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Members-Only RSS Feeds

Members-Only RSS Feeds Now Using HTTP Authentication

Starting today, there's a small change in the way this site's members-only RSS feeds are handled: access to them now requires authentication. There are two such feeds: one containing the full content of every regular article we publish, and one for our  link log.

The regular free RSS fee for this website which contains a brief summary of each article, is unaffected by these changes.

Previously, the members-only status for these feeds was enforced by way of membership keys - 9-character tokens placed at the end of the feed URL. For example, if your key was "123456789", the URL you could use to subscribe to the full-content RSS feed was:

The first time you refresh after changing your subscription URLs to the above, your aggregator should prompt you for a username and password. You only have to enter this info once. Your username is the email address you used when you signed up for your World Laparoscopy Hospital membership.

That's it.

Important: If you're using an aggregator that doesn't prompt you for a username and password you can still subscribe to these feeds, but to do so, you need to put your authentication credentials in the URL, in the following format:

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