To submit editorial contents, you can contact our editorial team directly at email:

Upload your Article, Assignment or Project on this site. Your effort will be acknowledged.

Instructions for authors:

Submit a Movie, Picture or Articles

Physician and Industry partners are invited to submit content in the form of digital video. This content should be targeted for medical or patient education. All content selected will be properly credited on the "Movie Gallery" page.

We welcome video submissions related to any laparoscopic topic. In order to be considered for possible publication it must include a sound track.

Please follow the following guidelines:

Format Video: AVI, MPEG, WMV
Frame Size: 720 X 480 pixels.
Frame rate: 29.97 fps
Sound Track: 48000 Hz, 16 bit Stereo (CD quality)
Narration: English
Length: 10 to 60 minutes

World Laparoscopy Hospital is dedicated to minimally invasive laparoscopic procedures, is an international website for surgeons. We publish operative procedures and videos focused on the latest surgical innovations, clinical cases on surgical techniques and unusual patient presentations, article analyses and editorials.

The sections are divided into general areas of surgery, and then specific topics. The multimedia format offered by World Laparoscopy Hospital allows users to access all aspects of a topic.

The content on is derived from in-house sources and commissioned contributions. The high quality, precision and integrity of the content are essential to the presentation of new operating procedures and technologies. Within different surgical specialities, international experts are identified and asked to contribute to the site.

Submissions are processed by specialists within World Laparoscopy Hospital who coordinate their efforts to ensure that the textual, illustrative or audiovisual material received is integrated into a complete multimedia product. The contribution is also peer-reviewed to ensure medical quality. Editorial, illustration, translation, video and technical teams are responsible for the finished product, which is updated by the author regularly.

World Laparoscopy Hospital accepts unsolicited submissions only for brief article analyses, editorials and clinical cases. Potential authors should contact email: to receive detailed instructions.


The text must be concise and optimized for web publication, keeping in mind the role of medical illustrations as well as interactive features in enhancing the delivery of the scientific message. However, brevity should not be at the expense of thoroughness or scientific and linguistic accuracy.


Submissions must be in English. All World Laparoscopy Hospital content is published in English


For most measurements, the International System of Units will be used. For anatomy, the International Anatomy Nomenclature will be used.


Abbreviations should be used sparingly and defined when first used.

Redundant or duplicate publication

Contributors should always make a full statement to the editor about all submissions and previous reports that might be regarded as redundant or duplicate publication of the same or very similar work.

Acceptable secondary publication

Secondary publication in the same or another language, especially for other countries, is justifiable.

Protection of patients' rights to privacy

Patients have a right to privacy; identifying information should not be published in written descriptions, photographs, and genealogies unless such information is essential for scientific purposes and the patient (or guardian) gives written informed consent for publication.

Editorial freedom and integrity

Editors must have full authority for determining the editorial content of the journal.

Conflict of interest

Conflict of interest for a given manuscript exists when a participant in the publication process has ties to activities that could inappropriately influence his or her judgment, whether or not judgment is in fact affected. Conflicts of interest should be spontaneously declared to the editor responsible.

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