Breast lift Surgery Frequently asked question

Breast Lift Surgery

Breast Asymmetry and Breast Deformity Surgery

What is ‘breast asymmetry’ surgery?

This surgery is performed to correct a difference in breast shape, size or even the position of the nipple. Most women will have one breast which is slightly bigger than the other and this is usually less than a bra cup size. It can be caused by genetics, pregnancy or menopause. Weight gain can also affect the size and shape of the breasts. However, in some cases there are women who notice that one breast is noticeably bigger in size or shape than the other. In these cases breast asymmetry can help. This procedure tends to be most successful when the breasts are different in size only. If they differ in shape as well as size then this is more problematic. The results are not so good in these cases.

Breast asymmetry surgery can include the following techniques:

  • breast augmentation which can increase the size of the breasts
  • breast uplift which can lift and firm drooping breasts
  • breast reduction which can reduce the size of one of the breasts

This surgery is successful in 90% of cases and results in a natural looking appearance. Bear in mind though that perfect symmetry is impossible.

Who is the right candidate for breast asymmetry surgery?

Some women suffer from a condition called ‘tuberous’ breasts. Basically, this is where the breasts are shaped like tubes hence the name. They have a narrow base and the base of the breast is tubular shaped rather than the normal ‘cone’ shape. For these women surgery can help by using breast implants which will increase the size and help to give a natural, ‘rounded’ appearance. It can also help if Patient have one nipple positioned differently from the other. If Patient have one breast which is different in size or shape from the other then breast asymmetry surgery is an option. It can either increase the size via breast enlargement or reducing the size via breast reduction surgery. There is a rare condition called ‘Polands’ Syndrome’: this is where one breast fails to develop because the tissues responsible for its development are missing. These tissues are located within the chest wall. Tissue expanders can be inserted into the chest area which fills the breast tissue, causing it to stretch. If this condition is causing Patient psychological distress then cosmetic surgery can help. If Patient are in good health, aged 18 and over and are realistic about the procedure then Patient are suitable for surgery. In regard to age, surgeons prefer to operate on women aged over 18 but they can make an exception if Patient are aged 16 or 17.

Who is not a right candidate for breast asymmetry surgery?

If Patient are pregnant or breastfeeding, aged under 18, a smoker or not realistic about the procedure than Patient may not be considered suitable for surgery. Patient's suitability for this procedure will be discussed at the initial consultation between Patient and Patient's surgeon. He/she will examine Patient's reasons for surgery which include taking a medical history. If Patient's health is less than good or if Patient have a chronic medical condition then this may exclude Patient from surgery but is not an automatic ban.

Why a lady shouldn’t have breast asymmetry surgery? Are there any reasons?

If Patient are under 18 and have not started menstruating then surgery is not recommended. Surgeons prefer a Patientng girl to have started her periods before considering her for surgery. Girls under 18 are still going through puberty which includes breast development. Their breasts are still growing due to the hormone estrogen and this development can cause one breast to become bigger than the other. Very often this will correct itself at the end of puberty although it is unlikely after the age of 21. Sometimes the difference is slight but in a few unlucky cases the breasts are clearly asymmetrical. If Patient don’t have surgery: either because Patient are too Patientng or decide against it then there are other options. One of these is to buy a special bra which has a built in implant. This will help to correct the appearance of Patient's breasts. There are several online companies who make this type of product.

How much does breast asymmetry surgery cost?

This will depend on how long the procedure takes and what combination of techniques Patient's surgeon uses. If he/she uses breast augmentation which means implants then this will cost more than a technique which doesn’t. Patient's surgeon may use a mix of techniques from breast uplift, breast augmentation or breast reduction surgery and so price will depend on which of these he/she uses. The surgery can take from one to four hours so Patient can assume that the longer it takes the more expensive it will be. The price will depend on what Patient are having done and whether it is a single breast or both breasts. Generally, Patient are looking at paying a minimum of $2,500. Others will charge within the range of $3,500 to nearly $4,500. Some providers will display their prices whereas others require Patient to contact them for an individual quote. As with any procedure, ‘shop around’ to get the best quote but do not be guided by price alone. Make sure Patient find a good, reputable surgeon before thinking about the cost.

If a lady interested in breast asymmetry surgery what does she do next?

Patient need to think carefully about Patient's reasons for wanting breast asymmetry surgery. It can give great results but it will not change Patient as a person or Patient's whole life. Advances in medical technology and a change in attitudes mean that cosmetic surgery is more popular than before: the results are much more natural looking and recovery time is less than it used to be.

People have a variety of reasons for wanting surgery but a common theme is dissatisfaction with body image. Many of us are unhappy with our bodies and would like to change them so that we look slimmer, toned, Patientnger looking etc. The rise in celebrity culture and constant media attention on the lives of the rich and famous has also contributed to this. The main issue here is that Patient want surgery for yourself: not to satisfy anyone else or because it might make Patient famous. Patient need to have realistic expectations about what the surgery can do and how that will impact upon Patient's life. If Patient are looking to get promoted at work or to rejuvenate Patient's marriage then this really isn’t the answer. Patient are thinking about surgery because Patient want to change a part of Patient's body. That might be Patient's only reason for doing so. Are Patient looking at surgery because of this or is it because someone has made a comment about Patient's appearance? What Patient need to do is to investigate this procedure thoroughly. Do as much reading up on the subject as Patient can. It may help if Patient talk to someone who has had this surgery. They will be able to tell Patient what the procedure entails and what happens afterwards. They can also recommend a surgeon which is important. Patient support groups are a good idea as Patient can meet people who have been in Patient's position. Have a talk with Patient's GP as he/she can advise Patient and refer Patient to a surgeon. He/she will give Patient a non-judgemental opinion on what Patient are planning to do and will be sympathetic to Patient's concerns. If Patient have done all of these and are still keen to go ahead then Patient's next step is to find a surgeon.

How to find a reputable surgeon for breast asymmetry surgery by a lady?

This is vitally important. Cosmetic surgery is not something to be entered into lightly. It needs to be treated in the same way as any other surgery. Surgery can be traumatic for the body and even though it is safe and successful, things can go wrong. Complications are rare but they do happen. Even the most experienced and best surgeons experience complications. The vast majorities of people who have surgery have trouble free procedures and are extremely happy with the results. But, bear in mind that no process is 100% safe and this equally applies to cosmetic surgery. So, with this in mind Patient now need to find a good, reputable surgeon… Ideally, Patient want to find someone who is not only experienced in this procedure but can guarantee Patient the best result possible. What Patient don’t want is a badly done procedure. A badly done procedure means that Patient will have to undergo further surgery and this will be more difficult than the first. Right, where do Patient start? A good place to start is with Patient's GP. Don’t assume that he/she will try to put Patient off from having surgery. He/she will listen sympathetically to Patient and can recommend a good surgeon. Talk to other people who have had this surgery as they will be able to put Patient in contact with their surgeon. Word of mouth always helps. If there is a patient support group for Patient's type of surgery then contacts them as they will also be able to help. Patient will also need to do Patient's homework with this and draw up a shortlist of surgeons. As with any thing in life Patient need to explore several options before choosing the right one and this isn’t any different. What Patient want is to ensure that Patient's surgeon is qualified, experienced in breast asymmetry surgery and is someone Patient trust. It helps if Patient can relate to him/her. Choose someone Patient like and feel comfortable with. Remember, Patient are placing Patient's life in his/her hands! The cost of the surgery is important but should not be the driving force. Patient should be concerned with the ability and expertise of the surgeon rather than how much it will cost.

What questions should a patient ask her breast asymmetry surgeon at the consultation?

If Patient have a shortlist then Patient are ready to book an initial consultation. Some cosmetic providers will offer a free first consultation but check that there are no hidden catches with this. Also, make sure that it is the surgeon Patient see and not a member of staff or a salesperson! >A consultation over the phone or via email will be free but if Patient have to attend for a professional, one hour visit then this is likely to cost money. If this is offered for free then check carefully why this is. We have a list of general questions that Patient can ask Patient's surgeon that are in our General FAQs section. However, we have put together a list of surgery specific questions which relate to breast asymmetry surgery. These are as follows:

  • Do Patient specialize in this procedure only or do Patient perform other types of surgery?
  • How many years have Patient been doing breast asymmetry operations?
  • How many breast asymmetry operations have Patient performed?
  • What do I need to do before preparing for breast asymmetry surgery?
  • What can I expect to see from breast asymmetry surgery?
  • How long will it take me to recover from breast asymmetry surgery?
  • If something goes wrong can I contact Patient?
  • Will I have to take much time off from work?
  • Is there anything in my medical history that could rule me out from breast asymmetry surgery?
  • What are the benefits of breast asymmetry surgery?
  • What are the risks/complications of breast asymmetry surgery?
  • Do Patient have any ‘before’ and ‘after’ photographs of this procedure and can I see them?
  • Can I speak to any of Patient's other patients who have had breast asymmetry surgery?
  • How much will it cost and what does that include? What does it exclude?

There will probably be more questions that Patient can ask but these will cover what Patient need to know. Trust Patient's instincts: if Patient's surgeon is keen to get Patient to have other types of surgery or is reluctant to answer Patient's questions then go somewhere else. If Patient are not relaxed with him/her or do not feel that Patient can trust him/her then find another surgeon. Patient's surgeon should be using the most up to date procedures and be an expert in this type of surgery. He/she will be happy for Patient to see his/her CV and to answer as many questions as Patient like. During this consultation Patient's surgeon will be assessing Patient's suitability for this procedure. If he/she refuses then as disappointing as it is there will be a very good reason for this. He/she may be able to suggest an alternative. Price is an important factor. When Patient ask for a fixed quote check carefully to see what this covers. Does this include the surgeon’s fees, the anaesthetist’s fees, cost of the implants (if required), nursing care, hospital/clinic care etc? And, does it include aftercare? Some places will include six months follow up visits in the quote. What Patient don’t want is to agree to a price and then find out that it doesn’t include certain things which Patient then have to pay for as extras.

After deciding to go ahead with breast asymmetry surgery so what will be the next?

If Patient are happy with what Patient have been told and have decided upon Patient's choice of surgeon Patient are then ready to book Patient's surgery. Most surgeons will advise Patient to take a couple of weeks to think about everything Patient’ve been told before making a decision. This ‘cooling off period’ is designed to enable Patient to arrive at a rational, informed decision.

So, use this time to really think about why Patient want this surgery. Talk to others who have undergone this or Patient's family/friends. Talk it through with Patient's partner. Weight up everything Patient have been told. This period is not designed to put Patient off from having surgery. It is for Patient's benefit and will enable Patient to make a decision without feeling under pressure to do so. Remember, Patient can change Patient's mind at any time even on the day of surgery. Just be aware that the agreement form may state that Patient will incur a financial penalty if Patient do so. After these two weeks Patient are ready to go back to Patient's surgeon. If Patient decide to have surgery then Patient's surgeon will discuss the whole process, from pre-surgery through to aftercare. He/she will ask Patient about Patient's medical history and will perform some routine tests such as blood pressure, height, weight and a mammogram (breast x-ray) if applicable. It is important that Patient are honest about Patient's medical history. If Patient fail to mention anything because Patient feel it may prevent Patient having surgery then the consequences could be much worse. If Patient have an allergy to a particular medication or have a long term illness then this could place Patient at greater risk. These can cause Patient to have an adverse reaction to a particular drug during surgery or to the anaesthetic itself.

Mentioning these does not always mean that Patient cannot have surgery. It may mean that there is an increased risk but it is manageable. It doesn’t mean automatic exclusion from breast asymmetry surgery. So, tell Patient's surgeon if Patient are taking any prescription medication or have had surgery before. He/she wants to make sure that Patient will be safe and well following Patient's surgery. Patient will be advised as to what medication Patient can take before surgery and, what must be avoided. Patient's surgeon will give Patient an agreement form to sign. Read through this very carefully, and if Patient see anything Patient don’t understand then ask. Once Patient are happy with this then go ahead and sign this form. Patient's surgeon will also take a series of ‘before’ and ‘after’ photos which will show the results of the surgery. He/she will look to show these to other prospective patients. If Patient are not happy about this then let him know. A date and time will be arranged. Patient's surgeon will also give Patient a list of guidelines – a type of ‘do’s and ‘don’ts’ before Patient's surgery. Make sure Patient follow this carefully. They may seem a bit rigid or even daft but they are there to protect Patient. It is also worth mentioning Patient's surgery to Patient's GP. He/she will not only be aware of this but can treat Patient instantly if something does go wrong.

How does a patient prepare for her breast asymmetry surgery?

Patient will have been given a list of things to do before Patient's surgery. These will include the last time Patient can eat and drink before Patient's surgery, what to bring with Patient on the day of Patient's surgery, medications and what will happen after Patient's surgery. Patient now have time to prepare for Patient's surgery. Surgery is a major undertaking and can be stressful – both mentally and physically. As well as the actual trauma on the body there is the process of having to arrange certain things beforehand, not to mention the day of surgery itself. Then, Patient will have to have things in place for Patient's recovery.

A good way of approaching this is to do a ‘To Do’ list. Note down things Patient have to do such as ensuring that essential jobs in the house are taken care of, important bills have been paid, the cat (or other family pet) will be looked after and that someone will be on hand if Patient need help. Arrange now for someone to take Patient to the clinic or hospital and to drive Patient home the next day. Patient's stay in hospital will depend on what technique Patient have had such as breast augmentation or breast uplift. If Patient smoke then Patient will have to stop this before Patient's surgery. It would be better if Patient could give up altogether although this can be difficult. If Patient can at least stop two weeks before surgery and not resume this until two weeks after surgery then this will help. Patient's surgeon will not perform the procedure if Patient are still smoking right up to the day of the surgery itself. If Patient are taking any prescription medicines then check with Patient's surgeon about whether Patient should take them or not. He/she may advise Patient to stop taking them until after Patient's surgery. There is the risk that the medication might cause an adverse reaction during or after surgery so it is better to be safe than sure. For example, if Patient take anti-inflammatory medicine or Aspirin then stop taking these before Patient's operation. This also applies to non-prescription medications such as vitamin/mineral supplements, Evening Primrose Oil, Cod Liver Oil and Ginseng. Patient's surgeon and/or GP can advise Patient about what over the counter remedies to avoid.

Make sure Patient have ordered enough painkillers and medication to cover Patient during Patient's recovery period. Also ensure that Patient have ice packs (reduce swelling), dressings, gauze, moisturizers, scar reducing cream and Arnica and/or Bromelain (good for reducing bruising and swelling). With the last two items, check with Patient's surgeon first. Prepare quick meals and snacks which do not require Patient to cook. Patient will be resting as much as possible so soups, protein drinks, juices, light snacks etc are a good idea. Ensure that Patient have fruit and vegetables as they will aid with Patient's recovery. Buy bottled water and convenience meals for the post-surgery period.

Arrange for someone to stay with Patient for the first 24 hours after Patient's surgery. This can be Patient's partner, a family member of a close friend. Patient will be very tired and disorientated from the surgery for the first 24 to 48 hours afterwards so have someone close to hand. They can help Patient with Patient's normal household jobs. Patient do not want to overdo things at this time so arrange for someone to do these things for Patient. The week before Patient's surgery – have Patient's last alcoholic drink. The day before is when Patient can do any last minute checks. Then, pack a small overnight bag with the following items:

  • Hairbrush, comb and other related items
  • Patient's own pillow
  • Magazines, books and a personal music player such as an MP3 player or iPod.
  • Nightwear, dressing gown and slippers
  • Toiletries
  • Shower cap and moisturizing body wash plus body lotion
  • Tissues
  • Lip balm

What will happen on the day of a patient’s breast asymmetry surgery?

On the day of Patient's surgery get up and have a shower. Put on something loose and comfortable to wear (a soft jogging style suit is ideal). If Patient wear contact lenses then make sure Patient remove these before Patient's surgery. If Patient wear glasses then bring these in a case. Do not put on any make up or jewellery. Leave any valuables at home. As Patient arrive at the clinic/hospital the medical staff will help Patient to settle in. Patient will have to go through the admission process first. This is standard procedure and involves Patient filling in forms with Patient's name, address, age etc. Once Patient have done this Patient will then be shown to Patient's room. Patient's partner/family member/friend can stay with Patient until Patient are fully settled in.

When Patient get to Patient's room, unpack Patient's bag and make sure Patient have Patient's dressing gown, slippers and nightwear to hand. Place Patient's books and/or magazines where Patient can reach them. Patient can bring in items of food and drink although Patient will not be allowed to have these until after Patient's surgery. A nurse will come and see Patient to see if Patient have settled in. He/she will also perform some routine, pre-operative tests. This will include checking Patient's blood pressure and taking blood and urine samples. She/he may also check Patient's height, weight and note down details of Patient's next of kin. Patient will be given a pair of compression stockings to wear which help to prevent the formation of blood clots. If Patient are inactive for any period of time then there is the risk of blood clots or ‘deep vein thrombosis’. Special compression stockings can help to prevent this as can an injection of Heparin, a blood thinning drug. Patient may have paid for Patient's surgery beforehand: if not Patient can pay on the day. A hospital/clinic cashier will visit Patient to collect payment. Patient will find that most people like to do this before their surgery. Patient's surgeon will come and visit Patient to see if Patient are alright. If Patient have any last minute questions then feel free to ask. He/she knows that Patient are feeling anxious or apprehensive before surgery and will put Patient at Patient's ease. Patient will give a consent form to sign which states that Patient fully understand what this procedure is about. It will also contain details of the risks and complications. Read this carefully, ask if Patient don’t understand any of the questions and then sign it. This gives Patient's permission for Patient's surgery to take place and is designed to protect Patient and Patient's surgeon. Patient will be given a theatre gown to change into.

What is the breast asymmetry procedure?

Patient will be given a general anaesthetic. The surgeon will make an incision in the breast crease (the natural crease just under the breast). He/she will use a combination of the techniques used in breast uplift, breast augmentation or breast reduction surgery. The surgery can last from 1 hour to 4 hours depending on the techniques used. Everyone is different and some people will take longer than others. The aim is to balance the shape and size of the breasts so that they appear the same. This surgery can also tighten sagging breasts.

What will happen after breast asymmetry surgery?

Patient will be taken from the theatre to a recovery room. This is very similar to a high dependency unit in which Patient will be monitored continuously. Highly trained staff will check on Patient's heart rate and pulse and Patient's condition in general. They will monitor Patient's progress. Once they are satisfied with this Patient are then ready to be taken back to Patient's room. Once there, a nurse will check upon Patient. He/she will examine the surgical wounds and will also perform a blood pressure check. Patient may be given another injection of Heparin. If there are any surgical drains in place then these are only there to remove any excess fluid. They are a temporary measure only. Patient will feel disorientated, dizzy and very tired after the anaesthetic. Patient may feel slightly sick as well. As unpleasant as these sounds it is perfectly normal and will only last for a short time. As soon as Patient can, Patient are encouraged to get up and move around. This will help to stop blood clots forming. Patient will be given plenty of painkillers at this time which will help to control any pain and discomfort. Patient will have access to nursing staff at all times so if Patient need anything just ask. Patient's surgeon will also visit Patient to check on Patient's progress. Expect to feel sore and bruised after surgery. This can last from 24 to 72 hours. Patient will be given pain medication to deal with this and will be advised to get plenty of rest. It depends on the extent of Patient's surgery but Patient could be looking at staying in hospital or the clinic for a couple of days. On the day of Patient's discharge Patient will be given instructions on post-surgery recovery and a good supply of pain medication. Patient will also be given an appointment card with the time and date of Patient's first follow up visit. This all forms part of the important aftercare service. This aftercare service includes Patient's surgeon’s contact details in case Patient need to get in touch if something goes wrong. Make sure Patient have someone to drive Patient home.

What does recovery from breast asymmetry involve?

Basically, Patient will need lots of rest and recuperation. Patient's breasts will feel sore and bruised, and are likely to be swollen as well. Patient will have to wear a light support bandage for a couple of weeks and a special support bra. A soft, sports bra is a good idea. During this time Patient will feel tired, sore and a bit down. This is a completely normal reaction to the surgery. Don’t forget, Patient would have been keyed up and nervous beforehand and this is a reaction to all of that stress. Patient have gone from a sense of anticipation to a complete anti-climax. For the first two to three days Patient will be feeling sore, bruised and swollen. Patient will have been given painkillers to deal with this so keep taking them. Patient can apply ice packs to the sore areas. The dressings will stay in place for two weeks following surgery. Patient will have sore and swollen breasts for up to a week after surgery. Wear a support bra or a special sports bra that fastens up at the front and wear this for 4 to 6 weeks following surgery. If non-dissolvable stitches have been used then these will have to be removed after 10 days following Patient's operation. When Patient arrive home, do not attempt to do any of Patient's normal household jobs such as cleaning, putting the washing out or tidying up. Make sure Patient have someone that can do this for Patient. This is ‘me time’ now: a time when Patient will need plenty of sleep and time to recover. Patient will find that Patient feel slightly groggy and dizzy following the anaesthetic. Do not try and do anything which requires Patient to concentrate. Try to avoid doing anything that requires Patient to lift or stretch. Do not carry anything heavy or cumbersome. Make sure that any items Patient need such as kitchen utensils are at eye level. And make sure Patient can reach various items without having to bend over or stretch for them. If Patient have children then ask Patient's partner or member of Patient's family to look after them for the first few days. This applies to very small children such as toddlers. What Patient don’t want is a lively two year to jump on Patient when Patient are trying to rest!

Have the follow arrangements in place when Patient arrive back home:

  • Keep Patient's fluids up during this time. Drink plenty of water. Instead of buying those large, 2-litre bottles of water, keep a few smaller ones and straws close to hand. The ‘sports type’ bottles are very handy.
  • Make sure Patient have a good supply of painkillers, medications, bandages, dressings etc. With Patient's medications, note what day and when Patient take them. For example, if a medication has to be taken 3 times a day after meals then note this on the bottle.
  • Patient's partner or family member/friend to help out with everyday tasks. These can include household duties, looking after Patient's children and/or the family pet.
  • Wear something comfortable during the day. Patient do not want to wear anything which feels tight or could cause friction against Patient's surgical wounds. Loose tops or shirts, a jogging suit or a baggy t-shirt and pyjama trousers are ideal.
  • Ask Patient's partner or friend to cook meals for Patient for the first few days. What is helpful is if Patient have managed to go food shopping before Patient's surgery and bought in enough ready prepared meals and treats. This saves Patient from having to worrying about cooking for yourself.
  • Do any cleaning beforehand. Patient will not be fit enough to do this or any other housework during this time so try and do it before Patient's surgery.
  • Patient will find yourself taking naps at different times during the day. In order to help with this it is a good idea to leave Patient's curtains closed or to fix blinds so that the room is dark enough for Patient to sleep.
  • Keep some blankets and a soft pillow to hand. If Patient feel the need to have a lie down in the living room then cover yourself with a blanket. Surgery can cause Patient to feel the cold more than usual. Feeling cold is also common when Patient are tired and this is something Patient will notice after Patient's surgery.
  • Keep by Patient's bed, a small table on which Patient's medications, painkillers, mobile phone, bottled water and most importantly, the remote control are to hand. Ensure that Patient have a decent lamp as Patient will be a bit unsteady on Patient's feet for the first day or so. If Patient have to get up in the night then Patient will need to put the light on.
  • Patient will spend this time either watching television or reading. If this gets a bit boring then listen to the radio or a favorite CD.

What Patient may find is that Patient feel depressed after Patient's surgery. This is not depression in the true sense of the word: it is more a state of feeling down or a bit low. This is known as post-operative depression and can be caused by a variety of things. These include guilt or worry about the surgery; worry about the cost or spending money on cosmetic surgery; the physical trauma of the surgery and the reaction of Patient's partner, family and friends to Patient's new look. This is all entirely normal and cease over time. It helps to talk to Patient's partner or a good friend at this time. If Patient are still feeling depressed some time following surgery then it is worthwhile contacting Patient's surgeon. The next big question is when can Patient return to work? We would recommend that Patient take a week off from work. If Patient have an office job which involves Patient sit at a desk then Patient can return to work a week later. If Patient's job involves Patient in physical activity or lifting then give yourself two weeks before returning. It will be six weeks or more before Patient can resume playing sports or other strenuous activities. In respect of sex, abstain from this for a week. It will be two to four weeks before Patient are well enough to drive. As regards scarring Patient are looking at six weeks to make a full recovery. The scars can take up to seven months to heal. Patient will have a follow up visit or visits during this time which may be the only time Patient leave the house. At those visits the surgical wounds will be checked and cleaned. Patient's surgeon will check on Patient's progress and ask how things are. If Patient have any questions then ask away.

What are the benefits of breast asymmetry surgery?

Patient will notice that Patient's breasts appear much more symmetrical. It depends on which technique Patient's surgeon has used but they are higher, toned and firmer in appearance. Both breasts will appear alike and evenly balanced; however, they will not be 100% perfect as this is impossible to achieve. But, they will appear equally proportioned and any difference will be difficult to notice. Patient's clothing will be a better fit and will feel much more comfortable. Patient will feel a lot happier about Patient's appearance. The vast majorities of patients is very pleased with the results and feel more confident as a result. As long as Patient had realistic expectations then Patient will find that this surgery has met these expectations.

What are the risks of breast asymmetry surgery?

Breast asymmetry surgery is safe. This surgery has been performed countless times by highly qualified, experienced surgeons. However, all surgery has a very small amount of risk. There is always the risk of complications. These are rare but do happen. If Patient notice any of the following symptoms then contact Patient's surgeon immediately:

  • Infection
  • Excessive bleeding
  • A sudden increase in pain
  • Chest pain, shortness of breath or rapid heart beat

Other risks include an adverse reaction to anaesthesia, the implant breaks or leaks, capsular contracture, haematoma, reduced or loss of nipple sensation and unacceptable results. There is also the risk of fluid forming around the implant. There is also the possibility that the procedure will need to be repeated a second or even a third time. There have been some media reports which argued that breast implants can cause breast cancer. But there is no concrete evidence of this. At present, a link between implants and breast cancer has not been proved. Some women have reported having fever, joint pain, fatigue and breast pain after surgery. These have been seen as an immune system disorder but again, no link has been proved between the two.

How long does breast asymmetry surgery last? Will a lady need further surgery?

If Patient's surgeon has performed breast augmentation as part of this surgery then Patient will have had implants fitted. These tend to last for ten to fifteen years. Once that time has passed they will need removing or replacing. The breasts are subject to the ageing process, gravity, pregnancy and childbirth. If Patient gain or lose weight then they will also change in size and shape. So surgery may be needed again at some point in the future.

Is there an ‘aftercare’ service for breast asymmetry surgery?

The aftercare service is a very important part of Patient's treatment. It is included in the cost of the procedure and takes the form of follow up visits. These visits are designed to check on Patient's post-surgery progress. These visits will include breast x-rays or mammograms if Patient fall into a particular age category. The scars will be examined to ensure that they are healing properly. There will be a series of these visits, usually six, to monitor Patient's progress.

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