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Dr. Raman Tanwar

Dr. Raman Tanwar

Jan 14th, 2005 - Feb 8th, 2013
  • Medical Registration: Jan 14, 2005
  • Specialist Registration: Feb 8, 2013
  • WLH Joining Date: Oct 18, 2018
  • Qualification: MBBS, MS, FMAS, MCh (Urology)
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Name Dr. Raman Tanwar
Academic Qualification MBBS, MS, FMAS, MCh (Urology)
Gold Medallist
Address 1013, Sector 15-II, Gurgaon,
Haryana -122001
Telephone +919868378312
Date of Birth 20 th October 1983
Marital Status Married
Nationality Indian
DMC Registration No. DMC/R/03703
Orchid Id


Minimally invasive surgeon specializing in Urology, Andrology and Endourology. Growing into a keen Urologist and KeyHole
Surgeon, Dr. Tanwar has written and edited five books on general surgery with over 50 publications and presentations in national
and international conferences and journals. Dr. Tanwar is one of the very few fellowship trained Men’s Health Experts in the country
with International Experience. He has been awarded for his academic excellence by the British Medical Association, Delhi Medical
Association, Indian Medical Association, Urological Society of India, Delhi Urological Society and many other reputed organizations
in the field of medicine. He has numerous Gold Medals in the field of Urology itself for outstanding academics, organization, best
research and Innovations. Dr. Tanwar has been an organizer of many international and national conferences in Surgery and Urology
including the World Congress on Men’s Health and the World Meeting on Interstitial Cystitis and Bladder Pain Syndrome. He has
been trained internationally in Urology, Andrology and Men’s Health and is one of the most promising urologists of the country.


To provide competitive and comprehensive care in uro-surgery, andrology and minimal access surgery with passion, compassion
and dedication that surpasses world class standards.
To combine quality clinical work and research to invent, discover and formulate newer approaches to management of urological and surgical disease.


2001-2005 Medical School, University College of Medical Sciences, Delhi
2005-2006 Internship, Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital, Delhi
2008-2011 Junior Residency in General Surgery, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi
2013-2016 Senior Residency in Urology & Andrology, PGIMER & RML Hospital, New Delhi
2015: Visiting Physician to the Medical University of Vienna, AKH, Wein
2015: Visiting Fellow to the University of Naples, Italy


2012 Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery, AMASI, India
2013 Certificate in Personal Health and Fitness, Alison Advanced Learning, USA
2016 Fellow of Global Interstitial Cystitis/ Bladder Pain Syndrome Society


2006 Training in HIV Medicine
2008 Training in Basic Surgical Skills
2010 NSV Training by the Government of India
2012 Training in Minimal Access Surgery, AMASI


● DUSCON Achievers Award for Outstanding achievement in Urology awarded for the year 2019 by Delhi Urological Society.
● Andrologist Hall of Fame Award for the North Region by the ET Health World (Times of India Group) awarded on 8th October 2019.
● Awarded by Indian Medical Association for launch of Men’s Health Program under IMA on the 29 th July 2018 as IMA TIGER
● Awarded by the Delhi Medical Association with Men’s Health Award on International Father’s Day 
● Nominated Honorary Secretary of the Gurgaon Urology Association in February 2017.
● DUSCON Achievers Award by the Delhi Urological Society for the year 2018, awarded in December 2018.
● University Gold Medal for Securing 1 st Position in MCh Course for GGSIPU, New Delhi awarded on the 10 th of March 2017.
● DUSCON Achievers Award by the Delhi Urological Society for the year 2016, awarded on January 7 th 2017.
● Selected for Travel Fellowship by the International Society of Sexual Medicine to attend the World Meeting on Sexual Medicine held at National Convention Center, Beijing, China from 22 nd to 25 th September 2016.
● SS Bapat Best Paper Award for Innovations in Urology awarded for the year 2016 during USICON 2016 by the Urological Society of India.
● DUSCON Gold Medal for best publication by PG student for year 2015
● DUSCON Achievers Award awarded by Delhi Urological Society in December 2015
● Uro-science Young Scientist Award awarded by the World Science Congress on 11 th October 2015 during the International CME on Men’s Health
● EUREP International Travelling Fellowship awarded by Urological Society of India 2015.
● “Highly Commended Book in Surgery” awarded to title “Handbook of Surgery” by British Medical Association on 21 September 2014
● DMA Centenary Award “ Scroll of Honor” by Delhi Medical Association on 17 th August 2014
● Progress Session Prize in Urology by the Urological Society of India-North Zone October 2014
● 2 nd prize in Post Graduate Residents quiz in Urology by Urological Society of India-North Zone October 2014
● CSEPI Scholarship for best research in Andrology and Sexual Medicine during JAWS 2012 held at New Delhi
● Award for participation in organizing the International Conference on NSV, January 19-21 st , 2011, Goa, India.
● Award for the Best Student of the year in 1999.
● Gold Medal for securing 1 st position in Delhi in Mental Ability Test organized by Pie Education on 28 th April 2000.
● 0.1% Merit Certificate in Mathematics from the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi.
● 1 st Prize in the Group Western Music in Splash 2005, Lady Hardinge Medical College.


● Life Membership of the Association of Surgeons of India (Membership No. FL 18779)
● Life Membership of the Society of Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Society of India (Membership No. 1422)
● Life Membership of the Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India (Membership No. 4450)
● Life Membership of the Indian Association of Gastrointestinal Surgeons (Membership No. 3781)
● Life and Associate Membership of the Urological Society of India (Membership No. T087)
● Associate Membership of the North Zone Urological Society of India (Membership No. NZ-T-25/A)
● Council Member and Life and Full Membership of Delhi Urological Society (R AL 18)
● Life and Full Membership of the Council for Sex Education and Parenthood International (CSEPI) (LM-550)
● Full Membership Indian Academy of Medical Journal Editors (2015-2020) (Membership No. T-04)
● Life Member of the Men’s Health Society of India (MHSI)
● Associate Membership of the Urological Association of Asia
● Life Membership of the Indian Medical Association


Completed thesis on the “Comparison of effectiveness of ultrasonically activated scalpel with electrocautery in the removal of Gall
bladder from the Gall Bladder bed” during post-graduation in surgery from May 2008 to April 2010.
Completed a thesis on “Evaluation of the role of functional studies in the management of ureteric stones” for the post-doctoral MCh course in Urology from August 2013 to July 2015.


Minimally Invasive and Single port surgery for reconstruction
Endourology and minimally Invasive Urology
Andrology, Infertility, Vasectomy and reversal


Executive Editor of Journal of Young Medical Researchers ISSN - 2347-9418 (2011-2016)
Associate Editor - IJSS Journal of Surgery ISSN 2395-1893 (2013 to present)
Editor/Member – Editorial Board of Advanced Techniques in Biology and Medicine (2013-2018)
Editor/Member – Editorial Board of Andrology – Open Access ISSN: 2167-0250 (2014 to present)
Editor/Member – Editorial Board of SOJ- Urology and Nephrology (2013 to present)
Reviewer for Journal of Clinical Urology, Journal of Men’s Health, Indian Journal of Urology, Central European Journal of Urology,
Saudi Journal of kidney diseases and transplantation, Journal of Young medical researchers, IJSS Group of Journals and other
international and Indian Journals
Secretary General – Men’s Health Society of India
Council Member - Young Urologists Organization of the Urological Society of India
National Expert on Male Sexual Dysfunction and Male Infertility by USI (Guideline Panellist)


1. Worked as an Assistant Editor and Contributed to 9 Chapters in Jain. 2011. Atlas of general surgery.4rth Edition published
by Hodder Arnold and Jaypee Publishers. ISBN: 9789350250648
2. Co-Author of the Book Jain SK, Tanwar R.2015. Case Discussions in Surgery. 1 st edition published by CBS Publishers,
India. ISBN 978-81-239-2592-9.
3. Co-Author of the Book Jain SK, Stoker D, Tanwar R. 2012. Basic Surgical Skills and Techniques. 2 nd edition published by
Jaypee Publishers, India. ISBN-10: 935090375X, ISBN-13: 978-9350903759.
4. Co-Author of the Book Jain SK, Stoker D, Tanwar R. 2012. Basic Surgical Skills and Techniques. 3 rd edition published by
Jaypee Publishers, India. ISBN-10: 935090375X, ISBN-13: 978-9350903759.
5. Co-Author of the Book Jain SK, Manchanda V, Tanwar R.2013. Handbook of Surgery. 1 st edition published by CBS
Publishers, India. ISBN 978-81-239-2422-9.
6. Tanwar R, Jain SK. Idiopathic Benign Ureteric Stricture: A Rare Presentation. UroToday Int J. 2013 June;6(3):art 29.
7. Tanwar R, Singh SK, Pawar D. Complete Isolated Transection of a Distal Female Urethra Following a Bull Horn Injury: A
Rare Urological Emergency. UroToday Int J. 2013 April;6(2):art 19.
8. Jain SK, Kaza RC, Tanwar R. Mucormycosis of the anterior chest wall presenting as a soft tissue tumour. J Wound Care.
2011 Apr;20(4):176-8.
9. Jain SK, Tanwar R, Kaza RC, Agarwal PN. A prospective, randomized study of comparison of clipless cholecystectomy
with conventional laparoscopic cholecystectomy. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2011 Apr;21(3):203-8.
10. Jain SK, Tanwar R, Kaza RC, Ghuliani D. Post burn Marjolin's ulcer in the natal cleft mimicking anal canal carcinoma: a rare
site. J Wound Care. 2010 Dec;19(12):532-4.
11. Jain SK, Mitra A, Kaza RCM, Tanwar R (2013) "A prospective study to evaluate the efficacy of fibrin glue in fistula-in-ano"
World Journal of Colorectal Surgery: Vol. 3: Iss. 1, Article 2.
12. Nayyar T, Tanwar R. Management of NSGCT. Surgery Update 2014
13. Nayyar R, Tanwar R. Hormonal Management of Prostate Cancer. Surgery update 2013
14. Jain SK, Tanwar R. Surgical Management of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Surgery update 2012
15. Jain SK, Tanwar R. Recent developments in diagnosis of Bladder cancer. Surgery update 2011
16. Tanwar R, Singh SK, Pawar D. Pyelo- Hepatic Abscess Caused by Renal Calculi- A Rare Complication. Ind J Urol 2013;29:249-50.
17. Tanwar R, Jain SK. Amoebic Caecal Perforation with Gangrenous Appendix and Ruptured Liver Abscess - a Rare Presentation. Ann trop Med Pub Health.
18. L Bains, R Tanwar, S Tiwari, S Neogi. Cecal Volvulus Presenting as Epigastric Swelling and Mimicking Gastric Volvulus.
Journal of Young Medical Researchers, 2013;1(1).
19. Tanwar R, Rathore K, Jain S, Gora N. Tubercular etiology in a pilonidal sinus of the forehead: Truth or myth? J Wound
Care. 2014 Feb;23 Suppl 1:S13-5.PMID: 24526168.
20. Tanwar R, Singh SK, Pawar DS. Rectourethral fistula: A rare complication of injection sclerotherapy Urol Ann. 2014
Jul;6(3):261-3. doi: 10.4103/0974-7796.134298.
21. Tanwar R, Jain SK, Bains L. Amoebic colitis presenting as ileocaecal intussusception - a rare case. Malays J Med Sci. 2014
22. Jain SK, Tanwar R, Mitra A. Bladder Leiomyoma Presenting With LUTS and Coexisting Bladder and Uterine Leiomyomata:
A Review of Two Cases. Rev Urol. 2014;16(1):50-4.
23. Dympep B, Kakar AK, Tanwar R, Shankar RL, Sen IB, Belho ES. Postoperative hypothyroidism after thyroidectomy for
nontoxic multinodular goiter: Can we prevent it by leaving more?. Thyroid Res Pract 2014;11:49-54.
24. Tanwar R, Rathore KV, Rohilla MK. Nephrocutaneous fistula as the initial manifestation of asymptomatic nephrolithiasis: A
call for radical management. Urology Annals 7 (1), 94.
25. Tanwar R.Embracing the Future with Research. Adv Tech Biol Med 2015, 3:1.
26. Tanwar R, Khattar N, Sood R. Makkar A. Benign prostatic hyperplasia related content on YouTube: unregulated and
concerning. Recenti Prog Med 2015; 106: 337-341.
27. Tanwar R, Sood R, Kumar S, Singh RK (2015) Men’s Health: Where do we Stand and what Lies Ahead?. Andrology (Los
Angel) S1:e001. doi: 10.4172/2167-0250.1000e001.
28. Tanwar R, Sood R, Khattar N, Akhtar A. Is there a Clinically Useful Relationship between Testosterone and Prostate
Specific Antigen in Patients with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms. Andrology (Los Angel). 2015; 4 (142), 2167-0250.10001.
29. Akhtar A, Pandey PK, Tanwar R, Ahuja A, Sood R. Squamous cell carcinoma of renal pelvis presenting as
pyelo-entero-cutaneous fistula: Case report and review of literature. J Exp Integr Med. 2016; 6(1): 49-51. doi:10.5455/
30. Akhtar A, Khattar N, Goel H, Rao S, Tanwar R, Sood R.Looking beyond oral mucosa: Initial results of everted saphenous
vein graft urethroplasty (eSVGU) in long anterior urethral strictures.Arab J Urol. 2017 Jul 19;15(3):228-235. doi: 10.1016/j.aju.2017.06.003. eCollection 2017 Sep.


1. Tanwar R, Khattar N, Nayyar R, Sood R. MP80-15 Can functional studies be obviated in management of ureteric calculus?
A randomized study. The Journal of Urology 193 (4), e1025.
2. Sood T, Manasa T, Sood R. Tanwar R. PD8-12 Changing Trends In Causation, Presentation And Management Of Psoas
Abscess. The Journal of Urology 193 (4), e194.


1. Presented an original research work on No Needle No Scalpel Vasectomy at International Conference on No Scalpel
Vasectomy held at Goa, India.
2. Presented a paper on Clipless Cholecystectomy at Surgicon 2009, held at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi.
3. Presented original research on Rare variants of RCC in 1 st Indian Cancer Congress 2013, held at Kempinski, New Delhi
from 20 th to 24 th November 2013.
4. Delivered a Lecture on “BPH and Metabolic Syndrome” at the Symposium on Men’s health held at Bhimtal, UK, India from
12 th -14 th September 2014.
5. Presented a Paper on “BPH related Content on YouTube: Unregulated and concerning”, during the NZUSICON 2014 at
Jodhpur. Tanwar R, Nayyar R, Khattar N, Sood R
6. Presented Progress section paper on “If it is time to change are we ready? Vein Graft In urethral Stricture” during the
NZUSICON 2014 at Jodhpur. Tanwar R, Khattar N, Sood R.
7. Presented a Video on “SLET Technique: A multipurpose tool for all reconstructive needs after radical cystectomy. Tanwar
R, Khattar N, Nayyar R, Sood R” at USICON 2015, Ranchi, India.
8. Presented an Innovation in Urology at USICON 2016, Hyderabad, India on Magnet Based Docking device for mobile
devices for basic procedures and advanced simulation.
9. Presented a Talk on “Men’s Health Checklist” as a faculty during the 10th Annual Conference on Men’s Health on the 28th
of February 2016 at New Delhi, India.
10. Presented a talk on Erectile Dysfunction - A surrogate marker for overall health, during DMA Academia, on 24th December
11. Presented a Lecture on Running a Men’s Health Clinic during DMA Academia, on 24th December 2017.
12. Presented a Lecture on Male Infertility- Latest Advances during the Andrology Session at USICON 2018 on 18th January
2018 at Jaipur.
13. Presented a talk on PSMA PET in Carcinoma Prostate: A Fait Accomopli during the 1 st Mid-Year Uro-Oncology Update On
10 th -11 th August 2019 at Shangri-La, New Delhi organised by SMH Cancer Centre.
14. Moderated the Session on the Workup of patient with IC/BPS during the International meeting of ESSIC 2016, at New Delhi
on the 19 th of November 2016.
15. Chairperson for Ludhiana Best Poster Session during NZUSICON 2019 at Noida 15-17th November 2019.
16. Presented a Lecture on Erectile Dysfunction: Case Scenarios during 1st SASSM Congress in India at Bangalore from
21st-24th November 2019.
● Presented a poster on Mucormycosis of the Anterior Chest Wall at SURGICON 2010, held at Indian Habitat Centre, New
● Presented a Poster on Spontaneous Rupture of the Urinary Bladder: A rare entity at 1 st Indian Cancer Congress 2013, held
at Kempinski, New Delhi from 20 th to 24 th November 2013.
● Presented a Poster on “Pseudo-diverticulum of Urinary Bladder; A rare cause of Dyspareunia. Tanwar R, Nayyar R, Khattar
N, Sood R” at the 47th Annual Conference of USI; USICON 2014, held at New Delhi, India.
● Presented a Poster on “Changing Trends in Causation, Presentation and Management of Psoas Abscess. Tanwar R,
Nayyar R, Khattar N, Sood R” at the 47th Annual Conference of USI; USICON 2014, held at New Delhi, India.
● Presented a Moderated Poster on “PSA and Testosterone in Men with LUTS: Is there a correlation? Tanwar R, Khattar N,
Sood R” at USICON 2015, Ranchi, India
● Presented a Moderated poster on “Dhat Syndrome: Are we pushing a Urological Diagnosis into the Psychiatric bin?” at
NZUSICON 2015 at Srinagar, India.
● Presented a Moderated poster on “Mandatory IVU/CECT before management of ureteric stones: Do we have a final word?”
at NZUSICON 2015 at Srinagar, India.
● Presented a Moderated Poster on “Dhat Syndrome: The Indian Perspective” during the World Meeting on Sexual Medicine
at National Convention Center, Beijing, China from 22 nd to 25 th September 2016.
● Actively involved in teaching students during residency, and as a faculty in the Department of surgery.
● Faculty of the UROMET program for TURP appointed by the Board of Education – Urological Society of India. (September
2016 and April 2017)
● Faculty for Indian School of Urology
● Delegated faculty for USI PCNL Simulation


Proficient in basic computer functions and working on Windows, Mac and Linux based environment.
Proficient in use and application of Microsoft office and cloud office
Completed training in GW BASIC, HTML, FLASH and Basic Web Designing
Certification in Basic Statistical programs like SPSS, Strata
Awarded the title of Computer King from SGI, Gurgaon in 1996


Proficient in English and Hindi language.


1. Worked as a Supporting Staff in the 15 th National Continuing Medical Education Programme in Surgery at Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi from 22 nd – 27 th September 2008, 2009 and 2010.
2. Worked in the organizing team of the International Conference on No Scalpel Vasectomy held at Goa, India from January
27 th -30 th , 2011.
3. Worked as the IT and web coordinator and played an active role in the organization of USICON 2014, the 47 th annual conference of the Urological Society of India, from 29 th January 2014 to 2 nd February 2014.
4. Worked as the Co-Organizing secretary for workshop on urinary diversion held at Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Center and Webcast by Board of Education, Urological Society of India from 20 th to 21 st December 2014, at New Delhi, India.
5. Working as Joint Organizing Secretary of the 10 th International CME on Men’s Health World Congress of the International
Society of Men’s Health to be held in New Delhi from 10 th to 11 th October 2015.
6. Moderated the Global Live Operative webcast on Robotic Surgery on the 22 nd of December 2015 at Rajiv Gandhi cancer
Institute and Research Center, New Delhi.
7. Worked as the Secretary of the Scientific Committee of the Men’s Health World Congress held from 26-28 th February 2016
at New Delhi, India.
8. Worked as Handling Editor of the Special Issue of Andrology-Open Access on Recent Advances in Men’s Health.
9. Worked as member of Organizing Committee for PERINEOCON 2016, held from 30-31st July 2016 at PGIMER and Dr.
RML Hospital, New Delhi.
10. Invited training faculty for the first UROMET-R program for teaching surgical skills to urologists in Training at Olympus from
17 th to 18 th September 2016.
11. Worked as the Co-Organizing Secretary for the ESSIC 2016 meeting on Bladder Pain Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis at New
Delhi, held at four points by Sheraton from 17 th to 19 th November 2016.
12. Appointed as the Nodal Member for the Web Integration cell of the Urological Society of India (USI).
13. Elected as Secretary for the Gurgaon Urology Club
14. Advisory Board Member for Global IC/BPS Society (2016 to 2018)
15. On panel for Indian guidelines on Sexual Dysfunction for Urological Society of India as National Expert
16. National Panelist for the Indian Guidelines on Male Infertility by Urological Society of India
17. International Panellist for the South Asian Guidelines on Sexual Dysfunction (Endorsed by ISSM)
18. Medical Advisor and Board Member for H Factorial Pvt. Ltd.
19. Editor of the Indian Men’s Health Guidelines released by the Men’s Health Society of India
20. Co-Convener of the Men’s Health Program organized during USICON 2020 at Kochi by the USI and MHSI.


● Sound engineer and Manager of eusound Studio: A project sound recording studio.
● Creative designer and Content developer for ram web worx, a web development company.
● Rhythm Guitarist and English Vocalist for the first and only Indian rock band of urologists “Stringstrasse”
● Lead guitarist and composer for the band “Better Human Project”.
● Senior Advisor, Rayzorbill Records.


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