   FBG   Mean ± SD     Step p-value     Global p-value
          as in Table 6.                                      1 day pre  209.3 ± 36.6             <0.001
             The mean postprandial blood glucose (PPBG) level   1 day post  172.5 ± 29  <0.001      HS
                                                              3 months
                                                                         125.6 ± 16.7
          was (280.7 ± 45.4) (216–406) mg/dL and postoperative   6 months  111.7 ± 20.9     0.004
          values were (240.3 ± 30.9) (201–301) mg/dL, (172.7 ± 37.4)   9 months  105.0 ± 18.3     0.25
          (106–270) mg/dL, (144.5 ± 30.7) (93–224) mg/dL, (133 ±   12 months  102.9 ± 21.0     1.0
          32) (92–214) mg/dL, and (128.5 ± 36.4) (91–231) mg/dL at   SD: Standard deviation; HS: Highly significant
          1 day and 3, 6, 9, and 12 months respectively, as in Table 7.  Postoperative improvement of glycated hemoglobin
             The postoperative levels of PPBG showed an improve-  levels was observed with a significant declining at 1
          ment with a significant declining at 1 day (p < 0.01) and  day (p < 0.001), 3 months (p < 0.001), 6 months (p < 0.001),
          3 (p < 0.001), 6 (p < 0.001), and 9 (p = 0.02) months but  9 months (p < 0.001) and nonsignificant at 12 months
          nonsignificant at 12 months (p = 1.0), as in Table 8.  (p = 0.16), as in Table 9.

                                             Table 7: Mean postprandial blood glucose
                                Minimum     Maximum       Mean        SD        25th      Median (50th)   75th
           PPBG 1 day pre       216         406           280.7       45.4      241       296.5           307
           PPBG 1 day post      201         301           240.3       30.9      217.5     229             260
           PPBG 3 months        106         270           172.7       37.4      144.5     170.0           198.3
           PPBG 6 months        93          224           144.5       30.7      125.8     138.5           155.0
           PPBG 9 months        92          214           133.0       32.0      111.3     128.5           139.3
           PPBG 12 months       91          231           128.5       36.4      105.0     116.5           135.8
           SD: Standard deviation

                    Table 8: Improvement of PPBG by time              Table 9: Improvement of HbA1C “H” by time
           PPBG         Mean ± SD         Step p-value     p-value  HbA1C “H”  Mean ± SD     Step p-value     p-value
           1 day pre    280.7 ± 45.4   –            <0.001    1 day pre     10.3 ± 0.9     …           <0.001
           1 day post   240.3 ± 30.9   <0.001         HS      1 day post    9.1 ± 0.9    <0.001          HS
                                                                            7.0 ± 0.8
                                                              3 months
           3 months     172.7 ± 37.4   <0.001                 6 months      6.3 ± 0.7    <0.001
           6 months     144.5 ± 30.7   <0.001                 9 months      6.0 ± 0.7      0.001
           9 months     133.0 ± 32.0     0.02                 12 months     5.8 ± 0.6      0.16
           12 months    128.5 ± 36.4     1.0                  SD: Standard deviation; HS: Highly significant; HbA1C: Glycated
           SD: Standard deviation; HS: Highly significant     hemoglobin
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, May-August 2017;10(2):45-50                                47
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