World Laparoscopy Hospital Complaint & Feedback

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Name Guljari Lal Yadav
Location Bodh Gaya, Bihar
Care and Attentiveness was first class by all staff of World Laparoscopy Hospital. Nursing, Nursing Management, Theatre, Technicians, anesthetists, and surgeons gave excellent service. I underwent laparoscopic Splenectomy at this hospital.

So lovely and kind and most of all, jolly, smiling. That is what you need after an operation. Could not have made my stay any better. I have got to say two nurses that were like my best friends, thank you for looking after me.

Thanks for everything

Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Laugh Laugh Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile
Reply Thanks for your appreciation. We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures. We at WLH always treat our patients as GOD.

Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile

With regards
Team World Laparoscopy Hospital

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Posted on Tuesday - Feb 16, 2021
Posted by
Name Guljari Lal Yadav
Location Bodh Gaya, Bihar
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Name Anirudh Tiwari
Location Sasaram, Bihar
My mother has undergone laparoscopic hysterectomy by Sr. R.K. Mishra at World Laparoscopy Hospital. Fantastic care was given. My questions all answered with patience and care. Nurses were amazing, very caring, and attentive.

I would fully recommend this hospital and will revisit for any future needs. Thank you to the staff who supported me.

Smile Smile Blush Blush Wondering Wondering Cool Cool Smile Smile
Reply Thanks! You changed our life without even trying, and We don’t think we could ever tell you how much your kind words mean to us.

Thanks again

With regards
Team World Laparoscopy Hospital
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Posted on Saturday - Jan 30, 2021
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Name Anirudh Tiwari
Location Sasaram, Bihar
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Name एस एन वर्मा
Location बोकारो स्टील सिटी, झारखंड
मैं हाल ही में अपने भाई के साथ छुट्टी से घर लौट रहा था, जब इंदिरा गांधी अंतरराष्ट्रीय हवाई अड्डे पर उन्हें मेडिकल इमरजेंसी का सामना करना पड़ा। उन्हें वर्ल्ड लेप्रोस्कोपी अस्पताल ले जाया गया। उन्होंने वंक्षण हर्निया का गला घोंटना विकसित किया। उस सप्ताह के दौरान, मैं आईसीयू और प्रशामक देखभाल स्टाफ द्वारा प्रशासित देखभाल के बारे में निम्नलिखित निष्कर्ष निकालने में सक्षम था।

मेरे भाई का इलाज करने वाले स्वास्थ्य देखभाल पेशेवरों के बीच लगातार समन्वय है, रोगियों और परिवारों के साथ नियमित संचार होता है, आपके पास रोगियों के लिए सुरक्षा की संस्कृति है, और आपके निवासी और नर्स अच्छी तरह से प्रशिक्षित हैं।

ऐसे समय में जब मैं नुकसान और विस्थापन की तीव्र भावना का अनुभव कर रहा था, मैं हमेशा समर्पित पेशेवरों की देखभाल और करुणा को याद रखूंगा। मेरे अनुभव मेरे विश्वास की पुष्टि करते हैं कि मेरे भाई को वर्ल्ड लेप्रोस्कोपी अस्पताल में सर्वोत्तम संभव देखभाल मिली।
Reply आपके अच्छे शब्दों के लिए बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद। आपकी तारीफों ने हमारा बहुत हौसला बढ़ाया है।
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Posted on Monday - Jan 25, 2021
Posted by
Name एस एन वर्मा
Location बोकारो स्टील सिटी, झारखंड
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Name Rajkumar Thakur
Location Karnal, Haryana
I felt very comfortable and reassured throughout my stay at World Laparoscopy Hospital. The staff were great, answering any questions I had and took good care of me at each stage; before, during, and after my procedure of Bilateral Inguinal Hernia surgery. I would fully recommend this hospital and will revisit it for any future needs. From start to finish, treated with respect and courtesy. Mr. Pankaj explained everything in detail. All staff friendly and professional. I would also recommend the name of Dr. R.K. Mishra as the best laparoscopic surgeon.

Thank you to the staff who supported me.

Kiss Kiss Kiss Fingers crossed Fingers crossed Fingers crossed In love In love In love Laugh Laugh Laugh
Reply Thanks for your compliments. Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgiving, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.

Thanks again

Team World Laparoscopy Hospital
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Posted on Wednesday - Jan 20, 2021
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Name Rajkumar Thakur
Location Karnal, Haryana
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Name Priyanka Chwla
Location Hisar, Haryana
World Laparoscopy Hospital has provided me fantastic care. My questions all answered with patience and care. The nurses were amazing, very caring, and attentive. I had a trainee nurse with me the whole stay, she was brilliant with one-to-one care.

Dr. Mishra has given me a lot of chances for good communication, caring attitude by all staff. I would particularly like to commend Dr. Rahul and Chandan, who were particularly considerate and caring, and very informative regarding my issues.

Thanks to all the staffs of World Laparoscopy Hospital

Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Sleepy Sleepy Sleepy Sleepy Cool Cool Cool Cool
Reply As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them. Thanks for your appreciation

With regards
Team World Laparoscopy Hospital
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Posted on Wednesday - Nov 18, 2020
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Name Priyanka Chwla
Location Hisar, Haryana
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Name Rashmi Jaiswal
Location Kalyani Nagar, Pune-411014
Staffs of World Laparoscopy Hospital are very caring, sympathetic, polite, and professional. World Laparoscopy Hospital made me feel at ease prior to laparoscopic hysterectomy surgery. Nothing to improve on, excellent service. I would like to especially thank Bubble and Manoj the HCA who was with me when I went down to be put under for my surgery. They made me relax and were very patient with me as I was very emotional.

World Laparoscopy Hospital is just an amazing hospital to be in I can not found fault anywhere, Staff and building.

Nothing to be improved on.

A big thank you.

Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Speechless Speechless Speechless Fingers crossed Fingers crossed Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh
Reply Thanks for Your appreciation. Your kind word has given a lot of encouragement to our staffs of World Laparoscopy Hospital.

With regards

Team World Laparoscopy Hospital
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Posted on Thursday - Oct 15, 2020
Posted by
Name Rashmi Jaiswal
Location Kalyani Nagar, Pune-411014
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Name Chitranjan Sinha
Location Gurgaon, Haryana
We have no words to thank and fulfilling our dream come true with their tireless and dedicated efforts. Also, the nursing staff is very caring and always ready to help. We wish the whole team a piece of very good luck. Following a routine laparoscopic appendectomy, My wife experienced extensive medical complications, including multi-organ failure, after coming down with the COVID-19.

She required extensive treatment as she developed a pelvic abscess. Her life as a new mother and the full-time student had come to an abrupt halt, but one she resumed in short order. At World Laparoscopy Hospital, again laparoscopic surgery was done and she became fit after surgery. Thanks to all who took care of me and special thanks to Dr. Mishra who made me so comfortable to make healthy my sweet wife thank all staff on the 1st floor.

Laugh Laugh Laugh In love In love In love Cool Cool Laugh Laugh Laugh
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Posted on Tuesday - Sep 15, 2020
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Name Chitranjan Sinha
Location Gurgaon, Haryana
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Name Areen D Wanrio
Location Loomshillong, Megalaya
Areen D Wanrio
Loomshillong, Megalaya

A heartfelt thank you sir for your advice and the treatment given for the recovery of my sister Areen D Wanrio She was suffering from ovarian cyst in right side of size 26×27mm , I am extremely grateful to World Laparoscopy Hospital management and the surgery department for giving me excellent care I must acknowledge and thank prof Dr. R. K. Mishra.

I pray WLH continues to grow and help mankind in best possible way.

With deep regards,

Areen D Wanrio
Loomshillong, Megalaya
Reply Thanks for your appreciation. Appreciation can make a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it all into words is all that is necessary.

With regards

Team World Laparoscopy Hospital
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Posted on Monday - Apr 20, 2020
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Name Areen D Wanrio
Location Loomshillong, Megalaya
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Name Dilara
Location Lawngtlai, Mizoram
I have been so very happy after my fundoplication operation in the month of January, and I cannot begin to thank you for everything you did for me. Your calm attitude, bedside manners, and knowledge gave me so much confidence to go ahead with this. Before the operation, I was very wary because I did not know you and I just got your name from the internet and one of my neighbors told me about you but I was so glad about your suggestions after meeting you and I am really feeling good after surgery.

Moreover, the hospital staff of OT and Nursing were excellent and everything went like clockwork. Everything was so regularised and all my questions answered in a kind and friendly manner.

Thank you once again, it is wonderful to have hands that create miracles in other peoples lives.

With Thankfully
Dilara; Lawngtlai

Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Wink Wink Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile
Reply Thank you for the generous words. It is very thoughtful of you to acknowledge all that We have done. We appreciate it very much!

Team World Laparoscopy Hosapital

Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Wink Wink Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile

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Posted on Sunday - Apr 19, 2020
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Name Dilara
Location Lawngtlai, Mizoram
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Name Ashwani Patil
Location Gurgaon
What a wonderful experience! I can’t thank enough the staff of World Laparoscopy Hospital from every senior doctor to every staff nurse. They are always a call away. Special thanks to an operation theatre Staff and premature staff for taking amazing care of my father getting operated for strangulated inguinal hernia. These days there is everywhere the corona crisis and fear. No hospital was ready to operate on my father due to CORONA lockdown but thanks to Dr. R K Mishra who has done his job and saved the life of my father.

Smile Smile Smile Smile Cool Cool Smile Smile Smile Smile
Reply Thanks for your kind words. Doctors and paramedical staff of World Laparoscopy Hospital have been working tirelessly to give the patients the best care while making sure they don't carry the virus.

Team World Laparoscopy Hospital
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Posted on Saturday - Apr 18, 2020
Posted by
Name Ashwani Patil
Location Gurgaon

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