Frequently Asked Questions on the Double Ballon Endoscopy

Double Ballon Endoscopy

What is endoscopy?

Endoscopy means to look inside and frequently deals to looking inside the body for medical reasons using an endoscope, an instrument used to observe the interior of a hollow organ or cavity of the body. Unlike most other medical imaging devices, endoscopes are inserted directly into the organ.

What is balloon endoscopy?

There are two types of balloon endoscopy:

  1. Single balloon
  2. Double balloon

What is Single balloon endoscopy?

In single balloon endoscopy, a fiberoptic endoscope of 200 cm long flexible tube, containing camera on the tip is embedded, with an equally long overtube which accelerates the entire length of the endoscope. The tip of the overtube containing balloon that may be inflated and deflated. Blown up or inflated balloon sticks to overtube within the intestine. Although the overtube is stick, the endoscopy can be advance further into the small intestine. By detaching the overtube the small intestine can be reduced and aligned to form the conduit of the inner endoscope accessible. The balloon may then be contracted so that the overtube can be embedded additionally and the endoscope led again. The endoscope itself is a standard endoscope with working channels that allow the intestine to be inflated with air, rinsed with water, or to guide biopsy or electrocautery instruments to the tip of the endoscope.

What is Double balloon endoscopy?

For double balloon endoscopy, same type of instrument is used, but a second balloon is situated on the tip of the endoscope. Both balloons - the one on the overtube and the one on the endoscope - can be alternatively inflated to stick the overtube or the endoscope to help with the conduit of the endoscope or overtube, respectively.

What are the expectation regarding Balloon Endoscopy?

Balloon endoscopy needs intravenous sedation as other gastrointestinal endoscopy requires. The procedure is mainly hectic and long and frequently requires 1 to 3 hours for accomplishing. Perforation of small intestine or bleeding is the main hurdles of balloon endoscopy; this is due to the insertion of endoscopy or therapeutic instrument usage.

What is the approach for balloon endoscopy?

Balloon endoscopy is remodeling the diagnosis and treatment of small intestinal diseases. However, its use is prohibited because of the huge consumption of time that is essential to perform it. One or two unique, accelerated systems will require to be designed or, most probably, emergency medical technicians will be required to carry out the insertions before balloon endoscopy is as commonly performed as other types of endoscopy. For now, when there is complexities about disease in the small intestine, wireless capsule endoscopy often is carried out first. Then, if complexities or abnormalities are occurred, or if rather a normal capsule endoscopy there still is a strong cynicism that there is disease in the small intestine, balloon endoscopy is done.

The small intestine is the most difficult organ to access in GI tract endoscopy. Double Balloon Endoscopy System makes it possible to provide detailed observation and treatment of this area with minimal discomfort to patients.

What are the uses for Double Balloon Endoscopy?

Preferred uses for Double Balloon Endoscopy include:

  • Obscure Gastrointestinal Bleeding
  • Abnormal capsule endoscopy results
  • Ulcerating diseases of the small bowel
  • Foreign body removal
  • Radiographic abnormalities of the small bowel
  • Intestinal strictures
  • Malabsorbtion, chronic iron-deficiency anemia
  • Polyposis syndrome


A double balloon endoscopy is a procedure that a physician uses to observe the small intestine. During the procedure, a tube with two joined balloons is embedded through the mouth or rectum. One balloon is anchored the overtube, a tube which comprises a tiny source of light and camera used to examine the length of the bowel. The other balloon is anchored to the top of the endoscope. With this sort of procedure, the physician will not only be able to examine the patient’s small bowel, but he or she will also be able to biopsy tissue from the lining of the intestine and exclude tumors or proliferations.

Before the procedure, the person must refrain from food or drink for eight hours. A treatment of oral cathartic may be recommended for the day previous to the procedure to abolish the bowel of any contents. The person should also not take aspirin for a few days former to the exam, and he or she should give the physician with a list of all medications he or she is currently taking. A patient must arrive at least one hour before the procedure is scheduled to be performed, and the test usually takes one to three hours to complete. General anesthesia or sedation is given to the patient, so he or she will need to contact a friend or family member who is able to drive the person home from the hospital.

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