Page 4 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
P. 4

Mohamed Abdelmohsen, Hazem Badr
          almost eliminates the chance of anemia, osteoporosis   Pearson correlation coefficient (r) was calculated
          protein deficiency, and vitamin deficiency.  The aim of  to test the association between quantitative variables;
          this study is to assess the short- and long-term effects of  p-values ≤0.05 were considered significant.
          LSG on body weight and glucose homeostasis in morbidly
          obese diabetic patients.                            RESULTS

                                                              The study was conducted on 40 patients of morbid obesity
                                                              that had T2DM.
          This is a prospective study which was conducted on  Patient age: The mean age of the studied group was 38.8
          40 diabetic patients randomly selected suffering from  ± 7.0 years (25–50) as shown in Table 1.
          morbid obesity (BMI more than 35 kg/m ). Patients were  From the table, 45% of patients’ age ranged from 41 to
          managed by LSG in Al-Zahraa Hospital, Faculty of Medi-  50, 40% ranged from 31 to 40, and 15% ranged 20 to 30.
          cine for girls, Al-Azhar University, from January 2012 to  Patient gender: 77.5% of patients were women and 22.5%
          December 2015, to assess the short- and long-term effects  were men as in Table 2.
          of the procedure on glucose homeostasis.            Patient BMI: The BMI of patients were (35.0–39.9) 2.5%,
                                                              (40.0–44.9) 22.5%, (45.0–49.9) 32.5%, (50.0–54.9) 40%, and
          Operative Technique                                 (55.0–59.9) 2.5% as in Table 3.

          All operative procedures were performed laparoscopi-   Preoperatively, the mean fasting blood glucose (FBG)
          cally. The first step consists in opening the gastrocolic   level was (209.3 ± 36.6) (156–299) mg/dL and postopera-
          ligament attached to the stomach, usually starting 10 to     tively was (172.5 ± 29) (130–250) mg/dL, (125.6 ± 16.7)
          12 cm from the pylorus toward the lower pole of the   (99–169) mg/dL, (111.7 ± 20.9) (77–167) mg/dL, (105 ± 18.3)
          spleen. Then the gastric greater curvature is freed up to   (73–137) mg/dL, and (102.9 ± 21) (70–145) mg/dL at 1 day
          the cardioesophageal junction close to stomach. Meticu-  and 3, 6, 9, and 12 months respectively as in Table 4.
          lous dissection is performed at the angle of His with full   The mean percentage of FBG changes postopera-
          mobilization of the gastric fundus. The mobilization of   tively were (-16.8 ± 10.3)%, (-38.1 ± 14.1)%, (-45 ± 14.4)%,
          the stomach continues dissecting the greater gastric curve   (–48.6 ± 12)%, and (-49.4 ± 13.8)% at 1 day and 3, 6, 9, and
          toward the antrum up to 5 to 7 cm from the pylorus. At this   12 months respectively, as in Table 5.
          time a 36-Fr orogastric tube is inserted direct toward the   Postoperatively, the FBG levels were improved with
          pylorus, proximal to the lesser curvature of the stomach.   significant declining at one day (p < 0.001), 3 months
          Then, the stomach is resected with linear staplers paral-  Table 1: Age (range and mean) and age groups
          lel to orogastric tube along the lesser curve starting 5 to
          7 cm far from pylorus. The orogastric bougie is replaced                   Range            Mean ± SD
          by a nasogastric tube, i.e., positioned in the distal stomach   Age (years)  25–50          38.8 ± 7.0
                                                                                                      42.7 ± 6.3
          to perform a methylene blue test. The transection line is   Females        25–49            37.6 ± 6.9
          inspected to search blue positively. In case of negative test,   Age groups  n              %
          the resected stomach is removed by left midabdominal   20–30 years         6                15.0
          trocar usually without prolonging incision. The gastric   31–40 years      16               40.0
          residual volume ranged from 60 to 80 mL.            41–50 years            18               45.0
                                                              SD: Standard deviation
          Statistical Analysis

          Data were summarized using mean and standard devia-                Table 2: Sex distribution
          tion or median and percentile for quantitative variables                   Description
          and frequency and percentage for qualitative variables.  Sex               n                    %
             Relative % change was calculated to get the actual   Male               9                    22.5
          change in each time measure.                        Female                 31                   77.5
             Relative % change = [(postmeasure – premeasure)/
          premeasure] × 100                                                Table 3: The body mass index
             Comparison between groups was done using inde-   BMI pre                Frequency       Percentage
          pendent sample t-test for quantitative variables.   35.0–39.9              1               2.5
             Repeated measures analysis of variance test was   40.0–44.9             9               22.5
          conducted to compare different measures at different   45.0–49.9           13              32.5
          time situation with post hoc Bonferroni test for pairwise   50.0–54.9      16              40.0
          comparisons.                                        55.0–59.9              1               2.5
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9