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The other good thing that laparoscopic training does to a practitioner is to make him more knowledgeable and equipped in facing tough and grim situations. The tools used in laparoscopic surgeries are complex and complicated, while the machineries work with the help of a few convoluted software and a beforehand knowledge on their operation and installation comes handy while dealing with such difficult machineries. The biggest problem in the operational theater is the handling of the pressure during an emergency, where the fast decisions are as important as the accurate ones. Only in an Operational theater does the knowledge comes along with the skills, and having had experienced the complications earlier in a virtual room during the hands on training period, a doctor is expected to accomplish what he intends to do, immaculately. The various laparoscopic simulators developed in the past decades are brought to use during his training period. From handling the needle with a single hand to operating endoscopic camera navigation, training has an answer to all. Laparoscopic surgeries are different from normal surgeries as they involve the use of laparoscopic cameras, which help in obtaining enhanced 3d images on a high resolution monitor. So the doctors must know not only the intricacies of the surgery but also the operational mechanism of the cameras. So this proves why and how, should the hands on training on Laparoscopy techniques are to be implemented and by what means it brings the required changes in the regular operational mechanisms.

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