Demonstration of Laparoscope used in Laparoscopic Surgery

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These are only few sample free laparoscopic Videos. We have largest collection of Laparoscopic study material  on the web free for our Member Surgeons. Member can View and Download hundreds of high resolution Laparoscopic Videos, Pictures, Articles and PowerPoint  from password protected secure Private Member Area. The access to private member area is only to the surgeons, Gynaecologists, urologists and pediatric surgeons who has taken training at World Laparoscopy Hospital, Gurugram, NCR Delhi.

Laparoscopy has advanced surgery by allowing the surgeon to use inside a patient's abdominal and pelvic cavity with minimal trauma and scarring. The coupling of a video camera to the laparoscopic telescope has already established the secondary effect of allowing others to view the surgical field either on color video monitors or by watching the video feed over the Internet at a remote location.

These advancements have allowed better teaching and mentoring of operations. Open procedures can usually benefit from fraxel treatments too but have suffered in the past from inadequate techniques to depict outdoors surgical field.

We used the Alpha Port and Aesop robot to put a sterile laparoscopic telescope close to the surgical field to see open cholecystectomies performed on five pigs and to send the video feed over the Internet to remote physicians. Viewing the recording on the monitor, the surgeons performed the operation inside a comfortable ergonomic upright position. Both surgeons and the remote physicians found the caliber of the video to become excellent, and the remote physicians felt comfortable learning and mentoring surgical treatments by using this technique. .

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