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Total Laparoscopic Pancreaticoduodenectomy
                                                               Table 1: Frequency of pancreaticoenteric and pancreaticogastric
                                                                Anastomosis                        Frequency
                                                                Pancreaticojejunal (dunking)        8
                                                                Pancreaticojejucal (duct-to-mucosa)  14
                                                                Pancreaticogastric (dunking)       11

                                                               anastomosis. The site for pancreaticogastrostomy was marked
                                                               higher on the body of the stomach and anterior gastrotomy was
                                                               performed opposite to it. The pancreatic stump was brought inside
                                                               a smaller posterior gastrotomy so as to have a snug placement
                                                               of pancreas inside stomach which was sutured with continuous
                                                               sutures with 2.0 silk leaving at least 1 cm of pancreatic stump inside
                                                               the stomach. The anterior gastrotomy was closed with 2.0 silk in two
                                                               layers (Table 1). Gastrojejunal anastomosis was performed with 3.0
            Fig. 1: Port placement                             mersilk in two layers. The nasojejunal tube for feeding was placed
                                                               across the gastrojejunal anastomosis. Hemostasis was confirmed
            Procedure                                          and drains placed in Morrisons pouch and in pelvis. The port of
            A 10 mm port is inserted via an infraumbilical vertical incision   optical port was widened and the specimen extracted. Closure of
            for 30° laparoscope by open method (Fig. 1). After creation of   all ports and the infraumbilical incision was performed with non-
            pneumoperitoneum, the remaining ports (with little variation   absorbable sutures. Patients were extubated postoperatively and
            depending upon the height of the patient, contour of abdomen,   shifted to ICU for observation.
            and subcostal angle for ergonomic intracorporeal suturing) were
            inserted under vision and a thorough examination of the abdomen   perIoperAtIve cAre

            for metastasis on all visible peritoneal and visceral surfaces was
            performed. Gallbladder was held retracted superolaterally. The   All patients received epidural analgesia infusion for three days
            lesser sac was entered by making a window in the gastrocolic   postoperatively. Nasogastric tube was removed on postoperative
            ligament and the pancreas examined. The hepatic flexure of colon   day 1 and nasojejunal tube test feed was administered. A clear liquid
            was then mobilized. The duodenum was kocherized to identify the   diet was begun on postoperative day 3 and oral diet advanced as
            inferior vena cava and the aorta. Superior mesenteric vein (SMV)   tolerated. Abdominal drain was removed on postoperative day 5 if
            was traced and a plane created between the neck of pancreas   the output continued to be low volume and serous nature. Patients
            and the SMV. Lymphoareolar tissue in the lesser omentum and   received routine antibiotic cover and prophylactic anticoagulation
            the porta hepatis was dissected to identify the common hepatic   for deep venous thrombosis. Subcutaneous octreotide was
            artery and common bile duct and bared. The Calot’s triangle was   continued until patients were started on orals.
            dissected to identify the cystic artery and the duct, both clipped
            and cut. After dissecting the vessels of the lesser curvature of the
            stomach, distal one-third of the stomach was transected using   results
            Endo-GIA stapler. Gastroduodenal artery was identified and   Thirty-three patients were operated for total laparoscopic
            ligated after ruling out aberrant vascular anatomy. Pancreas was   pancreaticoduodenectomy with age of patients varying from
            transected at the junction of neck and body with ultrasonic shear.   45 to 67 years. There were 13 males and the average BMI of the study
            The duodenojejunal flexure was mobilized and the jejunum was   group was 28.3. Nine patients were diabetic and eight patients were
            divided 10–20 cm distal to it. The cut distal end of the proximal loop   smokers who had ceased when getting prepared for the surgery.
            was brought to the right below the mesenteric vessels. The head of   Eighteen patients had presented with cholangitis and were stented
            pancreas and the uncinate process were separated from the SMV   preoperatively. Eleven patients were preoperatively nutritionally
            with the help of ultrasonic and bipolar diathermy from caudal to   resuscitated with nasojejunal feeds. All patients were provided
            cranial with confirmation of hemostasis at every step. The dissection   with preoperative chest physiotherapy.
            cranially included the baring of the portal vein and of the common   Three patients with higher BMI required additional ports for
            bile duct up to the level of cystic duct clearing all lymphovascular   retraction which aided completion of the procedure laparoscopically.
            tissues. Common hepatic duct was transected above the level of   The final histopathological diagnosis was periampullary
            the insertion of cystic duct. In preoperatively stented patients, the   adenocarcinoma in 22 patients, distal cholangiocarcinoma in
            stent was removed and sent for culture. The gallbladder was not   11 patients. The resection margins were negative in all the patients
            disconnected from the hepatic bed as it is used as the retractor to   with an average lymph node retrieval rate of 12 nodes. There was
            visualize the hepatic duct. The specimen was bagged and parked on   no postoperative mortality (Table 2).
            side. The distal pancreas was dissected posteriorly from the SMV and   Postoperative complications noted in this study were
            the splenic vein for about 3 cm to facilitate anastomosis. The loop   hematemesis due to stress gastritis in two cases diagnosed with
            of the jejunum was brought retrocolic and hepaticodochojejunal   gastroscopy, superficial surgical site infection in two cases, and
            anastomosis was performed with PDS 4.0 continuous sutures first   grade A pancreatic fistula in three cases. All cases were managed
            placed posteriorly from medial to lateral followed by anterior   conservatively. The range of hospital stay for these patients was
            layer in a similar manner, which avoids purse string effect on the   8–19 days (longer stay for pancreatic fistula).

                                                        World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 13 Issue 2 (May–August 2020)  91
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