Dr. Premkumar Balachandran
May 6th, 1993 - Aug 5th, 1996- Medical Registration: May 6, 1993
- Specialist Registration: Aug 5, 1996
- WLH Joining Date: Jul 9, 2015
- Qualification: MS; FICS; M.MAS, FIAGES; F.MAS, D.MAS, Dip, ALS, FICRS, F.AMASI
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Outpatient – My outpatient clinics run every day from nine am to 1 pm. I have an admission day and on-call day twice a week during which I take of all surgical emergencies. My outpatient work also includes the review of postoperative follow up patients.
Inpatient – My everyday routine includes ward rounds of all operated cases. On my admission and call day, I have the responsibility of admitting and taking care of all general surgical emergencies.
Surgical work – I perform an average of two surgeries every day except Sundays. Most of my operative work include laparoscopic procedures ranging from simple diagnostic laparoscopies to laparoscopic cholecystectomies and hernia repairs. I also perform a lot of advanced laparoscopic procedures including colorectal work, gastrectomies, pancreatic pseudocysts, adrenalectomies, and splenectomies to name a few.
Surgical distinctions:
- One of the pioneers of Single-incision laparoscopy in the country.
- Performed the first single-incision inguinal hernia repair in the country.
- Was a member of the team who performed the first robotic bariatric sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass and SILS gastric bypass in the country.
Training - My level of practical skills would meet the requirements of the degrees that I have obtained and training that I have undergone from the level of House officer to my present level as senior consultant laparoscopic and general surgeon.
I have performed various procedures independently and have also assisted senior consultants in major cases during the different stages of my training.
Teaching – Residents are posted under my unit and I am involved in the teaching and conduct of open, endoscopic and laparoscopic procedures to them. I also conduct as a visiting faculty, training programs in basic and advanced laparoscopy to surgeons who have enrolled for the same in ‘The Ethicon institute of surgical education, Chennai.’
One of the first three Indians to have received the M.MAS degree from Ninewells hospital, Dundee, Scotland, the UK, which is the only institute in the world which offers a masters degree in minimal access surgery.
- Awarded the CHIKITSA RATTAN award and the gold medal for excellence in medical science by the INTERNATIONAL STUDY CIRCLE, NEW DELHI, 2007.
- Awarded the BHARAT JYOTHI award, for contribution to education in the field of minimal access surgery by the IIFS, New Delhi, 2010.
- Awarded the “MOTHER TERESA AWARD” for advances in medicine, by the Integrated Council for socio-economic development, Bangalore, 2012.
- Awarded the “Teaching excellence award” by the Indus global foundation during the Indo global educational summit, Hyderabad, November 2015.
- Conferred the title of “Distinguished clinical tutor” by the Apollo hospital educational research foundation (AHERF) – 2017.
- Senior consultant minimal access,robotic and bariatric surgeon ,Apollo hospitals,Chennai. March 2006 – Dec.2013.
- Consultant and head. Surgical gastroenterology and minimal access surgery. Billroth Chennai Kaliappa hospital, Chennai, India hospital Jan.2009 – September 2010.
- Consultant and head. Laparoscopic and general surgery. SKS hospital Salem.India. June 2003- Sep. 2003
- Advanced trauma management course and workshop. Oct 15- 17.1999. Sri Ramachandra medical college and research institute. Chennai. India. Credit hours awarded- 22.
- Annual rapid review and revision course in surgery. Mar 14- 21.1999. Sri Ramachandra medical college and research institute. Chennai. India. Credit hours awarded- 100.
- Annual rapid review and revision course in surgery. Jan 5- 12. 2000. Sri Ramachandra medical college and research institute. Chennai. India. Credit hours awarded- 100.
- Training the trainer course. Ethicon Institute of surgical education. July 2008.Chennai.
- CME and update on abdominal wall reconstruction – National university hospital Singapore, 2011.
- Fellowship in robotic surgery – World laparoscopy hospital, New Delhi,2011.
- Clinical attachment in bariatric surgery – St.Pierre university, European school of laparoscopic surgery, Brussels, Belgium – March15-March 30, 2011.
- Clinical attachment in robotic hepatobiliary surgery – Pamela Youde Nethersole hospital, Hongkong – December 1- 15 2016.
- Treatment of carcinoma rectum- zonal conference- International college of surgeons. Aug 1998. Chennai. India.
- Treatment of fungating tumors- annual conference- Association of surgeons of India.Dec 1999. Madurai. India.
- 2 & 3 port laparoscopic cholecystectomy- Indian association of gastrointestinal endo surgeons 4th congress. Feb 2000. Chennai. India.
- An interesting case of acute abdomen. “Hyperhomocysteinemia”. PSG surgicon.2003.Coimbatore. India.
- How to enter a scarred abdomen! 6th Congress of Indian association of gastrointestinal endo surgeons. Feb.2004.Ludhiana.Punjab.India.
- Koch’s beware. Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis. ASI South zone. 2004. Kodaikanal. India.
- Parathyroid adenoma classical presentation. ASI South zone. 2004. Kodaikanal. India.
- Retro peritoneal sarcomas. ASI South zone. 2004. Kodaikanal. India.
- Acute appendicitis in the umbilical hernia. ASI Annual conference. Dec.2004. Hyderabad.India
- Foreign body in the CBD. ASI Annual conference. Dec.2004. Hyderabad.India
- Stricture esophagus. Multi modality approach. ASI city chapter. 2005. Chennai India.
- An eccrine axillary carcinoma. ASI city chapter. 2005. Chennai India.
- Ergonomics of port placement. AMASICON 2006. Calcutta. 2006.
- Choledocholithiasis. Multimodality and laparoscopic approach. AMASICON.2007.Hyderabad.India.
- Management of undescended testis in the adult. AMASICON 2007.Hyderabad. India.
- Laparoscopic Incisional hernia, materials and methods. NAGASICON.2009. India.
- Laparoscopic splenectomy, pros and cons. NAGASICON. 2009. India.
- Ergonomics of laparoscopy. MASICON, Global hospitals. 2009.
- Single incision laparoscopic hernia repair – Initial experience. APHS, 2010, korea.
- SILS,our experience in a tertiary care center – ELSA 2011,Singapore.
- Laparoscopic management of paraduodenal hernia – ELSA 2011, Singapore.
- Laparoscopic choledochal cyst excision – Video – IHBPA,Coimbatore 2012.
- Laparoscopic pancreaticojejunostomy – Video - IHBPA,Coimbatore,2012.
- Robotic choledochal cyst excision – Video – AMASICON, Indore,2013.
- Robotic total gastrectomy – Video – AMASICON, Indore,2013.
- Thoracolaparoscopic oesophagectomy – Poster – Laparosurg, March 2015, Coimbatore.
- Thoracoscopic thoracic duct ligation – Poster – Laparosurg, March 2015, Coimbatore.
- Role of ultrasonic dissector in axillary dissection – ASI south zone, Madurai,2015.
- Robotic axillary dissection – ASI south zone, Madurai,2015.
- Robotic Whipple for duodenal tumor – Inaugural Asian congress for robotic surgery – Hongkong – Dec 2015.
- ORATION – Dr.C.Williams oration- Laparoscopy in biliary and pancreatic disease – ASI Nagercoil chapter, Nagercoil,2015.
- Laparoscopic management of undescended testis. World journal of laparoscopic surgery, January-April 2008;1(1):16-18
- Laparoscopic common bile duct exploration. World journal of laparoscopic surgery, May-August 2010;3(2):59-62
- Correlation of Her-2 neu over-expression with clinicopathological features of carcinoma breast. Apollo Medicine. 10. 10.1016/j.apme.2013.10.012.
- Achalasia Cardia: Revisited. World J Lap Surg 2017:10(3):112-116
- Thoracoscopic ligation of the thoracic duct for a massive chylothorax following a thoracolaparoscopic oesophagectomy. Int Surg J.2018 Oct;5(10):3441-3445
- Anal malignant melanoma presenting as a primary tumor: A rare case report. International journal of current research. Vol 10, Issue 09, pp.73854-73856,September 2018
- Abdominal cocoon syndrome as a cause of intestinal obstruction: A case report. Journal of surgery.2018;6(6): 159-161
- Comparison of short-term outcomes between single incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy and conventional 4-port cholecystectomy. Int Surg J 2019:6:812-7.
- ‘Mesenteric vascular ischaemia.’-Annual rapid review and revision course. SRMC & RI Chennai. Jan.2006.
- ‘Ergonomics of laparoscopy’. – Live workshop on laparoscopic colorectal surgery. PSG Surgicon. 2007. Coimbatore.India.
- All about inguinal hernia – Annual rapid review and revision course. SRMC &RI. Chennai. Jan.2010.
- Laparoscopic CBD exploration – PSG Surgicon. 2010. Coimbatore.
- Single incision laparoscopic surgery – World congress of laparoscopic surgery. Delhi 2010.
- Upper G.I.SILS – FLIP SIL 2011,Chennai.
- Instrumentation and ergonomics in single incision laparoscopic surgery – ELSA 2011, Singapore.
- SILS hernia repair- How I do it- video demonstration-ELSA 2011,Singapore.
- Bariatric surgery – The answer to diabetes? – Diabetes research society of India – Kerala chapter – Kannur 2011.
- Ergonomics in laparoscopic surgery – FAMASI - 2012,Chennai.
- Difficult laparoscopic cholecystectomy – FAMASI- 2012,Chennai.
- SILS inguinal and incisional hernia repair – India hernia society-2012, Coonoor.
- Basic principles of laparoscopy – FIAGES – 2012, Madurai.
- Training issues in laparoscopic surgery and starting a laparoscopic surgery practice – FIAGES, Coimbatore, 2013.
- Laparoscopic management of common bile duct stones – FIAGES, Coimbatore, 2013.
- Overview of robotic surgery – FIAGES, Coimbatore, 2013.
- Recent advances in hernia surgery. Hernia society of India, South zone conference, Kanyakumari, July 2014.
- Laparoscopic repair of giant diaphragmatic hernia.Hernia society of India, South zone conference, Kanyakumari, July 2014.
- Laparoscopic abdominoperinealresection , step by step. PSG Surgicon colorectal update, live workshop. Coimbatore, July 2014.
- Robotic abdominoperineal resection. Master videos.PSGSurgicon. Colorectal update. Coimbatore, July 2014.
- Thoracolaparoscopic oesophagectomy – IAGES midterm – Kanyakumari October 2016
- TEP hernia repair – FIAGES 2018 Trichy, September 2018
- Live workshop on laparoscopic colorectal surgery. PSG Surgicon 2008. Coimbatore. India.
- Live workshop on NOTES and laparoscopic upper GI surgery. PSG Surgicon 2009. Coimbatore. India.
- Live workshop on Single incision laparoscopic surgery. PSG Surgicon 2010. Coimbatore. India.
- Indian association of gastro intestinal endo surgeons South Zone, 2008, Coonoor, Tamilnadu.
- World congress of laparoscopic surgeons, Delhi 2008, 2010.
- International Faculty for ELSA (Endoscopic and laparoscopic surgeons of asia), 2011 Singapore.
- Faculty for Laparofit 2011, update in bariatric surgery.
- Faculties for FLIP SIL 2011, single incision laparoscopy conference, Chennai.
- Faculty for PSG Surgicon 2011, Coimbatore. Live workshop on minimal access endocrine surgery.
- World congress of laparoscopic surgeons, New Delhi, February, 2012, Chairperson and invited speaker.
- Fellowship course AMASI – 2012, Chennai.
- Fellowship course IAGES – 2012, Madurai.
- Indian hernia society 2012 – Coonoor.
- Chairperson, AMASICON 2013,Indore.
- Panelist, Asia pacific hernia society, Hong Kong, 2013.
- Fellowship of indian association of gastrointestinal endo surgeons, Coimbatore, 2013.
- Faculty and chairperson, Hernia society of India, South zone conference, Kanyakumari, July 2014.
- Faculty, PSGSurgicon, Colorectal update, Coimbatore, July 2014.
- IAGES midterm – Kanyakumari October 2016
- AMASICON 2017 – October 26-29 – Kochi
- IAGES – FALS Bariatric conference – faculty and chairperson – August 9 – 11-Ahmedabad
DEVELOPMENT OF A PHYSICAL LAPROSCOPIC TRAINER. (M.MAS degree – Ninewells hospital and medical school, Dundee, Scotland, UK – 2002).)
A comparative analysis of the current physical trainers identifying their drawbacks with the aim of constructing a new physical trainer, which would rectify most of the flaws, was done.
A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF LAPAROSCOPIC AGAINST OPEN CHOLECYSTECTOMY. (M.S Degree – Sri Ramachandra medical college, Chennai – 2000.).
The study was done taking 25 patients in each category. Advantages and disadvantages of each method were analysed. Final conclusion was that laparoscopic cholecystectomy is superior to open cholecystectomy.
Regularly take part in morbidity and mortality meetings. Here mistakes are critically analyzed with a healthy motive to overcome similar occurrences in the future, thereby
giving the ultimate benefit to the patient.
- Laparoscopic TAPP hernia repair, June 2009, – Department of the surgery teaching program, Govt. Royapettahhospital, Chennai.
- SILS cholecystectomy – World congress of laparoscopic surgeons, Delhi, 2010.
- SILS incisional hernia repair – Endosurg 10, First SILS national workshop,Goa 2010.
- Laparoscopic truncalvagotomy and gastrojejunostomy – Lifeline stapler workshop, Chennai 2010.
- SILS hernia repair – FLIP SIL 2011, Chennai.
- SILS ovarian cystectomy – Lifeline update on SILS and hernia, 2011.
- SILS cholecystectomy –FIAGES-2012, Madurai.
- Laparoscopic ventral hernia repair – Hernia society of India – South zone- Kanyakumari, July 2014.
- Laparoscopic inguinal and ventral hernia repair – November 29-2014 – hernia update- JIPMER - Pondicherry
- Participated and won prizes in painting competitions.
- Participated and won prizes in music competitions.
- Attained the bronze and silver medals in DUKE OF EDINBURGH awards scheme.
- Badminton.
- Swimming.
- Minor excision of lumps and swellings.
- Abscess drainage.
- Haemorrhoidectomy, fistulectomy, sphincterotomy.
- Cholecystectomy.
- Appendicectomy.
- Thyroidectomy.
- Mastectomy.
- Varicose vein stripping.
- CBD exploration.
- All intestinal resections and anastomoses.
- Colostomy.
- Hernia repair – inguinal, incisional.
- Vagotomy, gastrojejunostomy.
- Adrenalectomy.
- Gastrectomy.
- Limb amputations.
- Skin grafting.
- Diagnostic laparoscopy.
- Laparoscopic adhesiolysis.
- Laparoscopic appendicectomy.
- Laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
- Laparoscopic sterilization.
- Laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy.
- Laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair.
- Laparoscopic incisional hernia repair.
- Laparoscopic fundoplication.
- Laparoscopic varicocelectomy.
- Laparoscopic CBD exploration.
- Laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy.
- Laparoscopic management of undescended testis.
- Laparoscopic surgery for morbid obesity (bariatric surgery).
- Laparoscopic rectopexy.
- Laparoscopic splenectomy.
- Laparoscopic hemicolectomy.
- Single-incision laparoscopy.
- Robotic surgery.
- Prof. Sir. Alfred Cuschieri.MD, FRCS. Director. Cuschieri skills center. Ninewells hospital and medical school. The University of Dundee. Dundee. DD1 9SY. Scotland. The UK. Email- a.cuschieri@dundee.ac.uk
- Dr.C.Palanivelu.MS.MCH,FRCS,FACS, Director. GEM hospital and minimal access surgery institute. Puliyakulam road, Coimbatore, India.
- 3. Dr.K.Balaji Singh.MS. Professor of surgery. Sri Ramachandra medical college. Porur. Chennai.India. Tel. - 0091 44 24765512 (572).Mobile- 98410 44913.