Recent Advances in Minimal Access Surgery


Minimal access surgery is the most important revolution in surgical technique since the early 1900s. Its development was facilitated by the introduction of miniaturised instruments and advanced optics with good image reproduction. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy was the first procedure to be widely accepted all over World, and several others are now well established. Other laparoscopic procedures are being validated, but further use of the technique may partly depend on the development of new enabling technologies. For example, a virtual reality laparoscopic simulator was recently used to assess the value of a three dimensional laparoscopic optics system. In this presentation we present an overview of advances in minimal access surgery, concentrating on procedures that have most recently become established in everyday surgical practice.

Advantages of Minimal Access Surgery were realized by the adult surgeons long before it was accepted in the pediatric community. Initially, performing Minimal Access Surgery in the pediatric population was resisted for the following reasons: A widely held belief was that children did not experience pain. The cost of laparoscopy was believed to be too high. Equipment was not small enough. Minimal Access Surgery was believed to be too difficult to perform and too difficult to learn. The cases were thought to take too long to set up and to perform. Many surgeons believed that laparoscopic cases did not really apply to children, and the need for cholecystectomy was relatively uncommon in children. Pediatric surgeons already prided themselves on the ability to work with small incisions. Many believed that Minimal Access Surgery was not safe, and its efficacy was not proven.

Da Vinci Robotic Surgery

One of the recent advances in Minimal Access Surgery is da Vinci Robotic syegery but the study found that some surgeons had access to robotic surgery while others did not. Those who used robotic surgery were more positive about the outcomes using the robotic surgery. The study determined that those surgeons who didn’t have a robot available “downplayed its advantages.”

The doctors were more likely to describe the robotic surgery as superior if it was available at their center. The researchers also provided evidence that the physicians were shaping how they described the treatments in an effort to manage patients emotions and demands for the robotic technology. The da Vinci robotic surgery has definit advantage over conventional surgery the doctors were more likely to describe the robotic surgery as superior if it was available at their center. The researchers also provided evidence that the physicians were shaping how they described the treatments in an effort to manage patient's emotions and demands for the robotic technology.

da Vinci Robotic Surgery has definit advantage over open surgery for prastate cancer because prostate cancer is the most common solid organ cancer in men. A recent HCB News story noted that one in six men will develop prostate cancer and many will choose between radical prostatectomy, the removal of the prostate gland and some surrounding tissue, and robotic surgery, which is less invasive and generally has shortened hospital stays.

A recent Loyola Medicine story found that the robotic-assisted surgery reduced the risk of blood loss and prolonged hospital stays in obese prostate cancer patients. While that study specifically tracked obese men, researchers concluded the results found both surgical options are “feasible and safe” and the “surgeon’s comfort level should dictate which surgical approach is used,” according to the HCB article.

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