India as destination of Laparoscopic Medical Tourism

India and Medical Tourism:

People from the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom usually aim for Asian countries when getting medical treatment for a variety of reasons. Asians are known to be very kind, accommodating and friendly. Asian nations are also widely popular for their unique and colorful culture, so you get to learn a lot from your trip. Finally, the technologies and practices in these countries are now considered globally competitive and safe.

Going to India

Medical tourism in India experiences a yearly growth rate of about 30%. By 2012, experts estimate the revenues brought in by the industry will reach about $2 billion. Some of the reasons why foreigners go to India include the very low cost of medical treatment, the very rich culture, historical and religious landmarks and the availability of modern medical technologies and equipment.

At present, infrastructures in India is not that many, but the cost of treatment in India is only around 10% of the cost you expect to pay in America or the United Kingdom. Some of the most popular treatments that visitors go for include cardiac bypass surgery, alternative medicine, eye surgery, hip resurfacing, heart surgery, orthopedic surgery and bone marrow transplant.

The health capital of India is Chennai, located at the southern region. The city brings in around 45% of medical tourists from other nations and about 40% from local places. Other medical tourism hotspots in India are Mangalore and New Delhi.

More Asian Countries

Malaysia is one of the newest favorites of medical tourists. Some of the advantages of visiting the country include the availability of top quality hospitals, experienced and well-trained medical staff and English being widely spoken throughout the main cities. Malaysia also has a very active association that aims to develop medical tourism. There is a national accreditation scheme as well. A lot of the hospitals aim to become dually accredited in a few years.

The Philippines is known for having very qualified doctors and dentists. A number of medical institutions are already accredited by JCI. Expect treatment to be only a fraction of the cost you pay for in the States. Some of the popular procedures done in the country include dental work, plastic surgery and heart surgery.

Medical Tourism: The Procedure

Before you go to another country to receive treatment, it is important that you understand all the details of the trip first. The information you obtain should entail all the procedures to be done, as well as all the institutions and medical experts included in your care. This will ensure that you only get the highest quality treatment and that you stay protected against possible scams and other errors. Here is the typical process of medical tourism.

The Process

A provider of medical tourism should be consulted initially by patients looking for medical attention overseas. The patient should give complete medical reports, such as the local doctor's diagnosis and recommendations, current condition, current ailment, medical background and other pertinent data. Certified consultants and medical experts will then advise the patient on which medical treatment is right for the problem.

The patient should also be informed about the details of the trip, such as the tourist destinations, estimated costs of care, hospitals and medical institutions included and the duration of the stay. The patient will be provided with recommendation letters to obtain a medical visa. After the patient signs agreements and consent bonds, the embassy will procure the documents and finalize the visa and passport for travel.

The provider will appoint a case executive to handle the patient once he reaches the country abroad. The provider will manage items like accommodations, transportation, tours and treatment. The patient can choose to stay longer abroad or immediately return home after treatment, depending on the doctor's recommendations.

Finding the Organizations

The Trent International Accreditation Scheme is the main body handling standards of care in the United Kingdom and Hongkong, while the Joint Commission International (JCI) is responsible for monitoring health care standards and providers in the United States. It is important that the patient is informed about the involved medical institutions handling his case. The type of scheme may differ in terms of size, cost and intensity of marketing. Dual accreditation is also available in some very competent agencies.

Laws and Regulations

The patient should be informed about the various laws and regulations regarding his care and the procedure to be done. For example, fertility clinics or in-vitro fertilization are not allowed or are strictly regulated in some countries. The patient may choose to travel abroad to take advantage of some lenient policies. He should also be informed about other related stipulations once he returns to the United States or the UK. Patients should also be informed about current epidemics and other high risk nations that still harbour infectious diseases, such as malaria, TB and HIV.

Patients in the end have the final say as to the type of care they wish to receive, as well as the institution they choose to deal with. The patient has the right to refuse treatment. Patients can also stay longer if they want to extend their vacation. These individuals should be informed about the different risks and possible complications involved in the medical procedure to be done. Follow-up treatment can be done back in their home country.

nsurance and Medical Tourism

A lot of people are wondering if their current insurance policy can cover medical tourism packages. You should know that some individuals have fallen prey to dishonest individuals who promise quality treatment and accommodations but are truly only interested in getting their cash quickly. Others experienced worse by being treated by doctors who are not truly experienced or qualified to perform different procedures and surgeries. Here are tips.

For Medical Tourism Operators

If facilitators are sued by the patient for negligent acts or unintentional misrepresentation of data, a policy regarding professional liability policy will then include the amount lawfully needed to be reimbursed by the facilitator, plus the costs for defense. The policy can be fixed to cover intellectual property, claims against the patient who has the insurance from actions of agents, consultants and sub-contractors, loss of documents, breach of confidential data, libel and slander and joint venture liability.

Personal accident insurance for operators of medical tourism is also available. This is the personal accident coverage that provides a pre-agreed amount, should the medical tourist become disabled permanently or dies during the medical tour or vacation. The compensation will be given immediately and can save beneficiaries from having to go through long and expensive litigation procedures.

The policy can be fixed to cover evacuation and repatriation, dismemberment or accidental death resulting from a medical process, permanent incapacitation because of medical procedure and hospitalization and medical expenses coming from the accident.

Availability of Insurance

Because of the widespread growth of medical tourism, insurance policies are now being made specifically for the tourists. Complications after the treatment can be paid for abroad or as soon as the patient returns home. The financial investment can also be protected. Coverage can range anywhere between $10,000 up to $100,000, while abroad and once the person returns home. Should you cancel your trip, you can get coverage up to $50,000. The traveling companion also gets benefits, such as travel accommodations. You will be covered including the amount that is non-refundable due to the medical hospital.

Medical evacuation coverage can reach up to $100,000. Acute diseases and injuries you acquire during the trip can be covered by insurance as well amounting up to $50,000.

Getting Serious

Majority of the tourists going abroad for treatment are not actually covered by the new available insurance policies. They will have to talk to agencies like Medicaid to look for relief and other answers if they go through bad experiences. Medical tourists do not usually go to other countries to get very serious operations, but only opt for more doable ones with fewer complications like plastic or cosmetic surgery.

If patients leave their home country to get very major operations abroad, they might secure an insurance policy, plus ask for accreditation from the medical institution they are visiting. They should also make sure that the attending physician and surgeon are fully competent and qualified for the procedure. The coverage of insurance will depend on the premium or package acquired and the condition of the patient.

Medical Tourism: Things to Check When Traveling

When traveling to another country to get medical treatment, it is important that you make the necessary preparations first to stay safe and healthy. Recovery is essential, so stay away from stress by having all your things ready. Planning and making reservations early will help you eliminate other troubles and let you enjoy your vacation fully. Before you go to any new country, learn a few things first and find out what to expect during your visit.

What's Your Reason?

Determine your primary reason for needing to go abroad to seek medical treatment. First of all, you have to consider your medical reason. Are you going to get plastic surgery? Do you have heart or liver problems? Are you only going for dental work? Do you have life-threatening disease? Do you need to have an organ replaced? Some countries are known to be experts at specific procedures, so eye on these destinations to ensure that you are dealing with competent and well-trained staff and institutions.

Some people also wish to go abroad to seek medical treatment because of the cheaper rates and the opportunity to learn more about unique cultures and religious practices. Compare prices between countries. In Asia you get to pay anywhere between 25% and 75% less than what you expect in the United States or United Kingdom. Also study the different countries and try to go to places you've always dreamed of visiting like Thailand, China or the Philippines.

Getting Screened

You need to go through a full physical assessment and have diagnostic tests first before going abroad. Your condition can get worse or you may develop complications from traveling or staying cramped in an airplane for several hours. Some of the known complications include clogged blood vessels, immobility and severe headache. Get two or more doctors to screen you completely and give you the thumbs up to travel to other parts of the globe before booking your ticket. Some patients are not allowed to travel unless they display normal health levels. Some of the things your doctor will check include your blood pressure, breathing, heart rate, mental ability and other physical signs.

Making Reservations

Before choosing any medical institution, make sure that it is accredited with the known agencies, such as JCI and Trent. Other national accreditations will also help, to ensure that you are only dealing with legitimate and experienced medical doctors. Also find out more about the hospital and check if they have the latest technology and equipment when dealing with your case. You can talk to a travel agent to help you book hostel of World Laparoscopy Hospital reservations and other trip plans to vacation comfortably before and after the medical procedure.

Finalize all the details such as mode of transportation once you arrive, tour schedules and dining places. It is recommended that you bring at least one other person with you during your medical tour to ensure that you stay safe and healthy. Stay abroad for 3 to 10 days more after the scheduled day of treatment so that you can recuperate fully and avoid complications post-operation. A vehicle should be made ready for you once you get to the airport and at the hospital or hostel of World Laparoscopy Hospital before and after the procedure.

Research more about the place you are visiting and bring the necessary items such as an alarm clock, medications, a cellular phone or your laptop, maps and money or credit cards. You might need to learn a few foreign lines to know your way around and communicate well with the locals.

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