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Secure Site: SSL Certificates by Geotrust

Product Description

Secure Site SSL Certificates protect the transfer of sensitive data on Web sites, intranets, and extranets using a minimum of 40-bit and up to 256-bit encryption. Includes a $100,000 warranty and the Geotrust Secured™ Seal.

All the transaction of is on the secured area.

World Laparoscopy Hospital - India

How can I tell if a web page is secured?

There are two general indications of a secured web page:

1) Check the web page URL

Normally, when browsing the web, the URLs (web page addresses) begin with the letters "http". However, over a secure connection the address displayed should begin with "https" - note the "s" at the end.

2) Check for the "Lock" icon

There is a de facto standard among web browsers to display a "lock" icon somewhere in the window of the browser (NOT in the web page display area!) For example, Microsoft Internet Explorer displays the lock icon in the lower-right of the browser window:

ie lock

As another example, Mozilla's FireFox Web Browser displays the lock icon in the lower-left corner:

mozff lock

THE LOCK ICON IS NOT JUST A PICTURE! Click (or double-click) on it to see details of the site's security. This is important to know because somefraudulent websites are built with a bar at the bottom of the web page to imitate the lock icon of your browser!Therefore it is necessary to test the functionality built into this lock icon. Furthermore, it is very important to KNOW YOUR BROWSER! Check your browser's help file or contact the makers of your browser softwareif you are unsure how to use this functionality.

If everything looks good, the company or individual(s) running that web site have provided you with a safe means of communicating your sensitive information. Theweb pageis "secure".

Anytime a web page asks you for sensitive information, you need to be able to identify if the page is secure or not. The ability to recognize a secure web connection is extremely important as online fraud cases have increased substantially from year to year. This FAQ is intended to guide you to safer online shopping.

What exactly do we mean by "secure"?

Anytime you view a web site information is sent from your computer to the web server and from the web server to your computer. The transmission of this information is normally sent in "plain text", meaning anyone would be able to read it should they see it. Now consider this. Each piece of information transmitted traverses many computers (servers) to reach its destination.

SSL uses a complex system of key exchanges between your browser and the server you are communicating with in order to encrypt the data before transmitting it across the web. A web page with an active SSL session is what we mean when we say a web page is "secure".


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