Laparoscopic Splenectomy

Master Classes From World Laparoscopy Hospital

A laparoscopic splenectomy is a form of surgery used to get rid of the spleen. Anecdotal reports of splenectomy date back to the 16th century and by 1920 operative mortality rates of about 10% had been reported by Mayo Clinic on splenectomy. Numerous case reports, case series and comparative studies have repeatedly established the safety (mortality rates <1%) and efficacy of this technique. Indeed, for most elective normal size spleens it is now considered standard of care. A laparoscope is a small device which is used. To allow the insertion of the laparoscope and surgical instruments small incisions are made. Attached to the laparoscope is a special tiny TV camera.

This presentation explain Laparoscopic Splenectomy. The patient will be placed under general anesthesia and a cannula is placed into the abdomen by surgeon and abdomen will be inflated with carbon dioxide gas to create a space to operate. Most patients can have a laparoscopic splenectomy. Though the experience of the surgeon is the biggest factor in a successful outcome, the size of the spleen is the most important determinant in deciding whether the spleen can be removed laparoscopically. When the size of the spleen is extremely large, it is difficult to perform the laparoscopic technique. Sometimes, plugging the artery to the spleen right before surgery using special X-ray technology can shrink the spleen to allow the laparoscopic technique.

Nevertheless, knowledge of appropriate indications is required in this technique, as well as advanced technical skills. The spleen is removed by the surgeons while looking at a magnified view of the spleen and surrounding areas on a monitor. In laparoscopic splenectomy shorter hospital stay is required, there is less pain after surgery, have less scarring and faster healing than traditional surgery. There is minimal risk of damage to surrounding structures with a laparoscopic splenectomy.


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