Discussion in 'All Categories' started by sv dalvi - Nov 21st, 2011 10:46 pm. | |
![]() sv dalvi
age 38yr one issue,age 11yr child usg report -uterus bulky post wall fundal fibroid of4*5cm,2*3cm,2*2cm both ovaries normal |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Dr JS Chauhan -
Nov 23rd, 2011
10:48 pm
![]() Dr JS Chauhan
Dear Mrs Dalvi Posterior wall fundal fibroid can be removed by laparoscopic surgery. The word fundus describes the upper area of the uterus, thus fundal fibroid indicates a tumor for the reason that particular area. However, this kind of tumor is usually benign and no reason to panic at all- it can generally be removed surgically and does not reoccur. Cells of a benign tumor do not spread and attack other areas from the body and therefore are therefore absolutely nothing to be worried about. Only in extremely rare cases have tumors of the kind been a life-threatening condition. Generally spoken, fibroids are benign and exist in uterus muscles. Women at risk are often those in childbearing age. Fibroids seldom cause any symptoms and while they are harmless they should be observed by a Gynecologist regularly. In some instances the fundal fibroid could be situated in a way that causes vaginal bleeding, excessive vaginal fluids or increased urination. The fibroid might be relaxing in wherein puts pressure on other organs or is simply very large. In these instances, the fundal fibroid should be removed to prevent any bleeding or disturbing growth. Fibroids can actually shrink or completely disappear throughout the menopause. Fibroids in many cases are discovered randomly, especially when no symptoms can be found. Based on its size, growing speed and position, a fibroid usually stays undiscovered or untreated for quite some time. One out of three women in childbearing age may have a fibroid or similar kind of myoma. The reason why fibroids and fundal fibroids appear remains unknown. Researchers think that to enable pregnancy, women in childbearing age develop souped up that triggers growth. Actually, the growth of any type of benign tumor is strongly connected to the ovary function and the level of estrogens. This is the reason why very girls and women who've gone through their menopause usually do not experience any fibroids. Please do not hesitate if you have any further query. With regards JS Chauhan |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Mrs Balu -
Apr 19th, 2012
5:42 am
![]() Mrs Balu
I have 4.5cm,3.8cm fibroid on posterior wall myometrial uterus,I have heavy bleeding and the duration between periods nearly 15 days. last period was April 4 and now April 19 kindly suggest treatments for me. |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by ritu pruthi -
Jul 16th, 2012
8:04 am
![]() ritu pruthi
i am 40 years old.i have 15mm fibroid in left/posterior myometrium. i have bulky uterus-measures 85mm*70mm*60mm.should it be treated by medicines or surgically. Dear Pruthi It should be treated by surgery if you have any symptom. Otherwise just forget it as it will resolve itself after menopause. |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by nl chandak -
Jul 28th, 2012
5:05 am
![]() nl chandak
dear sir, my friend having the problem of intramural fibroid in posterior wall of uterus,intramural fibroid in posterior wall of uterus |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by nl chandak -
Jul 28th, 2012
5:51 am
![]() nl chandak
the uterus seen enlarge in all diametric there are three ornicircular hypecilic focee seen in post part of uterus measuring 4.77,4.21 and 3.3 cm in diameter and they seem to be closed each other to make big focus appox, 8.42 x 7.58 |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by sathya -
Aug 11th, 2012
1:52 am
![]() sathya
i'm 21 yrs old unmarried,i've a cyst(present in uterus) in posterior myometrium its size 1.0 x 1.2 cms...will it affect me???also i'm havin delays in periods??is this due to the presence of that cyst?pls send a reply.... Dear Sathiya Generally these size of small cyst should not harm you although if you will send us your ultrasound report then we can give you some better advice. It could really be fibroid and there are many types of fibroids which we can actually determine after seeing the film of USG. With regards M.K. Gupta |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Norina Cariaso -
Sep 7th, 2012
3:54 am
![]() Norina Cariaso
I am 39 y/o from the Philippines I have a Posterior fundal intramural uterine myoma.4cm.no bleeding regular menstrual period lower back pain sometimeesp.during UTI found but tolerable. Isthere any medication without surgery or do i have to go surgery to remove my uterus.but when I had my cesarian section during surgery i had hig spinal is there any possibility that whenever I had a major surgery to experience again the high spinal.ty. |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by jyotsna -
Sep 17th, 2012
12:19 am
![]() jyotsna
14mm & 9mm & 10mm sized fibroid seen in posterior myometrium of body of uterus.Request medical advice for further medical treatment. |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by fatimah -
Sep 24th, 2012
6:50 am
![]() fatimah
Please what is fibroid located at the myomaterial wall of the uterus called?thnks Dear Fatimah It is called Intramural Fibroid. With regards Sadhana |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Tintu -
Oct 24th, 2012
5:29 am
![]() Tintu
I have toomuch pain during menses and wt-72kg,ht153cm,age 27yrs.I have posterior myometrium fibroid of size 21*21mm in uterus.sometimes pain in lower abdomen in walking sitting aiso. Which treatment will do (surgical/medication?And please reply for complication for pregnancy in my condition.What can be do now? |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by chinchu -
Oct 24th, 2012
5:34 am
![]() chinchu
I have toomuch pain during menses and wt-72kg,ht153cm,age 27yrs.I have posterior myometrium fibroid of size 21*21mm in uterus.sometimes pain in lower abdomen in walking sitting aiso. Which treatment will do (surgical/medication?And please reply for complication for pregnancy in my condition.What can be do now? |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Ayope -
Dec 3rd, 2012
7:32 am
![]() Ayope
am 33 and below is my recent pelvic ultra sound scan multiple intramural myoma viz -34mm/40mm, 35mm/38mm, 50mm/49mm, 34mm/30mm. the endometrial plate is obscured by the myoma masses. a simple left ovarian cyst with internal echoes (71mm/62mm) is demonstrated. what is best medical option for treating these. |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by faeza daud -
Mar 26th, 2013
11:31 am
![]() faeza daud
i have 3 fibroids on my posterior wall of uteris.suggest me what should i doothe .one fibroid is of 9.4cm rs r 3.6 and 2.4.i have 2 kids.my age is 28 years. |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by sonli dash -
Apr 11th, 2013
9:38 am
![]() sonli dash
uterus is bulky in size measures (9.8*5.3*6.7 cm)and shows multiple round to oval focal lesions involving the anterior and posterior myometrium measuring and appearing iso-intense on T1WI & hypointense on T2WI,largest located in anterior myometrium measuring 25.4(AP)*21(TR)*25.7(CC) mm & posterior myometrium measuring 11.9 (AP) *11.3(TR) * 12.8 (CC) mm respectively .The endometrial thickness is 8mm. The junction and vascular zones are normal .The serosal layer is normal Few nabothian cysts are are seen in cervical region Right ovary measures 21*23*39mm. |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by geeta -
Apr 25th, 2013
7:25 am
![]() geeta
i have a small intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium 8*9 mm. will it affect my pregnancy. Dear Geeta That much small fibroid if not pressing the uterine cavity will not affect your pregnancy. |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Remi -
May 30th, 2013
5:07 am
![]() Remi
Can fibroid located at the posterior myometerial plate cause infertility. Fibroid of 3 cm in diameter. Thanks Dear Remi, Generally fibroid which will not involve cavity is not a cause of infertility. With regard Sadhana |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Fatty -
Sep 11th, 2013
8:48 pm
![]() Fatty
I have fibroid 2 rounded fibroid in the posterior segment of the myometrium of 3.1 cm and 5.5 cm.can this cause infertility as I'm trying to conceive and I'm 38 years old. thanks Dear Fatty That much small fibroid if not displacing the uterine cavity, It should not be a cause of infertility. However, If it is required, It can be safely removed by laparoscopic Myomectomy surgery. You should consult a good Infertility specialist. With regard Sadhana |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by fatty -
Sep 13th, 2013
6:06 pm
![]() fatty
Thanks so much for your response. what if intramural fibroid are demonstrated on the anterior and posterior segment measuring 3.1 and 5.5 cm the anterior uterine segment displacing the endometrial plate posteriorly. pls can this cause infertility. thank you and God bless. Dear Fatty If fibroid is displacing the endometrial cavity then it can do the infertility and it may be necessary to remove it laparoscopically. With regard Sadhana |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by TT. -
Sep 14th, 2013
12:04 pm
![]() TT.
Dear,pls how big is fibriod of 5.1 cm.how many inches is it and is it has big as golf ball.I want to knw how big my fibriod of 5.1 cm,3.1 cm,4.7 cm.thnks Your guess is correct. It is of size of a cricket ball but it can be removed easily by laparoscopic surgery. |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Mrs O -
Nov 25th, 2013
8:14 pm
![]() Mrs O
Hi pls I have been married and ttc for a few years. Got pregy in dec 2012 but lost it at 23weeks it was a twin pregnancy. Found out I had fibriods during antenatal check as at the time of miscarriage they were fundal 118*98mm , anterior 55*56mm and 33*31mm pls what do you advice. |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Diana bigabwa -
Mar 20th, 2014
9:10 am
![]() Diana bigabwa
I have intramural fibriods and the biggest is (57.6 *51.8)mm in the fundus of the uterus and l have a twin pregnancy will it be affected now it is 5weeks. Dear Diana Bigabwa The fibroids will not affect your pregnancy.Rather during the pregnancy they will not even grow bigger.Keep visiting your Gynaecologist regularly. Thanks With Regards Dr J S Chowhan World Laparoscopy Hospital Cyber City, DLF Phase II, Gurgaon, NCR Delhi, 122 002, India PHONES: For Training: +91(0)9540993399, 9999677788 For Treatment: +91(0)9540994499 For General Enquiry: +91(0)124 - 2351555 Email: contact@laparoscopyhospital.com |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Remi -
May 8th, 2014
5:42 pm
![]() Remi
Dear Sir Goodday pls what is the meaning of multiple itramural fibroid of 35mm in diameter and what is the implication on fertility.thank Dear Remi Fibroid or Myoma are benign tumours of the uterus and can be intramural,submucous or subserous in location.Intramural and submucous fibroid can impinge or obliterate the endometrial cavity and can cause infertility.In such cases the fibroids are removed surgically.The size of the fibroid is generally noted in mm (millimeter) or in centimeters. Thanks With Regards Dr J S Chowhan World Laparoscopy Hospital Cyber City, DLF Phase II, Gurgaon, NCR Delhi, 122 002, India PHONES: For Training: +91(0)9540993399, 9999677788 For Treatment: +91(0)9540994499 For General Enquiry: +91(0)124 - 2351555 Email: contact@laparoscopyhospital.com |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by bola -
May 10th, 2014
4:32 pm
![]() bola
Dear Sir I had a scan recently and it stated that I have a bulky and anteverted uterus measuring 120mm x 99mm x 88mm in longitudinal, transverse and AP diameters respectively. Also demonstrating multiple fibroid masses at 1. Anterior lower wall (sub-serioud) measuring 28mm x28mm, 2. Anterior mid wall (sub-serious) measuring 25mm x24mm, 3. Fundal and intramural measuring 28mm x 27mm and 4. Posterior upper wall (intramural) measuring 23mm x 21mm. Am 30 and I don't have any child yet. Pls I want to ask if this won't affect my child bearing. Thanks. Dear Bola You have 2 intramural and 2 subserous fibroids,your report doesn't mention whether any fibroid is pressing on the endometrial cavity. Pressure on endometrial cavity can lead to infertility. Thanks With Regards Dr J S Chowhan World Laparoscopy Hospital Cyber City, DLF Phase II, Gurgaon, NCR Delhi, 122 002, India PHONES: For Training: +91(0)9540993399, 9999677788 For Treatment: +91(0)9540994499 For General Enquiry: +91(0)124 - 2351555 Email: contact@laparoscopyhospital.com |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by tolu -
Jul 3rd, 2014
7:06 pm
![]() tolu
I have fibroid 38 mm in post mid body of uterus and intramural, sub serous endometrium is 2 mm normal. Dear Tolu That mush small fibroid if asymptomatic, you don't need any treatment. With regard Sadhana |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Gunjan -
Jul 4th, 2014
6:15 pm
![]() Gunjan
Hi! I am Gunjan. when I have come to knew about my fibroid, I am very tense about it. My age is 36 & I completed of my marriage 11 years & hopefully i want to conceive.. I want to know in this treatment will not affect my uterus and it will not be removed. My report is...uterus enlarged size 120 mm. Dear Gunjan Please send your complete report. With that much report of only size of uterus we can not advice you anything. With regard Sadhana |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Thelma -
Aug 30th, 2014
7:14 pm
![]() Thelma
Hi, I'm 14 weeks pregnant. My ultrasound scan report is as follows: There's fibroid (3.1cm) in the mid posterior wall without pressure effect on the fetus for now. Can you pls tell the the implication of this the my health and that of my baby? Can the fibroid be remove without any surgery? Dear Thelma You should not worry as this fibroid is not going to disturb your pregnancy. You should not think about removal of fibroid at this time. You may get laparoscopic myomectomy after delivery of child. With regard R K Mishra |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by sejal -
Sep 17th, 2014
6:57 pm
![]() sejal
My uterus is enlarged and shows multiple fibroids in the body posteriorly. Fibroid size is 17*11cm. Is Laproscopy possible? can I conceive baby after surgery? Dear Sejal You have to send the scanned reports of the ultrasound and MRI pelvis to accurately ascertain the size and number of the fibroids. 17X11 cm size fibroid is really big. if this is subserous then the surgery will be easier. So kindly send the reports for further advice. Thanks With Regards Dr J S Chowhan |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by kotadiya krishna jayantibhai -
Sep 20th, 2014
9:43 am
![]() kotadiya krishna jayantibhai
My mother is 44 yr old and now suffering from menopause and 33*43 mm posterior wall intramen fibroid obs ter is need frany tteatment plz reply |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Rudo Mars -
Oct 23rd, 2014
9:00 pm
![]() Rudo Mars
the uterus is bulky 11,3cm X 5,9CM X 9,2 AND NON - GRAVID. THERE ARE FOUR DISTINCT INTRAMURAL FIBROIDS SEEN, THE LARGEST IS THE ANTERIOR MYOMETRIUM MEASURING 3,6CM X 2,9CM AND THERE IS A FUNDAL ONE MEASURING 3,2CM X 3,3CM. THE OTHER TWO ARE IN THE POSTERIOR MYOMETRIUM MEASURING 2,3CM AND 2,4CM EACH IN DIAMETER Dear Rudo Mars The patient needs laparoscopic Myomectomy and all the myomas can be removed in the same sitting. kindly investigate the patient and get the pre anaesthetic check up done. The best time of the surgery is post menstrual. Thanks With Regards Dr J S chowhan |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by soni kumari -
Oct 29th, 2014
5:25 pm
![]() soni kumari
I have fibroid 10 mm in post mid body of uterus and intramural, so serous matter Dear Soni Kumari It is not a serious matter. Please repeat the ultrasound scan every year to observe the growth of the fibroid. Only if the fibroid starts growing faster and you develop any menstrual irregularities that you need to consult the gynecologist. Thanks With Regards Dr J S Chowhan |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Ashwini -
Nov 21st, 2014
4:55 pm
![]() Ashwini
In features consistent with possible small intramural fibroid (20 X 15mm) in the posterior fundal myometrium of uterus what does this mean and is it dangerous Dear Ashwini Please write about your complaints and symptoms. Small fibroids are normally asymptomatic. What is your age and marital status. And if married then how many children etc. Thanks With Regards Dr.J S Chowhan |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by mithu dey -
Dec 12th, 2014
5:43 pm
![]() mithu dey
I am 38 years old. I have a son aged 18 years. Now during isg report uterous size 119* 58 * 55 mm. A intramural fibroid posterior wall of uterous measuring 45 x 40 x 45 mm. I am a patient of RHD (rehumetic heart disese) since my age of 06 years. What action is appropriate now? Dear Mithu Dey According to USG report you have a moderately big fibroid and needs surgical removal. You have not written about your complaints. Because of heart disease you are a high risk patient for surgery. So please write with medical complaints. Thanks With Regards Dr J S Chowhan |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Parijat -
Dec 24th, 2014
10:35 am
![]() Parijat
I am 27 year old. I have a posterior subserosal fibroid 30mm by 30 mm in the uterus. I have no complaints. It came up during a KUB scan. I just got married and plan to conceive only after 3-4 years. Is it going to affect chances of conceiving? Should it be removed? What do you suggest? Dear Parijat Subserosal fibroid do not affect the chances of pregnancy. Only thing is that it will increase in size with the passage of time. The treatment of the fibroid is surgical removal only. The smaller the size of the fibroid easier the removal. So according to your convenience plan for the surgery. Thanks With Regards Dr J S Chowhan |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by syda fahia hussain -
Dec 28th, 2014
7:02 am
![]() syda fahia hussain
i am 54 year old. I have 2 fibroid bigger one size 61x47x65 mm . last 2 month having continuous bleeding . taking hormone therapy .. advice without cutting . |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Caroline -
Jan 2nd, 2015
1:24 am
![]() Caroline
I am 29yrs old and I am 9weeks 4days pregnant and I went for my first scan on the 31/12/14 and 3 fibroids was noted on the scan measuring in max.diameters as follows 1) Fundal-57mm, 2) Posterior -47mm, 3) Right lateral-59mm and my fetal heart action is present and in a perfect position. Please I really need your advice because I don't know if the fibroids will harm my baby. Thanks. Dear Caroline You can continue with the pregnancy as the size of the fibroids will decrease during the pregnancy and they are not going to harm your baby. Thanks Dr J S Chowhan |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by keginah -
Feb 25th, 2015
5:19 am
![]() keginah
Wanted to ask I have multiple fibroids largest being 40 by 40mm and my gyno when he examined me he said my fibroids are 16weeks that's 4months.they are all outside my uterus along the wall.are they big to remove my uterus on surgical coz I dnt have a child Dear Keginah The fibroids are not the cause of infertility in your case. The fibroids will keep on growing in size with time so it is advised that they are removed as soon as possible with you. Thanks With Regards Dr J S Chowhan |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by kell -
Mar 1st, 2015
7:58 am
![]() kell
I am 46 i have 11x11x9cm posterior myometrium fibroid, my uterus is enlarged 16x 11x11 and suffer from heavy menes, due to the size is a hysterectomy more appropiate or can an uterine artery emboization work? Dear Kell Laparoscopic Myomectomy is very much possible in your case. And as your age is 46 yrs, laparoscopic Hystrectomy is more appropriate. Uterine artery Embolisation can only decrease the size of the uterus to some extent. Thanks With Regards Dr J S Chowhan |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by shivani -
Mar 26th, 2015
11:10 am
![]() shivani
I am 37 year old and have a 4 year old daughter. I am planning to conceive. On a regular scan it was found that i have a posterior wall intramural fibroid measuring 13.6 / 5.8mm in size. can it cause infertility. Dear Shivani, Normally 13.6mm fibroid is not a cause of infertility if it is intramural. with regards Nidhi |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Alkaseltzer -
May 6th, 2015
8:28 am
![]() Alkaseltzer
PELVIS: An exophytic fibroid is visualized on the superior anterior aspect of the uterine fundus, measuring 33 x 36 x 26 mm, superimposed on the superior border of the urinary bladder. The uterus otherwise normal. The ovaries are unremarkable. Could you please convert this to English and what is the verdict. I haven't noticed any specific symptoms. Dear Alkaseltzer, Because fibroid is small at this time so any treatment is not required but once it will increase in size it may cause some symptoms. You should keep following up your size of fibroid and remain in contact with a good gynecologist. with regards Nidhi |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Gita -
May 15th, 2015
7:38 pm
![]() Gita
I am 43 years old. My 2D,3D/4D TRANSVAGINAL ULTRASOUND SCANNING FOR PRLVIC REGION says Uterus is Bulky (87x58x48mm) anteverted. Central Uterine cavity is empty. Endometrial lining is echogenic (endometrium thickness is about 7mm). Myometrial echoes are non-homogeneous with few ill-outlined fibroids, the largest fibroid measuring about 20x17mm size in fundal region. No adnexial mass lesion seen. Both Ovaries shows normal size & normal echo pattern.Size Right Ovary :- 30.5 x 27.3 x 24.3 mm. Vol. 10.5cc Left Ovary :- 26.6 x 25.5 x 21.5 mm. Vol 7.6cc - Urinary bladder shows no pathology Dear Gita, You have not mentioned your symptoms and for what you have gone for ultrasound. That much small fibroid doesnt need any treatment if it is asymptomatic. with regard Nidhi Mishra |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Sonakshi -
May 15th, 2015
11:27 pm
![]() Sonakshi
uterus relatively small in size. (62 x 27 x 21 mm.) written in ultrasound report & having so much stomach pain and having digestion prblm... is it serious matter? what should done? Dear Sonakshi, Your Ultrasound report is not pointing towards any uterus problem. You should come to World Laparoscopy Hospital for the diagnosis of real cause of pain abdomen. With regards Nidhi Mishra |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by deepti -
May 22nd, 2015
9:02 am
![]() deepti
im 33 yrs old with one child aged 7. my uterus size is 79/39/52mm there is a 13/12 mm posterior wall intramural fibroid right ovary measures 27/16/34 and 7.79ml in volume. it has 16-18 cysts(2-7.5mm) left ovary measures 29/28/31mm and 13.31ml in vol. It has 22-24 cysts(2-7.5mm) pls tell me are these cysts going to effect my chances of getting pregnant and is this fibroid harmful. Dear You may need Laparoscopy surgery done for the treatment. You can come to World Laparoscopy Hospital for the consultancy. with regards Nidhi |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Diana -
May 24th, 2015
10:39 pm
![]() Diana
I am 30 year just married I have 9mm intramural fibroid last month I had vry less flow and my bleeding did not stop so doc prescribed pause 500 in this month got period early 25 days cycle with less flow again bleeding is not stopping.Will this effect me to conceive plz help.. Dear Diana, There should be no problem with 9mm intramural fibroid if you want to conceive. You should be in contact with a good Gynecologist and hopefully everything will be fine. With regards Nidhi |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by anju susan -
May 28th, 2015
11:27 pm
![]() anju susan
sir,i am 51 years old.this was my test result. Uterus is retroverted,retroflexed, measures 3.5 X 3.1 cm. Subserous left lateral myometrial fibroid, measuring 1.8 X 1.7 cm. Small anterior and posterior myometrial intra mural fibroids are noted. Endometrial thickness measures 6mm. Endometrial echo complex is normal.. Is there any serious issue in that?? Dear anju, According to your report you fibroid's size is not to much to be operated. There is no problem right now. With regards Nidhi |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by krish -
Jun 11th, 2015
3:56 pm
![]() krish
My wife age is 31, now she's pregnant with 12 the week. In the scan report, idetified posterior fibroid.The Statement is " Cervix measured 3.8 cms in length. An intramural fibroid of 6.8 X 6.4 cms is seen in the posterior wall of the lower uterine body extending to the cervix" Can you please give the suggestion, recommendations about pregnancy and fibroid. Thanks krish Dear Krish, During pregnancy surgery for fibroid is not recommended. Your wife should deliver first and then for treatment of fibroid you should get Laparoscopic Myomectomy done. You may come to World Laparoscopy Hospital for the surgery. With regards Nidhi |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Petty Ilai -
Jul 4th, 2015
6:15 am
![]() Petty Ilai
Hello Dear,I was married for 10 years now but still don't gave any child at all,i took a trasnsvaginal scan and results are uterus-anterverted,midline homogenous echo texture and smooth outline.measures 6.42x5.28x4.18cm,endometrial stripe with thickened of 1.48,no gesational sac,Intramural myoma seen in the antero fundal region measuring 2.42cmx2.09cm Ovary:rt measures 3.65x2.89cm.lf measures 3.17x1.93cm,both shows normal follicular echo texture,No cystic or solid adrescal masses.pelvic fluid absent. IMP-intra mural myoma in antero fundal region. -normal sized uterus with intact but thickened endometrial stripe..with this results,will this be the main cause of my infertility? Dear Petty, You need to get your fibroid removed for that you will have to get Laparoscopy Myomectomy done. You may come to World Laparoscopy Hospital for the surgery. With regards Nidhi |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by R.C.Joshi -
Jul 7th, 2015
10:32 am
![]() R.C.Joshi
Report of My wife Geeta Joshi.. Uterus is enlarged sized . endometerial thickness is 9.8 mm Multiple SOL's of heterogenous echogenicity are seen in anterior myometrium of mthe body of Utreus, largest measuring 38*36 mm Right Overy:- is enlarged and shows a Cystic lesion with reticulations measuring 42*31 mm. Please suggest about The treatment Dear R.C.Joshi, If your wife is not suffering from any symptoms the no treatment is required. With regards Nidhi |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by precious okoh -
Jul 17th, 2015
11:38 pm
![]() precious okoh
thanks for your response. i recently did ultrasound and my fibriod of 85x86m has reduce to ; uterus measures 50x96mm with regular outline, multiple small myometrial masses. they measure 25x26mm at the anterior and 23x32mm at the posterior.no adnexa mass, pelvic peritoneal spaces are within normal limits, upper abdominal organs are normal. can these stop me to get pregnant. pls send reply. Dear Precious, There should not be any problem for to to conceive. With regards Nidhi |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by reji abraham -
Jul 21st, 2015
4:27 pm
![]() reji abraham
my wife is 50 yrs old noticed heavy bleeding since last 3 months ultrasonic scan done as per doctors advice the result as follows Uterus- bulky and anteverted 10*6*6.5 cm irregular heterogeneous echotexture myometrial mass 50*60mm noted at fundus and body anteriorly distorting the endometrium (9mm thick) Ovaries- normal in size and echotexture 35mm anechoic cyst noted on left kindly advice treatmeny Dear Reji, Generally that much small myoma should not be a problem. You should consult a Gynaecologist and take medicine.If inspite of taking medicine if bleeding doesnot stop then you will have to get Laparoscopic Hysterectomy done. With regards Nidhi |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by vanita chopra -
Jul 27th, 2015
10:50 pm
![]() vanita chopra
hi sir i m34 yrs old i have anterior fibroid in intramural 20*14mm. i have no issue plz tell me can i conceive Dear Vanita, Yes you can conceive, there wont be any problem with that. With regards Nidhi |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by funmilola -
Aug 26th, 2015
2:00 am
![]() funmilola
I got married Dec 20th 2014 and since then I've being tryin to get pregnant. In May I went for a scan which the result says: the uterus is anteverted and non-gravid measuring 4.6*8.2*5cm with non-uniform myometrium. It contains multiple myoma (both intrmural amd subserous, the subserous componet measures 2.9*3.3cm and it is fundally sited. Ther is a left sided adnexial cyst measuring 3.2*2.6cm. The right adnexium is free. A conclusion that I have uterine fibroid with a simple left ovarian cyst. I am worried and I need your medical advise on what to do. Dear Funmilola, You will be needing Laparoscopic Myomectomy surgery to cure you multiple fibroid. You may come to World Laparoscopy Hospital for the surgery. With regards Nidhi |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by radhika -
Aug 27th, 2015
3:23 pm
![]() radhika
my age is 44 yrs my Ultrasound examination of Pelvis shows Uterus : Anteverted, bulky in size measuring 84 x 54 x 55 mm and shows heterogenous echotexture. Multiple ill defined hypoechoic lesions distorting the archetexture are seen in endometrium with ill defined endomyometrial interphase. Dear Radhika, You will be needing Laparoscopic Myomectomy surgery to cure your fibroid. For the surgery you may come to World Laparoscopy Hospital. With regards Nidhi |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by shrikrish -
Aug 29th, 2015
4:31 pm
![]() shrikrish
E/o Two hypoechoic lesion measuring 1.4x1.3cm and 0.8x0.8cm is seen in the anterior and posterior myometrium of uterus Dear Shrikrish, You will need to get laparoscopic Myomectomy surgery done to treat your fibroid. For the surgery you may come to World Laparoscopy Hospital. With regards Nidhi |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by lakshmi -
Sep 7th, 2015
9:06 pm
![]() lakshmi
Ultrasound scan report shows as below: Uterus is mildly bulky & anteverted. It measures 92 x 52 x 49 mm. /Endometrial thickness is 6.2mm. There are few (3-4) fundal mymometrial fibroids, randing in size upto 10mm. No cerivical mass seen. Impression: except for few very small incidental uterine myometrial fibroids kindly suggest is there any issue as per the report. Dear Laksmi, That much small fibroid should not do any harm However, you should try to conceive as soon as possible and complete your family. These fibroid will grow slowly and later it may interfere with your pregnancy. With regard Sadhana |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Munish Kumar -
Sep 20th, 2015
2:10 pm
![]() Munish Kumar
Respected sir/ mam, I am from district hoshiarpur, punjab. I got married on 5 april 2015 since then we are trying to conceive but in September we went for a scan. Reports are attached with this mail. Please tell us that my wife can conceive or not and what should we do now? we are very much worried about that. report says that Multiple fibroid seen in walls of uterus 11 mm seen in anterior wall of uterus 17x15 mm in fundal area 2 subserous fibroids also seen 30x32 mm near fundus, 22x23 mm right wall adnexae - both ovaries are enlarged, multicyctic Rt ovarian cyct 2.7x2.2 cm Lt ovarian cyst 3.7x3.3x4.3 cm impression - fibroids uterus with bilateral ovarian cyst( ? Endometrioma) Plz plz reply Dear Munish Kumar You need surgery for fibroid and Ovarian cyst. You can get this surgery done by laparoscopy. During laparoscopy tubal causes of infertility can also be ruled out by doing tubal patency test. With regard Sadhana |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by kamlesh devi -
Sep 21st, 2015
8:09 pm
![]() kamlesh devi
Bulky uterus with intramural myoma. Rt.ovarian cyst. |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by sheekha -
Oct 2nd, 2015
10:02 pm
![]() sheekha
Dear Doctor, Heavy vaginal bleeding with clot and my Sonography report- endometrial thickness 13mm, 3mm cyst, small 10*8mm intramutral fibroid in posterior wall pls suggest Dear Sheekha That much small fibroid and so small cyst has nothing to do with your heavy bleeding. In our opinion you should consult a gynecologist or come to World Laparoscopy Hospital so that we can find out the cause of your heavy bleeding. Your thickness of endonetrium is more than normal and probably this is the main thing we have to keep in mind. At World Laparoscopy Hospital we can do Uterine Balloon Therapy. This therapy is having a thermal balloon ablation device intended to ablate the endometrial lining of the uterus in premenopausal women who do not intend to bear more children and who experience menorrhagia (excessive uterine bleeding) due to benign causes. It is indicated as a treatment for menorrhagia AND is shown to reduce dysmenorrhea as a secondary quality-of-life end point. |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Naorem Ranibala Devi -
Oct 19th, 2015
6:55 pm
![]() Naorem Ranibala Devi
I got married in May 2008, no child, as per USG report, the following has been noticed: Urninary bladder: Nearly empty. Uterus: Normal size and shape: a well defined hypo-echoic focal lesion measuring 2.1 x 1.5 cm is seen at the anterior wall of the lower uterus, suggesting mural fibroid. Endometrial thickness measures - 8 mm. The cervix is normal. Right ovary measures - 1.6x 1.0 cm Left ovary measures - 0.8 m No adnexal mass seen No fluid within the cul-de-sac. Impression: Mural fibroid -anterior wall of the lower uterus. What action may be approximately taken now. Dear Mrs Devi Generally Fibroid is not the cause of infertility. You should consult a gynecologist to know the exact cause of not getting pregnant. Alternatively you can come to WLH and we will examine you. With regard Dr Nidhi. |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Bukky -
Oct 29th, 2015
11:34 am
![]() Bukky
Am 31 yrs old and am not married yet but about to, I taught I am pregnant because am seeing some of pregnant symptoms and urine test is negative and i went for pelvic scan and they said i have intramural fibroid. The report is like this....1) non gravid, bulky uterus with heterogeneous myometrial echo texture......2) about two solid hypo echoic masses are seen within the uterus and they are 37mm x33mm and 54mm x 47mm in sizes.....3) adnexae, pouch of douglas are free relatively.....4) general uterine outline is inconsistent and irregular. Can i still be pregnant. Dear Bukky The fibroid has to be removed by surgery. Laparoscopic myomectomy is the better option for the removal of uterine fibroid. Please come with all the report and consult Dr R K Mishra at World Laparoscopy Hospital. With regard Nidhi |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by ruchi chawda -
Nov 19th, 2015
12:55 pm
![]() ruchi chawda
Hi, I need your help, I am longing for a solution for pretty long time, I had bad stomach ache, so had to do an ultrasound, the results where; ” Uterus is bulky, retroverted, approximately measures 8.3 x 7.3 X 6.0 cm. Well-defined round T1 iso-to hypointense and T2 heterogeneously hypointense focal lesion in posterior wall measuring 4.4 x 4.2 x 4.1cm. It is displacing the endometrial cavity anteriorly. Another similar signal intensity smaller lesion measuring 1.6 x 1.2 cm is seen in the right utero-cervical junction on right side anteriorly. Prominent bilateral uterine arterial branches noted along the periphery of the lesion with flow void.” I have severe menstrual cramps, I have observed large blood clots, my flow is relatively on the higher side. She prescribed me birth control pills for 6mnts but I don’t think it made any difference. She says that fibroid doesn’t cause such pain and it is the case of endometriosis, I have done an MRI contracts and pelvic test but except fibroid they didn’t find any other issue. I want to know: a. how can the cramping be stopped I need a permanent solution as its effecting my life [2-3 days I have severe stomach ache, its difficult to even walk, I pop in pain killers but that’s not good for the long run]. b. then they are blood clots which are scaring me [they are almost 2-3 cm], what can I do to stop that ? c. I wanted to go for HIFU but it seems its not possible as the larger fibroid is getting calcified and UAE has risk associated with pregnancy, My doctor says laparoscopy is also not possible in my case? And I don’t want to go for surgery ??? Can you tell me if in my case the surgery required?? d. If I don’t opt for any options to get rid of fibroid , can I get pregnant with the fibroid in the uterus without any trouble to my child [I am 29, and I am planning for my first child]? Thanking in advance. -Ruchi Chawda Dear Madam Laparoscopic Surgery has better pregnancy outcome than any other any method of treatment of Myoma. In expert hand this size of myoma can be safely removed. World Laparoscopy Hospital is specialized institute of these type of laparoscopic and robotic surgery. With regard Sadhana |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
Nov 23rd, 2015
5:21 pm
Hi, I am 34 age, have no issue I have on only one right tube, done Follicular test 10th dey of my LMP - rt ovavry- 12X12 follicles lt ovavry- 8X7 / 7X 6 follicles endometrium- 5.3 Subserous Fibroid- 43X36mm 13th day follilces -rt- 16X16 left- 8X 7/ 7X6 endometrium- 7mm fibroid- 43X36mm pls suggest is there any luck to conceive. |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by ragini singh -
Jan 4th, 2016
3:40 pm
![]() ragini singh
Hi, My age is 22 years and i suffering for cyst problem in ovaries. One day in my right abdomen i received acute pain. so my doctor consult me ultrasound in pelvis region and i get that my right side ovary is more and am also suffering from thyroid problem last 4-5 years . so my doctor suggest me to do laparoscopy operation. so what i best for me?/ can you suggest me???? Dear Mrs Singh Laparoscopy is best treatment for Ovarian Cyst. You should also start taking proper treatment for thyroid. You need to be examined thoroughly. You have not written the size of your ovarian cyst and the nature of cyst. If you will send the entire scanned copy of ultrasonography by email attachment then we can help you more. With regard Dr Nidhi |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Angel -
Feb 5th, 2016
3:09 pm
![]() Angel
Sir, The Pelvic Scan Report i did on the 8th January 2016 shows: 1. Anterior-mid- wall (subserious and calcified) measuring 23mm x 21mm 2. Anterior-upper-wall (intramural and calcified) measuring 19mm x 17mm and 3. Posterior-mid-wall (intramural and calcified) measuring 33mm x 32mm. My questions are: a. Can these cause frequent urination (making me to pee at intervals)? b. can I still conceive again? and c. what is the actual solution of the fibriods? Thank you for prompt response. Dear Angel You can definitely conceive and deliver a healthy baby. But you should complete your family as soon as possible. All the fibroid has tendency to grow till menopause and most of the fibroid if it is not symptomatic. Uterine fibroids are abnormal, noncancerous growths that develop on a woman's uterus. Their cause is unclear, but they may be related to hormones or run in families. Once a woman is pregnant, fibroids can't be removed because the uterus is prone to bleed more than normally. So women have to live with them until after the baby is born. Often, the first time a pregnant woman learns she has a fibroid is during her initial routine ultrasound. That's because fibroids usually don't cause symptoms. But they are quite common—more than 70 percent of women have them. With regard Nidhi |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by neetu dhall -
Feb 13th, 2016
4:48 pm
![]() neetu dhall
IM NEETU few flobriod seedlings(2-3)of size 6-8 mm are seen right ovary 29/30 left ovary 23/2 mm mere sides mein aur back mIn always pain rehti hai jaise periods ane se pehle hoti hai please btain ki main kya karun lm married age 35 yrs. and 2 baby please reply Dear Neetu, You need to get Laparoscopic Myomectomy surgery done to remove your fibroids. You may come to World Laparoscopy Hospital for consultancy. With regards Nidhi |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by neetu -
Feb 15th, 2016
5:58 pm
![]() neetu
IM NEETU few flobriod seedlings(2-3)of size 6-8 mm are seen right ovary 29/30 left ovary 23/2 mm mere sides mein aur back mIn always pain rehti hai jaise periods ane se pehle hoti hai please btain ki main kya karun lm married age 35 yrs. and 2 ba by kya mujhe abhi surgery karwani cahia ya wait kar sakti hun ki ruk kar karwa lu please reply Dear Neetu Aapko Laparoscopic Myomectomy karwana hoga. Iss operation se fibroid nikali jayegi. Laparoscopy se ilaj ache se ho jayega aur aap jald hi discharge ho jayengi. Aap chahe to World Laparoscopy Hospital bhi aa sakti hai operation k liye. With regards Nidhi |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by neetu -
Feb 18th, 2016
9:00 pm
![]() neetu
IM NEETU few flobriod seedlings(2-3)of size 6-8 mm are seen right ovary 29/30 left ovary 23/2 mm mere sides mein aur back mIn always pain rehti hai jaise periods ane se pehle hoti hai please btain ki main kya karun lm married age 35 yrs. and 2 baby maine doc de pucha tha wo kehte oprete je lia aap ruk sakte ho aap batain main kab tak oprete karw sakti hun Dear Neetu, Agar fibroids se koi pain ya problem nahi hai toh aap operation ke liye rukh sakte hai. Aapke fibroid ka size jyada bada nahi hai so operation ki zarurat nahi hai abhi. With regards Nidhi |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by miss sohail -
Feb 22nd, 2016
11:28 am
![]() miss sohail
(uterus) my ultasond report is anteverted bulky uterus(7.6x3.2x4.5cm)with(20x18mm)sub;serosal fibriod inposterior uterine wall. both avaries is normal ,now adnexal/avarian mask. now celvic fluid collection seen. aovarys righr avary(24x16mm)left avary(31x18mm) (15x15mm) growing follicle seen in left avary, mean problem small sub mucosal fibriod uterus, left avarion grown follicle . possible this problem i am pergente Dear Sohail, The size of fibroid you have mentioned shouldn't create proble. You should not worry aboy pregnancy, this fibroid wont create any problem. With regards Nidhi |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Oghene Emuobonuvie Whitney -
Feb 28th, 2016
9:30 pm
![]() Oghene Emuobonuvie Whitney
I am 27 years,I have a son of 5 years old. I went to perform pelvic scan and there is a hypoechoic mass in the fundal region of the uterus measuring 2.5×21cm. A similar hypoechoic measuring 2.1×1.4mm is also demonstrated in Anterior uterine wall. Please reply me will this affect my chances of becoming pregnant.I have been trying to get pregnant for some time to no avail. Dear Madam Small fibroids are not a cause of infertility but you should complete your family as soon as possible. These fibroid can be large in future and then it may affect your pregnancy and you have to go for laparoscopic myomectomy. With regard Sadhana |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by shazeya -
Mar 14th, 2016
10:40 am
![]() shazeya
sir mare 2saal shade ko ho gay hay abhe tak bachy nhe howay may 25saal ke ho or hmnay ultarasound karwaya to docter nay follicle[rasole] bataye or kaha opko olad nhe ho sakte allah he apke madad karsakta hay please ap bhe is report ko dakh kar batay kay iska koi hal hay. uterus. anteverted in position and shows normal echo texture.sizeis7.7×4.3×5.1cm in l x ap x w. endometrial echo is central measuring 11mm. a tiny myoma measuring 19x15mm seen in posterior wall (insignificant) no gestational sac/rpoc’s seen. ovaries .right ovary measures 32x20mm. left ovary measures 34x18mm. both ovarise appear normal. [a follicle measuring 19mm seen in left ovary.no andexal mass/cyst seen no fluid seen in culdesac. or sir phir dobara hamny 7maheny bad ultarasound karwaya anteverted bulkyutreus[7.7×3.2×4.5cm],with[20x18mm]sub-surosal fibroid in posterior utrine wall. left ovary [31x18mm] growing follicle[15x15mm] seen in left ovary. or sir bake sab koch thek hay kidny spleen pancreas gall blader liver or manay apna blood or urine test bhe karwaya hay normal hay. or mughy left side par kabhe normal or kabhe zeyada dard hota hay kastor par gab intercurs karty hay to os kay bad dard hota hay or maray pat may sojan or gas bhe hay or intercurus kay wakat utrus say gas ate hay sir ap mughy is maslay ka koi hal batay kay mughay olad ho sakte hay ya nhe or agar may pregnancy kay leya medicin late ho to wo follicle par koi asar nhe kary ge.pregnancy kay leya pahly bhe bohat se adweyat kah choke ho ingectoin bhe do bar lagway hay or mary sohar ka test bhe thek aya hay.or meanses do din hoty hay wo bhe thory hoty hay or takreban das pandradin pahly darad shero ho gata hay.or mare utrus may sojan or gas keyo banete hay pahly to nhe the. Dear Shazeya That much small myoma is not the cause of infertility. You should consult a gynecologist or you should come to World Laparoscopy Hospital for further investigations. We need to test your tube and to do few hormonal tests, With regard Nishi |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by sohail -
Mar 15th, 2016
9:26 pm
![]() sohail
I am 25 and married after 2 years i have a problem in ultrasound is. uterus. anteverted in position and shows normal echo texture. size is 7.7×4.3×5.1 cm in l x ap x w. endometrial echo is central measuring 11mm. a tiny myoma measuring 19x15mm seen in posterior wall (insignificant) no gestational sac/rpoc’s seen. ovaries .right ovary measures 32x20mm. left ovary measures 34x18mm. both ovarise appear normal. [a follicle measuring 19mm seen in left ovary.no andexal mass/cyst seen no fluid seen in culdesa. and 7 months later ultrasound . anteverted bulky utreus [7.7×3.2×4.5cm], with [20x18mm]sub-surosal fibroid in posterior uterine wall. left ovary [31x18mm] growing follicle[15x15mm] seen in left ovary. or sir another every thing is normal. kidney spleen pancreas gall blader liver or blood or urine test is normal hay. and i feel pain after sex in left side. and swelling or gas in my uterus. tell me what i do i become pregnant and this is possible in this condition i become pregnant. Dear Sohail Small subserous fibroids are generally not the cause of infertility. You should consult a gynecologists for tubal patency and few hormonal test. We dont think that you should have any problem with the pregnancy. With regard Dr. Nidhi |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by sheba -
Mar 30th, 2016
11:31 am
![]() sheba
i am 40 years, unmarried, my uterus size 74*35*44mm and fibroids measuring 22*20mm, can I marry and thing dangerous Dear Sheba, You haven't mentioned the location of your fibroid. If it is not causing any problem then you dont need to get any treatment done. With regards Nidhi |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by mrs.Resham khan -
Apr 10th, 2016
3:00 pm
![]() mrs.Resham khan
Dr. Meri age 35yr hai shadi ko 5yr ho gaye hai aur koi aulad nahi hai. Yahan dr. ne uterus fibroid aur ovarian cyst bataya hai. Aur operation bola h. dr. mere priod bht zyada painful aur irregular hota h,jisse har month bahot pareshan ho jati hu..sir mai ek aulad chahti hu. Dear Mrs.Khan, Aap durbeen dawara apne fibroid ka operation karwa sakti hai. Usi operation ke dwaran aapka ovarian cyst ka bhi operation ho jayega aur aapka Tubal Patency bhi kia ja sakta hai. Aap kisi ache gynaecologist se milke operation karwale ya fir World Laparoscopy Hospital aaye. With Regards Nidhi |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by R.R.Jena -
Apr 18th, 2016
1:14 pm
![]() R.R.Jena
Please advice the treatment procedure for "Bulky Uterus with heterogeneous myometrium and thickened endometrium" detected in USG. Also USG report says Uterus bulky and measures 90.6 x 60.3 x 46.7 mm. Myometrium is heterogeneous. Endometrial echo is thickened & measures 15.8 mm. Uterine cavity is empty. Cervix is normal. Dear Mrs Jena You did not tell your age and symmptoms. Only bulky uterus without any symptoms does not require any treatment. If you are already approaching menopause you should wait for few month. To help women deal with hot flushes, they can take 400 to 800 IU of vitamin E each day, besides regular exercise, relaxation and slow deep breathing. Recent evidence also says that eating foods made from soy such as soy milk or tofu on a regular basis will decrease hot flushes. With regard Nidhi |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Lana kaka -
Apr 29th, 2016
3:55 am
![]() Lana kaka
Hi Iam 25 years old iam married and i have on chid she have 3 years.. I had a grat pain in my abdomen and i go to docoter and made ultrasound test in there we detected a cyst in my overy it abaut 28×40mm.. If that so big? When i can back my relif? Dear Lana, You wont be needing any surgery. This small cyst wont cause any problem but in future if cyst's size increase then you will be needing surgery. With regards Nidhi |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by charu -
May 1st, 2016
11:32 am
![]() charu
iam 39 year uterus size( 7.9,6.2,2.7)cm ENDOMETRIAL THIKNESS 8MM andGALL BLADER stone 19MM please advice for medical treatment Dear Charu, You should get Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy done to remove your stone as the stone's size is really big. You may come to World Laparoscopy Hospital for the surgery. With regards Nidhi |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by suhani -
Jun 1st, 2016
2:19 pm
![]() suhani
Dear doctor I'm 22 years unmarried but I have problem irregular period in my ultrasound report is anteverted & measure 78*40*43mm with no focal diffuse lesion and cystic lesion left ovary is 59*41mm without any soft tissue component and right ovary is 31*16mm plz tell me about this I'm very worried. Dear Suhani Dear Suhani Your ultrasound report is completely normal you should not worry. Irregular period occur sometime die to hormonal imbalance. You should contact some gynecologist and it will be alright after medication. With regard Dr Nidhi |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Adeyemo -
Jun 9th, 2016
9:22 pm
![]() Adeyemo
The result of my scan says a bulky uterus with LS AP AND TS DIAMETER OF 100MM, 70MM AND 65MM. Uterine echo is non homogeneous, there are myomas at the fundal part of the uterus measuring 47mm×38mm and 38mm×24mm. The endometrial echo plate is thickened. There is a cystic mass at the right adnexa measuring 29mm×28mm. There is fluid in both tubes and in the pouch of douglas. Dear Adeyemo Uterine Fibroid Symptoms vary frequently. Most fibroids don't cause symptoms—only 10 to 20 percent of women who have fibroids require treatment. Depending on size, location and number of fibroids, they may cause: Heavy, prolonged menstrual periods and unusual monthly bleeding, sometimes with clots; this can lead to anemia. You did not mention your age and symptoms. If your fibroid is symptomatic then you need laparoscopic myomectomy. With regard With regard Dr Nidhi |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by viji -
Jun 12th, 2016
6:54 pm
![]() viji
I am 29 yrs old, uterus: Anteverted measures 6.5 x 3.5 x 4.4 cm, Anterior and posterior myometrium shows a fibroid of size 2.2 x 1.8 x 1.4 cm. kindly advice on future pregnancy Dear Viji, according to your reports fibroids are big so if it not get operated and pregnancy happens than is causes pregnancy related complication like misscarriage, disrupt the growth of placenta,preterm labour and fetal growth restriction. With Regaards- Dr.S.Hussain |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by neha -
Jun 23rd, 2016
11:15 am
![]() neha
Hello my uterus size is 61.1*32.3*27.1 mm anteverted uterus, I am unmarried, in size in normal echotexture and also normal ovary size, some time i face periods problem, plz tell me is there any problem. Dear Neha Little temporary irregularity of menstruation happens sometime. You should not take it seriously However, you can contact a gynecologist and get few test done. You should get your hormonal essay also done so that if there is any irregularity then it can be detected. With regard Dr S Hussain |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by sneha -
Jul 3rd, 2016
12:22 pm
![]() sneha
I have a painful period and ovulation. I am 28 years old and unmarried. My recent ultrasound report says that: Bulky uterus with 54x53x42 mm sized intramural fundal-body myoma towards right side without endoecho distortion. Also, I have multiple peripherally placed cysts with relative increased internal echotexture-suggestive PCO pattern. Please suggests. Dear Sneha As you are unmarried so better to get the surgery of fibroid done because with the passage of time it will grow further and after this surgery will be complicated. Laparoscopic Myomectomy is a good option you can opt for. At the same time of myomectomy laparoscopic ovarian drilling can be performed to treat you PCOD. With regard Dr Nidhi |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by sajina -
Jul 11th, 2016
8:05 pm
![]() sajina
I am 39 years. Uterus size (9.4×4.4 cm) endomentrial thikness (6mm).multiple intramural fibroids are seems,larger measuring 4.9×4.8 cm on the posterior myometrium (on the right side ) please advice for medical treatment. Dear Sajina You have a intramural fibroid which is the most common type. It arises from the lining of the uterus (endometrium). If you are having complain of increase in menstrual flow, back pain or if its size is increasing then you to plan for the surgery. It can be removed by laparoscopic myomectomy. As your intramural fibroid is big it cannot be treated medically you will need a surgery for it so that your fertility is preserved. With regards Dr Rahul |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Gift -
Jul 12th, 2016
4:32 pm
![]() Gift
Im 47yrs, had symtoms like- slight back pains, a little bid increase in menstrual flow. The scan is A retroverted, bulky and myomatous hetergeneous uterus with 27mm x23mm posterior paracervical intramural myoma., Both ovaries are normal in sizes with stromal tissue echo-pattern., Nil in the pouch of Douglas. Dear Gift You have a intramural fibroid which is the most common type. It arises from the lining of the uterus (endometrium). If you are having complain of increase in menstrual flow, back pain or if its size is increasing then you to plan for the surgery. It can be removed by laparoscopic myomectomy. With regards Dr Rahul |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by okoro -
Jul 12th, 2016
5:18 pm
![]() okoro
Can 27mm x 23mm posterior paracervical intramural myoma, with both ovaries normal in size with normal stromal tissue echo-pattern. And nil in the pouch of Douglas prevent pregnancy. With slight increase in menstrual flow. Dear Okoro, You have a intramural fibroid which is the most common type. It arises from the lining of the uterus (endometrium). If you are having complain of increase in menstrual flow or if its size is increasing then you to plan for the surgery as it can affect your fertility. With regards Dr Rahul |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Sakshi khurana -
Jul 23rd, 2016
2:20 pm
![]() Sakshi khurana
Hi, I have two fibroids 50*68 mm and 20*31 mm in size. please revert what is the acurate size in cm. Dear Sakshi It means 5 cm x 6.8cm and 2cm x 3.1cm. With Regards Dr Rahul |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Manju Hatgaonkar -
Aug 6th, 2016
7:11 pm
![]() Manju Hatgaonkar
I am a 48 years old woman having bleeding from more than a month. Transvaginal ultrasound done. Uterus appeared anteverted. Uterus measured 7.3*5.8*3.5 cms.normal appearing uterus with homogenous myometrial echoes. There's a 24*20 mm posterior intramural fibroid. Endometrial thickness measured 14.9 mm. Right ovary measured 3.3*1.7*3.0 cms with 11 mm cyst. Left ovary 3.4*3.3*2.2 cms with 22 mm cyst. Impression - thickened endometrium likely cystic hyperplasia. Doctor suggested hysteroscopy with therapeutic endometrial curettage. Histopathology report- sections show narrow, tubular to cystically dilated glands lined by columnar epithelium. The stoma is compact. No atypia seen. Opinion - endometrial hyperplasia, cystic glandular type. After this doctor suggested hysterectomy and also removal of ovaries. Second opinion needed. Please provide your advice asap. Dear Manju Hatgaonkar Thanks for your interest in World Laparoscopy Hospital for the treatment of your patient. As your irregular bleeding is only for one month so it could be due to menopausal syndrome. Symptoms of menopause can include abnormal vaginal bleeding, hot flashes, vaginal and urinary symptoms, In our opinion you should try medical management first and if this bleeding continues then only hysterectomy should be planned. The average age of menopause is 51 years old. But there is no way to predict when an individual woman will have menopause or begin having symptoms suggestive of menopause. The age at which a woman starts having menstrual periods is also not related to the age of menopause onset. Most women reach menopause between the ages of 45 and 55, but menopause may occur as earlier as age of 40s, or may not occur until a woman reaches her 60s. As a rough "rule of thumb," women tend to undergo menopause at an age similar to that of their mothers. Please wait for few months and seek some medical therapy by a nearby gynecologist. |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by miss ruth -
Aug 10th, 2016
6:57 pm
![]() miss ruth
I just went for scan as told by my gynae, and the result stated subserous fibroid of 82m82mmx64mmx64mm in longitudinal, transverse and AP diameter heterogeneous myometrial echo-pattern. No cyesis seen. That was the exact lab report. And have not had any heavy flow instead had scanty flow, and none of the symptoms of fibroid not even the pain. Dear Miss Ruth Your fibroid is bigger in size so you can go for the myomectomy if you want to preserve your reproductive or you can go for the total laparoscopy hysterectomy if your family size is complete because it is bigger in size and sooner or later it is going to create a problem so it will easy for you if you get rid of it earlier. The surgery can be done at the World laparoscopy hospital. With regards Dr Rahul |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by bandana das -
Sep 20th, 2016
3:14 pm
![]() bandana das
mai 45 years ki hun , mujhe period m thoda pehele se jyada bleeding horaa means 3/4 days mera uterus size 99*43*49mm, a well define hypoechoic sol of size 45*35mm is seen in the posterior myometrium, mujhe thoda suggestion dijiye... Dear Bandana It seems you have a fibroid at the posterir wall of the uterus. As your age is 45 and seems like your family is complete you can go for the laparoscopic surgery. Total Laparoscopic hysterectomy can be done.Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus. It may also involve removal of the cervix, ovaries, fallopian tubes and other surrounding structures. Hysterectomy may be total (removing the body, fundus, and cervix of the uterus; often called "complete") or partial (removal of the uterine body while leaving the cervix intact; also called "supracervical"). It is the most commonly performed gynecological surgical procedure. With Regards Dr Rahul |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Sami -
Sep 25th, 2016
4:35 pm
![]() Sami
Hello sir/ Madam I m unmarried age 37 .I have bulky uterus with 2 fibroids. One is intramural 8.2* 8c.m in posterior wall it compresses endometrial cavity. Another is 4.5* 4 cm in interior wall. Heavy flow during periods.. i take 3 months course Ulipristal Acetate but still as its.. too mch frustrated belong from Kashmir.. Dr told me ll go for myomectomy... wat to do ..please suggest. Regards Sami Dear Sami Your doctor had suggested you the right thing. You need to go for laparoscopic myomectomy. As you have symptoms like heavy menstrual bleeding. .Laparoscopic Myomectomy, sometimes also fibroidectomy, refers to the surgical removal of uterine leiomyomas, also known as fibroids. In contrast to a hysterectomy the uterus remains preserved and the woman retains her reproductive potential. |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Hamdi s -
Nov 3rd, 2016
6:10 am
![]() Hamdi s
I have lots fibroids Anterior intramural 49× 49 mm and posteroir submucosal 28× 24mm and 27 + 27 mm and fundal pedunculed :44× 38 mm and anterior subserosal: 35+ 34 mm I'm worrying I need suggsetion. Dear Hamdi It seems that you have multiple fibroid. But you have not mention your age nor marriage ( obstetric history) history. Laparoscopy myomectomy can be done for the intramural fibroids and hysteroscopy myomectomy can be done for the submural fibroid so that the reproductive potential can be preserve. |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by agaba provia -
Nov 12th, 2016
3:10 am
![]() agaba provia
Having cystic mass measuring 36mm*44mm seen in the right adnexa . Uterus appears normal. Any help can it affect my fertility? Thanks Dear Agaba The cystic mass can affect your fertility if it keeps on increasing in size . So you need to get rid of this cystic mass. You can go for laparoscopic cystectomy. |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Nomfezeko Sikota -
Nov 12th, 2016
1:05 pm
![]() Nomfezeko Sikota
I am a 33yr unmarried with no children. Ultrasound says I have multiple fibroids, size 57*59mm intramural anterior fundal, 39*36mm intramural central midcorporeal, 42*39mm intramural close to cervix and several smaller too many to measure. Very little normal mymetrium visible, ovaries not visualize due to shadowing from the fibroids. Uterus 126mm longitudinal, AP 84mm, transverse 107 mm. Dear Nomfezeko It seems that you are having a multiple fibroid. As you have mention that you have no children it is a worrying thing for you. You need to go for the surgery for this. Laparosocpic myomectomy is the surgery of choice as it will help you to preserve your reproductive potential.Laparoscopic surgery is an advance surgery and it has many advantages over the open surgery like the the hospital stay of the patient is reduced, patient has minimum bleeding compare to the open, the incision is small, patient has a better recovery rate and many more.So you need to contact a good gynecologist or can contact World Laparoscopy Hospital. |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Sonika -
Jan 8th, 2017
6:35 pm
![]() Sonika
I m 32 yrs with a son of 5 yrs...I have fibroids in uterus..it was detected a year back.i didn't have any problem related to periods or heavy bleeding nothing.according to ultra sound I have been detected with HYPOECHOIC SMOOTH MARGINATED ROUNDED LESION MEAUSRING 33*21MM IN ANTETIOR FUNDAL AND 51*31MM IN LEFT POSTERIOR CERVICAL MYOMETRIAL WALLS....Uterus size was 77*37*44.Now after a year I feel bit bulky on my uterus part..kuch hai Aisa feel hota hai...pls suggest..what to do. Dear Sonika You have mention that you are having no symptoms due the fibroid. The fibroids are nothing but very common non-cancerous (benign) growths that develop in the muscular wall of the uterus. As you have mention that you have a child and it is not causing any problem you can wait for sometime. But if you are planning for the 2nd child or having difficulty like feeling heavy in your abdomen than you can go for the surgery. Laparoscopic myomectomy will be the surgery of choice. |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by abc -
Apr 9th, 2017
9:53 am
![]() abc
UTERUS The uterus measures 70.9 x 38.5 mms. A hypoechoic SOL measuring 7.5 x 6.8 mms is seen in lower anterior part in intramural location. The endometrial echoes are not displaced.Should plan for a baby. Dear Abc You are having fibroid in your uterus. Fibroids are abnormal growths that develop in or on a woman’s uterus. Sometimes these tumors become quite large and cause severe abdominal pain and heavy periods. In other cases, they cause no signs or symptoms at all. The growths are typically benign (noncancerous). Yes you can go for the laparoscopic surgery for this. Laparoscopic myomectomy is the surgery in which the fibroid is removed from the uterus. |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by anam -
Apr 11th, 2017
1:14 am
![]() anam
Hy docter i am 21 year old i need your heply i am faceing the promble of ovarain cyst in my right ovarain & size is 64×60mm please tell me best away to get out of it. Dear Anam You are having a problem of ovarian cyst. As you are young you need to get rid of it so that it does not hamper your fertility in the near future and your ovaries are in well functional mode. Laparoscopic cystectomy is the surgery of choice. In this the surgery the cyst is removed from the ovary and the ovary is preserved so that it can function well |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by avxghv -
Apr 11th, 2017
5:27 pm
![]() avxghv
hypoechoic sol measures 7.5*6.8 mms in lower part of intramural location......this size is average or will distrb the married life and pregnancy. Dear AVXGHV The size is bigger it will disturb your pregnancy. You need to get rid of it. Laparoscopic myomectomy is the surgery of choice.In this the fibroid is removed and the uterus is preserved, preserving your fertility. |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Tayo Abosede -
Apr 26th, 2017
8:34 am
![]() Tayo Abosede
I am 40+,and married a year ago and have not been able to conceive, my scan report shows that I have a bulky uterus of 184*99*52mm in size and it's patenchymal echoes appear in homogeneous. Multiple cup to is said rounded hypoechoic masses of varying sizes are seen within the uterine wall. Size are 49*56mm 54*59mm,62*59mm,31*30mm Urine cavity and pouch of Douglas are free . My ovulation is between 23-25days monthly but have not seen my period since March 2017 till date My PT result is negative What should I do I'm devastated and confused kindly advice... Thank you sir Dear Tayo It seems that you are having fibroid.Fibroids are abnormal growths that develop in or on a woman’s uterus. Sometimes these tumors become quite large and cause severe abdominal pain and heavy periods. In other cases, they cause no signs or symptoms at all. Laparoscopic Myomectomy is the surgery of choice in your case as you have not conceive. In this surgery the fibroid are removed from the uterus preserving the uterus and the fertility. So you can plan for the surgery by consulting the gynecologist surgeon or visiting our World Laparoscopy hospital. with Regards Dr Rahul |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Aduks -
May 7th, 2017
5:03 am
![]() Aduks
Goodday pls I have fibroids and used to have very hearty discharge before and after my period for about 7 days. I did and ultrasound and they found I have fibroids and minimal fluid in my uterus. Pls how do I get rid of the fluid inside my uterus? Dear Aduks Fibroids are abnormal growths that develop in or on a woman’s uterus. Sometimes, these tumors become quite large and cause severe abdominal pain and heavy periods. In other cases, they cause no signs or symptoms at all. The growths are typically benign (noncancerous). Yes you can go for the laparoscopic surgery for this. Laparoscopic myomectomy is the surgery in which the fibroid is removed from the uterus. |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by meenu -
May 18th, 2017
8:49 pm
![]() meenu
I am 33yrs & having multiple intramural fibroids in right lateral anterior wall. Three largest fibroiddnoted 4.7cm x 3.6cm. is it possible by doing laparoscopy. Dear meenu Laparoscopy myomectomy is the treatment of choice in this. It is done by making holes in the abdomen and inserting the telescope and instrument through the hole and carrying out the operation. |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Tina -
Jun 16th, 2017
1:18 pm
![]() Tina
Hi I'm Tina Sally . I was diagnosed with left ovarian cyst measuring 68mm, a sign of ademyosis, a fibroid measuring 13 mm and an endometrium still on the left ovary. Just wanted to know my chances of conceiving. Never had any pregnancy. I'm 27 years old. Don't want to undergo surgery. Any advice for me? Dear Tina You need to go for the surgery. You can'y deny surgery coz the you have cyst and endometrium which can only be resolve by the cyst. Ovarian cystectomy and ovarian drilling will be the surgery of choice. The size of the fibroid is not so big so need not worry about that. It can be taken care later but the cyst can't be ignore. |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Tapaswini behera -
Jul 15th, 2017
5:14 pm
![]() Tapaswini behera
sir, I am 25 years old unmarried. I hv some uterine fibroids problem. my ultrasound report says, that I hv a bulky uterus with multiple fibroids in anterior and posterior wall of uterus. is it possible for operation without removing the uterus. Dear Tapaswini Fibroids are abnormal growths that develop in or on a woman’s uterus. Sometimes these tumors become quite large and cause severe abdominal pain and heavy periods. In other cases, they cause no signs or symptoms at all. The growths are typically benign (noncancerous). Yes you can go for the laparoscopic surgery for this. Laparoscopic myomectomy is the surgery in which the fibroid is removed from the uterus. It can get out without surgery. |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by sk yadav -
Jul 24th, 2017
4:32 am
![]() sk yadav
Sir, my wife aged 42 yrs having problem for urination . Doctor suggest for us pelvic region in which she is detected with a mass measured 5.9,6.1,7.1cm, volume 137.6 3cm cube now doctor says for operation of every remove all. Other report s are normal. Suggest me is it possible to dissolve mass without over removal. Dear SK Yadav You need to go for the surgery it cant be resolved by the medicine. |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Jenny -
Oct 23rd, 2017
11:46 am
![]() Jenny
age 38 yr with an 8 year old child.Have frioboid since 2006 before child birth. Pain with period and blowing pain since 1/2016. Finding: The uterus is anteverted and measures 9.3 x 5.4 x 5.6 cm.Unchanged left myometrial 1.4 cm coarse calcification.The uterus is lobulated in contour and heterogeneous in echogenicity with 2 dominant myomas: Right anterior fundal transmural measuring 4.9 x 4.2 x 3.8 cm,unchanged. Right posterior fundal subserosal measures 4.2 x 2.9 x 3.3 cm,unchanged. The endometrial stripe measures 15 mm. 1.Myomatous uterus 2.Right ovarian probable 5.4 cm endometrioma 3.Left adnexal probable hematosalpinx measures 1.2 cm Probable endometrioma.(#ampem1)Probable hydrosalpinx.(#amphs1) Should I have surgery? What type is recommended? Dear Jenny Fibroids are abnormal growths that develop in or on a woman’s uterus. Sometimes these tumors become quite large and cause severe abdominal pain and heavy periods. In other cases, they cause no signs or symptoms at all. The growths are typically benign (noncancerous). Yes you can go for the laparoscopic surgery for this. Laparoscopic myomectomy is the surgery in which the fibroid is removed from the uterus. With Regards Dr Rahul |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by trude -
Oct 31st, 2017
7:35 am
![]() trude
I am 61 years old and have a 4.2 x 4.7 x 8.5mm intramural fibroid which did not appear on a previous ultra sound done 3 years ago. Should I be worried. Dear Trude Fibroids are abnormal growths that develop in or on a woman’s uterus. Sometimes these tumors become quite large and cause severe abdominal pain and heavy periods. In other cases, they cause no signs or symptoms at all. The growths are typically benign (noncancerous). Yes you can go for the laparoscopic surgery for this as the size of the fibroid is larger. Laparoscopic myomectomy is the surgery in which the fibroid is removed from the uterus. With Regards Dr Rahul |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Saila -
Oct 31st, 2017
11:10 am
![]() Saila
My sister was first diagnosed with Bulky Uterus with multiple fibroid with Rt sided Cystic Ovary since 2014. She is 40 years of age and trying to conceive a baby. She has never been pregnant before. She has been medicated by naturopathy medication and the sizes of her cysts has been up and down. Her recent 2017 Ultrasonography Report displays that there are multiple solid masses attached with uterine body that represents fibroids. Sizes of bigger one is about 6.4x6.4 cm. Endometrium thickness is about 10 mm. Her both ovaries are normal. I would like to know if Laproscopy or a surgery is a must and/or what are her options? please let me know asap. Sincerely, Saila M Dear Saila Fibroids are abnormal growths that develop in or on a woman’s uterus. Sometimes these tumors become quite large and cause severe abdominal pain and heavy periods. In other cases, they cause no signs or symptoms at all. The growths are typically benign (noncancerous). Yes you can go for the laparoscopic surgery for this. Laparoscopic myomectomy is the surgery in which the fibroid is removed from the uterus. As the size of your cyst is fluctuating you need to get rid of that as well. It can also be done by laparoscopy. Laparoscopic Ovarian cystectomy is the surgery of choice. If you visited our hospital both the surgery can be perform at once. With regard Dr Rahul. |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by radha -
May 28th, 2018
9:58 am
![]() radha
my wife has got findings when she scanned her uterus that Anteverted in position BULKY in shape and size. it measures-110x63mm. myometrium is coarse. Endometrium is not seen in middle. A solid hypoechoiec mass is seen inside uterus at present MYOMA measures 32x 30 mm. she has extreme pain at periods . What should i do? Dear radha If she is having extreme pain than she should opt for the surgery because at some time the size of the fibroid will start increasing in size which will increase the pain and other symptoms too. Laparoscopic Myomectomy is the surgery of choice in which only the fibroid is removed the uterus is preserved. With Regards Dr Rahul |
re: intramural fibroid in posterior myometrium
by Dulliestor -
Jun 16th, 2020
8:50 am
![]() Dulliestor
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