Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery


da Vinci Robotic Cardiac Surgery


Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery is considered as MICS CABG that is Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery/Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting or The McGinn Technique. This is basically a heart surgery in which many small clefts and incisions are occurred rather than of the conventional open heart suregery which needs a median sternotomy procedure like a surgical procedure for heart and lungs that is heart transplant, corrective surgery for congenital heart defects (CHDs), or coronary artery bypass surgery in which vertical inline clefts are made with the sternum, after that the sternum is cleaved.

MICS CABG is usually carried out under direct vision by an aterolateral mini-thoracotomy as it is a beating-heart multi-vessel procedure. This surgery is recommended by the surgeons and patients as it has fewer chances of post operative complications, healing process is rapid and other risks like infections are very less. This procedure can be done for the patients who have Coronary Artery Disease (CAD); Triple Vessel Disease with median to large posterior descending artery (PDA); or former unsuccessful stenting.

Robotically assisted heart surgery:

Robotically assisted heart surgery is also known as closed-chest heart surgery, is a form of minimally invasive surgery. The cardiac surgeon makes use of a distinctively created computer player to manage operation instruments on delicate robotic arms. Robotically assisted technology makes it possible for surgeons to work on particular varieties of intricate heart surgeries with smaller size clefts and specific motion control, providing patients fantastic results. In robotic surgery, tiny incisions which are considerably less than 2 inches are mainly utilized, in contrast with the 3- to 4- inch incision applied in conventional minimally invasive heart surgery.

Advantages of Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery:

The advantages of minimally Invasive and robotic heart surgery approaches consist of:

  • Tiny clefts
  • Tiny scarring

Different possible advantages occasionally include:

  • The hospital stay is less after the minimally invasive surgery, approximately 3 to 5 days whereas, conventional heart surgery requires 7 to 10 days stay.
  • The dangers of bleeding and blood transfusion rates are very reduced.
  • Faster medical center keep immediately after surgery: The average keep will be less than 6 nights immediately after minimally unpleasant surgery, while average keep immediately after standard center surgery will be 7 for you to 10 nights
  • Healing time is rapid and swifter get back to regular work and ventures. 1 to 4 weeks are average time required by minimally invasive surgery after treatment where as 6 to 8 weeks for conventional heart surgery. While the healing time is lesser for the patients which go through the robotic heart surgery.
  • Sternum cleavage is not required by the robotically assisted heart surgery.

Most patients are not a candidate regarding these kinds of operative approaches. The cardiac surgeon will probably evaluate the final results of the diagnostic tests just before your current scheduled course to find out for anyone who is a candidate regarding minimally invasive surgery. This surgical crew will thoroughly evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of minimally invasive approaches as opposed to conventional surgery approaches.

  • Dramatic reduction in pain
  • Reduced ICU and hospital stay
  • Improved postoperative pulmonary function
  • Accelerated recovery/return to activity
  • Improved quality of life
  • Greatly improved cosmetic result

Alternative to traditional surgery:

Minimally invasive heart surgery has been applied as an alternative to traditional surgery for the following procedures:

  • Mitral Valve Repair and Replacement
  • Aortic Valve Replacement
  • Atrial Septal Defects
  • Coronary Artery Bypass

Minimally invasive heart surgery procedures are a secure and precisely feasible approach for carrying out a broad array of intricate heart procedures, such as single or multiple heart valve procedures, bypass surgery, congenital heart repairs that requires a reduces time period to stay at hospitals after surgery and has less pain reduction. Standard open heart surgery typically requires exposure of the heart and its vessels through median sternotomy, considered one of the most invasive and traumatic aspects of open-chest cardiac surgery. A minimally invasive approach allows surgeon to access to the heart through small incisions and without stopping the heart, means it can be performed on beating heart or separating the sternum and ribcage, or requiring a heart-lung machine to be used.

Minimal Access Cardiac Surgery is applicable towards the broadest variety of complex cardiac cases. Endovascular delivery of CPB offers an unobstructed field of vision, in which surgeons can safely turn, manipulate and open the heart. Thus, port-access procedures are widely-used safely to complete multi-vessel bypass, involving all coronary arteries, and repair or replace diseased heart valves. For mitral valve repair or replacement procedures, surgeons see that the port-access approach provides access finer quality than that achieved in traditional open-chest surgery.


The present minimally invasive technology's higher level flexibility and precision have allowed Cardiac surgeons to actually perform difficult cases involving both multi-vessel bypass, mitral valve repair and multi-valve operations. Minimally invasive technology also is used to mend congenital heart defects. Additionally, the noninvasive approach does apply for aortic valve replacement, specially in elderly patients, which is well suited for patients who have had prior valve procedures.

World Laparoscopy Hospital, Cyber City, DLF Phase II, Gurugram, NCR Delhi, 122 002, India
For Training: +919811416838
For Treatment: +919811912768
For General Enquiry: +91(0)124 - 2351555

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