Laparoscopic Vesicovaginal Fistula Surgery


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Vesicovaginal fistula (VVF) is a subtype of female urogenital fistula (UGF). VVF is an abnormal fistulous tract extending between your bladder and also the vagina which allows the continuous involuntary discharge of urine into the vaginal vault.

As well as the medical sequelae from all of these fistulas, they often possess a profound impact on the patient's emotional well-being. This short article reviews the etiology of VVF, the surgical principles of repair, and the techniques developed for their repair.

Good reputation for the process The earliest evidence of a VVF was found in 1923, when Derry examined the mummified body of Henhenit, a girl in the courtroom of Mentuhotep from the 11th dynasty who reigned around 2050 BC. These dissections revealed a sizable VVF in a markedly contracted pelvis. The Kahun papyrus and Ebers papyrus didn't mention VVF.

However, not until 950 AD did Avicenna correlate the combination of being pregnant in a early age and difficult labor using the formation of a vesicovaginal communication. The term fistula (previously called ruptura) wasn't used until 1597, when Luiz de Mercado first coined the term.


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