Laparoscopic Adhesiolysis and Adhesion Prevention


Ahesion is one of the leading problem after open surgery. The only way to treat adhesions is to remove or separate them through surgery and through laparoscopic surgery. This procedure is called adhesiolysis (ad-he-ze-o-li-sis). Studies have shown that patients with pelvic pain and severe adhesions can experience a marked reduction in symptoms after laparoscopic adhesiolysis.

In addition, infertility due to pelvic adhesions can be successfully treated by adhesiolysis in approximately 40-60% of patients. Adhesions are defined as abnormal attachments between tissues and organs.

Intra-abdominal adhesions may be classified as congenital or acquired. Congenital adhesions are a consequence of embryological anomaly in the development of the peritoneal cavity. Acquired adhesions result from the inflammatory response of the peritoneum that arises after intra-abdominal inflammatory processes (e.g. acute appendicitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, exposure to intestinal contents and previous use of intrauterine contraceptive devices), radiation and surgical trauma. It has been reported that the majority of acquired adhesions (about 90%) are post-surgical

However, one of the reasons adhesions are so problematic is that adhesions reform more than 70 percent of the time, even following adhesiolysis. Therefore, adhesion prevention is vital.

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