Laparoscopic Sterilization


The laparoscopic sterilization procedure is normally used to perform tubal ligation for women. Tubal ligation is a method of sterilization involves blocking the fallopian tubes. Fallopian tubes on both sides of the uterus and ovary. They get eggs from the ovaries to the uterus. After the fallopian tubes closed, the man's sperm cannot reach the egg. Laparoscopy allows the doctor to complete tubal ligation with a small incision near the navel. This small incision decreases healing period after operation and the risk of complications. In most cases, women can leave the surgery center within 4 hours after laparoscopy.


The woman must carefully weigh their decision to undergo laparoscopic sterilization. Although this procedure has been successfully recapped in some women, in almost all cases, permanent loss of fertility occurs. Women who do not know if they still want children should choose an under permanent contraception, such as birth control pills, intrauterine device (IUD), or barrier method (such as a diaphragm). Consider the options with your doctor. Your husband may also consider vasectomy, male sterilization method that involves cutting and tying the vas deferens, the tube that carries sperm.

Laparoscopic sterilization

For women who do not want more children, laparoscopic sterilization provides a secure and convenient form of contraception. Once finished, you need not to take any step to prevent pregnancy. Tubal ligation does not alter the menstrual cycle in women or cause menopause. However, laparoscopy may not be appropriate for some women. In these cases, tubal ligation can be performed by laparotomy, a larger operation that requires a large abdominal incision plus one or two days at the hospital.

You will receive general anesthesia to relax muscles and prevent pain during surgery. Intravenous line (i.v.) is inserted into a vein in the arm or hand. Then another device gently inserted into the vagina to move the uterus. A small incision is made near the navel. Laparoscope, a thin tube camera about the width of a pencil is passed through the incision, and the belly is inflated to make them easier to see the bodies. Special unit to enter the fallopian tube inserted through a small incision made in the second line of pubic hair. Fallopian tube closed in one of two ways: an electric current that causes a clot tube (electrocautery) or a band or a sequence which is located in the pipe. Your doctor may reduce the fallopian tubes. After the fallopian tubes are closed, the laparoscope and camera are removed and a small bandage is applied to cuts.

Recovery from surgery

After surgery, patients stay in the recovery room and observed for possible complications. Patients were discharged after receiving instructions to recover at house. Patients should consult their doctor for appointment to come in 2-8 weeks.

Preparing for laparoscopic surgery

Before laparoscopy:

1. Do not eat, drink (including water) or smoke after midnight before surgery.

2. Wear low-heeled shoes on the day of surgery. You may be drowsy from the anesthesia and unsteady of feet.

3. Do not wear jewelry. (Can use wedding rings).

4. Wear loose clothing. You will have some tenderness and abdominal pain after surgery.

5. Bring a pad. You May have vaginal bleeding after surgery.

6. Remove nail polish before surgery.

Home recovery

1. Do not drink alcohol or drive for at least 24 hours after surgery.

2. You can take bath at any time after surgery.

3. You can remove the bandage the morning after surgery. Steri-strips which resemble belt can be removed 2-3 days after surgery.

4. Patients can return to work three days after surgery. (If you need a letter from a doctor, ask the day before surgery).


Your stomach can be inflated for several days after surgery. Tylenol can be taken to relieve pain. You May have a sore throat for a few days. Try using throat tablets. You may have mild nausea. Try to eat a light meal in the afternoon, the day of surgery. Tea, soup, toast, gelatin, cookies or can help relieve nausea. Gas in the stomach can cause discomfort in the neck, shoulders and chest for 24 to 72 hours after surgery. Try taking a warm shower, using a heating pad, or a walk.

Vaginal bleeding and menstrual

Vaginal bleeding through one month after surgery is normal. Many women do not have your next normal menstrual cycle for 4-6 weeks after surgery. When the normal cycle returns, you may notice more bleeding and more discomfort than usual during the first two or three cycles.

Sexual activity

You can resume sexual activity one week after surgery.

Contact doctor

Contact your doctor immediately if you notice any of the following:

1. Persistent nausea and vomiting over 24 hours

2. The temperature over 100 degrees Fahrenheit for more than 24 hours

3. Redness, swelling, discharge, or bleeding around the incision

4. After the first day of operation: Mild bleeding with clots or take a pad within 2 hours

Specific Tubal Sterilization Techniques


Laparoscopy is the most popular procedures of tubal sterilization:

The procedure begins with a small incision in the abdomen at or near the navel. The surgeon inserts a narrow pitch called a laparoscope through an incision. The second incision just above the pubic hair, a probe is inserted. Once the pipes are found, the surgeon closes them using different methods: clips, electrocoagulation or tubal rings (using electrical current to burn and destroy part of the pipe). Laparoscopy usually takes 20 to 30 minutes to leave minimal scarring. Often the patient is able to go home the same day and can return to sex when you feel ready.


Minilaparotomy do not need tool for visualization but requires an incision in the abdomen and small - about 2 inches long. The tubes are tied and cut. All in all, minilaparotomy is best for women who choose to be sterilized immediately after birth, a laparoscopy may be another option in future. The minilaparotomy mostly takes around 30 minutes to carry out. Women who go through Minilaparotomy usually need several days to recover and can resume sex after consulting the doctor.


Essure approach uses a small coil to block the fallopian tubes. Unlike tubal ligation, Essure procedure does not require incisions or general anesthesia. This can be done in the doctor's office and takes about 45 minutes. An expert doctor uses an instrument called a screen Hysteroscope to insert the device into the vagina, uterus and up into the fallopian tube. When the device is in place, it spreads inside the fallopian tube. Over the next three months, the formation of scar tissue around the device and block the tubes. This results in permanent sterilization.

Benefits of women sterilization

Women who choose sterilization no longer have to worry about pregnancy or to deal with distractions and the possible side effects of contraceptives. Sterilization is sexual desire or pleasure, and many people say that really improves sex by removing the fear of unwanted pregnancy.

Complications and disadvantages of women sterilization

• The failure is rare, less than 1%, but it can happen. More than half of these pregnancies are ectopic, which required surgical treatment.

• After the procedure, women can feel tired, dizziness, nausea, bloating or flatulence, and may have a slight pain in the abdomen and shoulder. These symptoms usually disappear within 1-3 days.

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