Laparoscopic Tubal Surgery Salpingotomy, Salpingectomy

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The options for surgical treatment of tubal factor infertility depend very much about the degree of tubal damage. Lysis of adhesions can be performed (resection of scar tissue) or blocked tubes can be re-opened with surgery.

Various amounts of reconstruction between both of these extremes is also possible. Subsequent pregnancy rates depend upon several factors including the quantity of tubal damage that was initially present prior to the procedure, their education of harm to the internal lining of the fallopian tubes which could no be corrected, the age of the girl, the problem with the male partners sperm, the skill of the surgeon, and other factors. Many tubal surgeries can be performed laparoscopically.

This allows the girl to go home exactly the same day, go back to are employed in 3-4 days, and have only small scars on her abdomen. However, not every tubal surgeries can be performed as well through the laparoscope as by laparotomy. This also depends upon the skill and training from the surgeon. . .


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