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Intense training on robots gives an assurance to surgeons to work on the minute intracavitary spaces, which once learnt, can be efficiently emulated in the operation theater. Hands on training teaches the methodological approach to commit an operation, safely. The technology is basically preferred over the other techniques because it is more effectual and consumes lesser time, comparatively. Endoscopic reconstructive operations are extremely complex in nature and therefore, requires a three dimensional view, an articulated instrumentation and telemanipulation. Working on improving these skills require a thorough knowledge of robotic science which is another reason why training in robotic surgeries should be a part of a doctor’s curriculum. Working in groups is another important attribute that doctors must learn before entering an operational theater, this improves the coordination amongst the doctors and also between the doctors and the nurses, thus making collaboration an important part of learning. The teams that are formed, to work in groups during the training period undergo system training which includes automated, electronic and mechanical problem solving methods. The training also teaches the doctors to react in a situation of complete power failures. Most of the operations that are done in the labs are done on fresh animals, who are used for dissection and inducing anesthesia, for example the cardiologists can work upon a fresh sheep’s heart to learn about the proper working of a human heart and to learn the methods to operate efficiently on it. The doctors get used to look at the big screen and work on the body, the techniques, skills and knowledge of working on a robot which are acquired through multiple robotic training lessons come very much handy during the times of emergency in the OTs.

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