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According to WHO: Nearly 20 to 40% of the Adult Population in India are Affected by Obesity
Fri - December 16, 2016 7:16 am  |  Article Hits:3792  |  A+ | a-
According to WHO: Nearly 20 to 40% of the Adult Population in India are Affected by Obesity
According to WHO: Nearly 20 to 40% of the Adult Population in India are Affected by Obesity
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), nearly 20 to 40% of the adult population and 10 to 20% of children in India are affected by obesity and as far Bariatric surgeries are concerned, only around 13000 are performed every year. This is just Medical records reveal that around 20% drop outs in Bariatric surgery cases happen because of financial problems. This simply means the EMI option for Bariatric surgery at interest-free rate will be a big help for those patients who are suffering from obesity and having issues regarding affordability.

Though there are many surgeries under Bariatric surgery, most commonly performed Bariatric surgeries are (also called Weight Loss Surgery): Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy, Laparoscopic Bypass and Mini Gastric bypass. While the three procedures are a little different and are suggested based on the patient's extent of obesity and lifestyle habits, the stomach size is reduced in all the cases, which in turn reduces the food intake and helps in weight loss. These laparoscopic scar less bariatric surgeries are extremely helpful in reducing and improving co-morbid conditions like diabetes and other weight related issues, however use of advanced technology and technique sometimes make the procedure expensive for the patient. 

Obesity is a growing health concern worldwide, and India is no exception. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), nearly 20 to 40% of the adult population in India are affected by obesity. This is a significant increase compared to previous decades and is a cause for concern. In this essay, we will explore the issue of obesity in India, its causes, and its impact on public health.

What is Obesity?

Obesity is a medical condition that is characterized by excessive body fat. It is defined by a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher. BMI is calculated by dividing a person's weight in kilograms by their height in meters squared.

Obesity is associated with various health risks, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. It is a growing concern worldwide, and its prevalence has increased significantly in recent years.

Obesity in India:

Obesity in India is a growing health concern. According to the WHO, nearly 20 to 40% of the adult population in India are affected by obesity. This is a significant increase compared to previous decades and is a cause for concern.

The prevalence of obesity in India is highest among urban populations, with a prevalence rate of 33%. The prevalence rate in rural populations is 19%. The prevalence of obesity is also higher among women than men, with a prevalence rate of 29% among women and 18% among men.

Causes of Obesity in India:

The causes of obesity in India are multifactorial, including genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. Some of the key factors contributing to obesity in India include:

Urbanization: The rapid urbanization of India has led to significant changes in lifestyle and dietary habits, contributing to an increase in obesity.

Sedentary Lifestyle: A sedentary lifestyle, characterized by a lack of physical activity, is a significant contributor to obesity in India. Many Indians have desk jobs that require little physical activity, leading to a sedentary lifestyle.

Western Diet: The adoption of a Western diet, high in calories, saturated fats, and sugars, is a significant contributor to obesity in India.

Genetics: Genetics also play a role in the development of obesity. Some individuals are genetically predisposed to obesity, making it more difficult to maintain a healthy weight.

Lack of Education: Lack of education about proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle habits is also a significant contributor to obesity in India.

Impact of Obesity on Public Health:

Obesity has a significant impact on public health, including increased healthcare costs and reduced quality of life. Obesity is associated with various health risks, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer.

Obesity also has a significant economic impact, with increased healthcare costs and lost productivity. The economic burden of obesity in India is estimated to be around $10 billion annually.

Moreover, obesity also affects mental health, leading to low self-esteem, depression, and anxiety. Obesity can also impact social relationships, leading to social isolation and reduced quality of life.

Prevention and Management of Obesity:

Prevention and management of obesity require a multifaceted approach, including changes in lifestyle, dietary habits, and public health policy. Some of the key strategies for preventing and managing obesity in India include:

Lifestyle Changes: Lifestyle changes, including increased physical activity and a healthy diet, are essential for preventing and managing obesity.

Public Health Policy: Public health policy can play a significant role in preventing and managing obesity. Policies can include measures to increase physical activity, improve nutrition, and reduce the availability of unhealthy foods.

Education and Awareness: Education and awareness about proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle habits are essential for preventing and managing obesity.

Medical Interventions: Medical interventions, including bariatric surgery, can also be used in the management of obesity in severe cases.

Community Programs: Community programs can also play a significant role in preventing and managing obesity. Programs that promote physical activity and healthy eating habits can be effective in preventing and managing obesity.

Moreover, it is essential to address the cultural and social norms that contribute to obesity in India. Cultural factors, such as the preference for larger body sizes and the celebration of food, can contribute to obesity. Addressing these cultural factors and promoting a culture of health and wellness can be effective in preventing and managing obesity.

It is also essential to note that obesity is not just a problem in India but is a global health concern. According to the WHO, obesity has nearly tripled worldwide since 1975, with over 650 million adults affected. Obesity is not only a concern for developed countries but also for developing countries, with obesity rates increasing in low- and middle-income countries.

The prevalence of obesity in India is particularly concerning due to its impact on public health and economic burden. The economic burden of obesity in India is estimated to be around $10 billion annually, highlighting the need for effective prevention and management strategies.

Moreover, obesity is also a significant risk factor for COVID-19. Individuals with obesity are at increased risk of severe illness and hospitalization from COVID-19, highlighting the need to address the issue of obesity to improve public health outcomes.


Obesity is a growing health concern in India, with nearly 20 to 40% of the adult population affected. The causes of obesity are multifactorial, including genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. Obesity has a significant impact on public health, including increased healthcare costs and reduced quality of life.

Prevention and management of obesity require a multifaceted approach, including changes in lifestyle, dietary habits, and public health policy. Lifestyle changes, education and awareness, medical interventions, and community programs are essential for preventing and managing obesity.

Addressing the cultural and social norms that contribute to obesity is also crucial in preventing and managing obesity. Promoting a culture of health and wellness can be effective in preventing and managing obesity in India. With a comprehensive approach and continued efforts, we can address the issue of obesity in India and improve public health outcomes.


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