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TEP Novel Simulation Training improve surgeons skill dramatically
Thu - May 12, 2011 11:40 pm  |  Article Hits:5828  |  A+ | a-
TEP Novel Simulation Training improve surgeons skill dramatically
TEP Novel Simulation Training improve surgeons skill dramatically
Working out program has two elements: a cognitive component featuring Web-based PowerPoint presentations and videos together with assigned readings, and psychomotor training on a totally extraperitoneal inguinal herniorrhaphy (TEP) simulator, Dr. Benjamin Zendejas said in the annual meeting from the American Surgical Association. A key feature is that the skills training - with one instructor per resident - is conducted until mastery is attained, however long that can take. Only then does the resident start performing TEPs within the operating room under supervision, explained Dr. Zendejas of the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. He presented a study by which 50 general surgery residents performed set up a baseline TEP within the operating room, and then were randomized to the simulation-based training course or standard training.

The simulator was the Limbs & Things Ltd.’s TEP Guildford MATTU Hernia Trainer. Mastery was defined by the average 2 minutes required for five experienced instructors to carry out a TEP about the simulator. An average of roughly eight attempts was required for fifth-year residents to attain mastery about the simulator, compared with 26 for first-year residents. Within the operating room, the 50 residents performed 219 TEP repairs on 146 patients. Each repair was evaluated immediately afterward by two independent raters. The simulation-based training group outperformed residents have been trained in the standard fashion in most outcome measures, such as the key end point of operative time adjusted for the impact of supervising surgeon takeover for poorly performing trainees.

Surgeons play a vital role in the healthcare system by performing complex and life-saving procedures on patients. The surgical field is continuously evolving, and with the advancement of technology, surgeons need to stay up-to-date with the latest techniques and procedures. One of the most effective ways to improve surgical skills is through simulation training. Traditional simulation training using cadavers and animal models has been used for decades to teach surgical techniques, but these methods have their limitations. However, with the advent of technology, the new approach of using TEP (Touch, Eyes, and Procedural) novel simulation training has improved surgeons' skills dramatically, making it an innovative and indispensable tool in surgical training.

What is TEP Novel Simulation Training?

TEP Novel Simulation Training is a state-of-the-art surgical training method that uses advanced computer software and virtual reality technology to simulate surgical procedures. The technology allows surgeons to practice surgical procedures repeatedly in a safe and controlled environment, without putting real patients at risk. The TEP training platform uses a combination of haptic feedback, realistic 3D graphics, and dynamic simulations to replicate the surgical environment accurately.

The TEP training approach is based on the concept of "Touch, Eyes, and Procedural," which refers to the ability to touch the virtual objects, the ability to see them in a 3D environment, and the ability to perform procedures on them. This simulation training approach allows surgeons to learn and practice surgical skills in a safe and controlled environment, without the risks and limitations associated with traditional surgical training methods.

Benefits of TEP Novel Simulation Training

  1. Enhanced skill acquisition: The TEP Novel Simulation Training approach allows for a more efficient and effective transfer of skills compared to traditional training methods. Surgeons can practice and repeat procedures as many times as necessary until they achieve proficiency, resulting in better retention and faster acquisition of skills.

  2. Increased safety: With TEP Novel Simulation Training, surgeons can practice procedures without the risks associated with traditional training methods. This approach allows them to develop the necessary skills and gain experience before performing procedures on real patients.

  3. Cost-effective: TEP Novel Simulation Training can be less expensive than traditional training methods. This approach reduces the need for expensive cadavers, animal models, and operating room time. It also eliminates the costs associated with potential surgical errors and complications.

  4. Standardization: TEP Novel Simulation Training offers a standardized approach to surgical training, ensuring that all surgeons receive the same level of training and experience. It also allows for more objective assessment and evaluation of surgeons' skills and proficiency.

  5. Realistic simulation: The TEP Novel Simulation Training provides a realistic simulation of surgical procedures, including the anatomy and physiology of the patient, which enhances the realism of the training and prepares the surgeon better for real-life situations.

Examples of TEP Novel Simulation Training

  1. Laparoscopic Surgery: Laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that requires a high level of skill and precision. The TEP Novel Simulation Training approach allows surgeons to practice the procedure repeatedly until they achieve proficiency, reducing the risk of complications during the actual procedure.

  2. Robotic Surgery: Robotic surgery is a relatively new technology that requires specific skills and training. The TEP Novel Simulation Training approach can provide surgeons with the necessary skills and experience to perform robotic surgery safely and effectively.

  3. Endoscopic Surgery: Endoscopic surgery is a procedure that involves the use of a small camera and instruments inserted into the body through small incisions. The TEP Novel Simulation Training approach can help surgeons master the skills necessary to perform endoscopic surgery with precision and accuracy.


The TEP Novel Simulation Training is a revolutionary approach to surgical training that is transforming the way surgeons learn and practice surgical skills. The technology offers a safe, effective, and cost-effective way to improvesurgeons' skills, reducing the risks and limitations associated with traditional training methods. With TEP Novel Simulation Training, surgeons can practice procedures repeatedly until they achieve proficiency, resulting in better retention and faster acquisition of skills. The approach also allows for more objective assessment and evaluation of surgeons' skills and proficiency, ensuring that all surgeons receive the same level of training and experience.

TEP Novel Simulation Training is particularly useful for complex surgical procedures, such as laparoscopic, robotic, and endoscopic surgery. These procedures require a high level of skill and precision, and the TEP Novel Simulation Training approach can provide surgeons with the necessary skills and experience to perform them safely and effectively. The technology offers a realistic simulation of surgical procedures, including the anatomy and physiology of the patient, which enhances the realism of the training and prepares the surgeon better for real-life situations.

The benefits of TEP Novel Simulation Training extend beyond just improving surgeons' skills. The approach can also lead to better patient outcomes, as surgeons who have received TEP training are less likely to make errors during surgical procedures. TEP Novel Simulation Training can also help reduce healthcare costs by reducing the need for expensive cadavers, animal models, and operating room time, and eliminating the costs associated with potential surgical errors and complications.

In conclusion, TEP Novel Simulation Training is a game-changing approach to surgical training that has the potential to revolutionize the field of surgery. The technology offers a safe, effective, and cost-effective way to improve surgeons' skills and prepare them better for real-life situations. With TEP Novel Simulation Training, surgeons can acquire the necessary skills and experience to perform complex surgical procedures safely and effectively, leading to better patient outcomes and reduced healthcare costs.


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