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Laparoscopy is a challenging field, which tests a surgeon’s hand-eye coordination and gauzes his abilities to estimate the depth up to which an incision should be produced, respectively. An operation theater is a place where experience vouches for a million lives, and a small mistake or slip-up could fall heavily on a patient’s life. Therefore, it is extremely important for a doctor to attend a hand on training before entering an operation theater or operating a laparoscopic surgery on a patient. Training in a virtual atmosphere refines the amateurish skills of the doctors and helps them in attaining a professional like expertise, naturally. During the training session the doctor is needed to practice on improving his skills, handling with both hands, that is, and also is needed to sharpen up his knowledge on the various laparoscopic techniques. When a person breathes, he/she does not much notice the efforts exerted by the human body behind the execution of that particular mechanism but when for the first time he/ she learns to play, the process of moving the various body parts, differently, has to be learnt. The efforts thereby are gradually instilled in the body mechanism and get imprinted in the neurons, and thus, the various body parts start moving in a harmonious tandem. This could be achieved only through sheer hard work and relentless practice. Similarly, regular hands on training on Laparoscopic surgeries give the doctor an extra edge, molding his/her muscular movements in the required way in a step by step manner.

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