Frequently asked question about Treatment at WLH

Patient and Visitor FAQs at WLH
What are the rights of a patient treated at World Laparoscopy Hospital?
Rhe patient who is getting laparoscopic or robotic surgery at World Laparoscopy Hospital has following Rights:
  • You have the right to receive considerate, respectful and compassionate care regardless of your age, gender, race, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or disabilities.
  • You have the right to receive care in a safe environment free from all forms of abuse, neglect or harassment.
  • You have the right to be called by your proper name and to be told the names of the doctors, nurses and other health care team members involved in your care.
  • You have the right to have a family member or representative of your choice and your own physician notified promptly of your admission to the hospital.
  •  You have the right to be told by your doctor about your diagnosis and possible prognosis, the benefits and risks of treatment, and expected outcome of treatment, including unanticipated outcomes. You have the right to give written informed consent before any non-emergency procedure begins.
  • You have the right to have your pain assessed and to be involved in decisions about managing your pain.
  • You can expect full consideration of your privacy and confidentiality in care discussions, examinations and treatments. You may ask for a chaperone during any type of examination.
  • You, and family members or friends with your permission, have the right to participate in decisions about your care, treatment and services provided, including the right to refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law.
  • You have the right to receive visitors you designate during your stay.  All visitors to World Laparoscopy Hospital enjoy full and equal visitation privileges consistent with your preferences.  At any time, you may withdraw your consent for visitation.
  • If you leave the hospital against the advice of your doctor, the hospital and doctors will not be responsible for any medical consequences that may occur.
  • You have the right to agree or refuse to take part in medical research studies. You may at any time withdraw from a study.
  • You have the right to receive detailed information about your hospital and physician charges.
  • All communications and records about your care are confidential, unless disclosure is allowed by law. You have the right to see or get a copy of your medical records and have the information explained, if needed. You may add information to your medical record by contacting the Medical Records Department. Upon request, you have the right to receive a list of who your personal health information was disclosed to.


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World Laparoscopy Hospital, Cyber City, Gurugram, NCR Delhi, 122002, India

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Tel: +91 124 2351555, +91 9811416838, +91 9811912768, +91 9999677788

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