Laparoscopic Splenectomy Surgery


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There are many explanations why a spleen might need to be removed, and the following list, though not every inclusive, includes the most typical reasons. The most common reason is really a condition called idiopathic (unknown cause) thrombocytopenia (low platelets) purpura (ITP).

Platelets are blood cells which help is blood clotting. Hemolytic anemia (a disorder that stops working red blood cells) takes a spleen removal to avoid or slow up the need for transfusion. Also, hereditary (genetic) conditions that modify the form of red blood cells, conditions referred to as spherocystosis, sickle cell disease or thalassemia, may need splenectomy.

Often patients with cancers from the cells which fight infection, known as lymphoma or certain kinds of leukemia, require spleen removal. Once the spleen gets enlarged, it sometimes removes a lot of platelets out of your blood and has to be removed. Sometimes the spleen is removed to diagnose or treat a tumor. Sometimes the circulation to the spleen becomes blocked (infarct) or even the artery abnormally expands (aneurysm) and also the spleen must be removed.

The spleen is really a blood filled organ located in the upper left abdominal cavity. It's a storage organ for red blood cells and contains many specialized white blood cells called “macrophages” (disease fighting cells) which act to filter blood. The spleen is part from the immune system and also removes old and damaged blood particles from your system. The spleen helps your body identify and kill bacteria. The spleen can impact the platelet count, the red blood cell count as well as the white blood count.

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