Frequently asked question about Treatment at WLH

Patient and Visitor FAQs at WLH
Where is the hospital located?

World Laparoscopy Hospital, Gurgaon, NCR Delhi, India

Address of World Laparoscopy Hospital is:
World Laparoscopy Hospital 
Cyber City, DLF Phase II, Gurgaon 
NCR Delhi, 122002, India

World Laparoscopy Hospital is a nonprofit super specialty academic medical institute that integrates clinical and hospital care with research and education in Minimal Access Surgery. WLH was established in 2001 as a center of excellence, to provide advanced surgical treatment through minimal access surgery. The WLH is recognized worldwide as today's reference training center in minimally access surgery.

According to a survey by Business Today magazine, Gurgaon is considered the best city in India to work and live in. Indira Gandhi International Airport INDIRA GANDHI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT is a major gateway to India. You can get prepaid taxi from the airport itself. If you will ask any of the staff of airport they will guide you where the booth of prepaid taxi is situated. This prepaid taxi booth is inside the building of airport. The day before start of course many surgeon comes from many countries from every corner of World. We are very busy and dedicated for laparoscopic treatment, training and research and we have the course going on everyday, every week, every month and year so we request our surgeon to inform us well in advance if they want pickup and drop facility from airport. Generally pickup and drop facility from airport we don't provide for our guest if they will not ask for this service well in advance. The prepaid transport from airport is very safe and quicker way to reach us. These taxies are controlled by police and very reliable, you don't have to bargain. It will cost you approximately 500 rupees to come to World Laparoscopy Hospital, Gurgaon, from the airport.

"Once you are in India you are at World Laparoscopy Hospital"

World Laparoscopy Hospital is the nearest hospital in India from New Delhi International Airport. It situated at the most prestigious and developed area of Gurgaon being recognized as Cyber city, a major hub of multinational companies which provide the world-class office and recreational space to the reputed organizations of the World. World Laparoscopy Hospital at Cyber city, Gurgaon is situated at one of the finest and easily reached location of India. With a multitude of skyscrapers set to dot the skyline, Cyber city, Gurgaon is recognized as a city of skyscrapers. The distance of World Laparoscopy Hospital from New Delhi Indira Gandhi International Airport is just 5 Kilometer where you can reach within 10 minutes if traffic is not busy. Gurgaon is one of Delhi four major satellite cities and is part of the National Capital Region of India.

World Laparoscopy Hospital is open all the day of the week and 24 hour services are open and you can come to our hospital anytime day or night. Once you reach to our hospital, Now this is our duty to get you accommodation and arrange all the necessary requirement for your pleasant stay. World Laparoscopy Hospital World Laparoscopy has state of the art Infrastructure and one of the most modern single specialty super specialized hospital dedicated only to minimal access surgery. You can come directly to World Laparoscopy Hospital. At reception our representative will take you to place of your accommodation. For pleasant memorable stay of trainee doctors we have Subsidized Accommodation specially made for the doctors of World Laparoscopy Hospital. Hospital transport will be available to take you to hospital. Hospital is open 24 hour so you can come any time during day or night.

Traveling by Air

Course FAQ Prepaid booths are operated under the direct control of Delhi Traffic Police. It helps to avert over-charging, refusal, misbehavior or harassment by the Taxi/TSR drivers. Taxis are presently operating from 3 booths i.e. Domestic, International Airports an New Delhi Railway Station (Ajmeri Gate side). Duly signed receipt indicating the Taxi/TSR number, destination, Service Charges, baggage charge if any and the fare is given to the passenger. Rs. 2/- and 5/- for TSRs and Rs. 10/- for taxis are charged for the services. This system is purely optional for passengers. One can SMS at 56767 for any complaint regarding misbehavior by TSR/Taxi driver Delhi Metro is "speedy, efficient and very plush", with fully-automated and air-conditioned stations, park and ride facilities, coffee shops, restaurants and drug stores outside, automatic fare collection machines and contact less smart cards to regulate entry inside, close-circuit televisions, earthquake resistant and disabled friendly design features. The Metro trains run from 6 A.M. in the morning till 10 P.M. in the night. Metro trains are available at a frequency of 5 minutes during peak time.

New Delhi reflects the cultural diversity and religious unity of World. It is difficult to define the culture and religion of India. As there is a continuous inflow of people from all parts of the World, the cultural diversity is very prominent. Being an ancient city Delhi has the shadows of its past. It is said that the Delhi still has the glory of the past looms large its life-style. Delhi might be changing and becoming advance with time it has always done so but it has never shelved the past. There are discos for youngsters to swing their body through out the night, but still the Quwallies at the Nizamuddin Shrine floats in the air, the silence of the night is broken by the Prabhat ferries and the singing of Gurbani (the verses from the Granth Sahaib), the bells in the temples still tells about God being every where, the Sunday masses in Churches still attract the otherwise busy residents of India. People take a break from the hurried life during the ancient fairs and festivals like 'Phoolwalo-Ki-Sair which are still organized in traditional way.

World Laparoscopy Hospital welcomes you to incredible India and New Delhi. We are looking forward to see you and to share with you as we offer one of the most modern facility for minimal access surgery available today in the World by providing advanced 


Laparoscopic Surgery Training

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World Laparoscopy Hospital, Cyber City, Gurugram, NCR Delhi, 122002, India

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Tel: +91 124 2351555, +91 9811416838, +91 9811912768, +91 9999677788

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