Laparoscopic Female Sterilization Surgery



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Tubal Sterilization is really a surgical treatment done on women as a permanent method of contraception. Within this procedure the fallopian tubes are blocked so that the ova or eggs are prevented from visiting the uterus in the ovary.

You'll be given a general anesthetic to unwind parts of your muscles and prevent pain during surgery. An intravenous line (I.V.) is going to be inserted into a vein in your hand or arm. Next, a device will be gently inserted to the vagina to move the uterus.

A small incision will be made near the navel. A laparoscope, a thin viewing tube concerning the width of the pencil, is passed through this incision and also the abdomen is inflated to create the organs easier to view. A unique device for grasping the fallopian tubes is inserted via a second, small incision made in the pubic hairline.

The fallopian tubes are sealed in a single of two ways: with an electric energy that makes the tube clot (electrocoagulation) or with a band or clip that is placed over the tubes. Your personal doctor may also cut the fallopian tubes. Following the fallopian tubes happen to be sealed, the laparoscope and grasping device are removed and a small bandage is applied within the incisions.

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