Laparoscopic Management of Endometriosis


The treatment for Endometriosis is definitely an intensely debated subject in the medical profession and among ladies who suffer this disease. Among the key problems is the fact that no-one can tell what can cause Endometriosis.

So looking for an effective fix for this specific disease is like attempting to fix something even though the cause isn't actually known. This can lead to treatment options which are not relevant or safe and carry the risk of serious side-effects. Until a concise answer is found to the reason for Endometriosis, then the treatment being offered is unfortunately a maximum of a stab in the dark.

Endometriosis surgery is usually recommended for women who do not respond to other forms of treatment. The most common form of treatment for endometriosis drugs are used to control the level of hormones and estrogen in a woman's body. Regulate the number of estrogen has a controlling effect on the growth of endometrial tissue.

The use of hormonal drugs is not always desirable to stop the growth of endometriosis affect. In some women, these drugs can cause unwanted or are contraindicated in young lady that are trying to comprehend side effects. Many women manage their symptoms by using the counter medications for pain, and some have found to change your diet and lifestyle (healthy living and exercise) may also be useful.

When drug treatments and lifestyle changes do not work more women turning to surgery to relieve the symptoms of endometriosis pain suffered through every month. The most common mild to moderate endometriosis laparoscopic surgical procedure is called. This is a minimally invasive procedure in which a surgical instrument called a laparoscope is inserted through a small incision in the abdominal cavity.

There are general points which should be taken into consideration when helping a woman decide which treatment option to choose. These will include:

  • The severity of the symptoms
  • The kind of symptoms
  • Age the individual
  • The desire to get pregnant or not
  • Period of treatment
  • Coping with side-effects of drug treatment
  • Cost (in countries where women have to pay for treatment)

In fact, laparoscopic procedure is the only way to confirm a diagnosis of endometriosis implants by actually see the internal organs. Even then observe the abdominal organs can not be restored diagnosis of endometriosis implants can be hidden from view, or to be too small to see.

Laparoscopic procedure is like any other surgical procedure and carries the same risks. It is usually performed under general anesthesia, but in some cases you can do with the (spinal anesthesia) epidural allows women to stay awake. A gynecologist or surgeon performs the procedure and to inform anyone on the operation to avoid eating or drinking for eight hours before surgery is planned.

Endometriosis laparoscopic surgery begins inflating the abdomen of the patient, either carbon or nitrogen oxide dioxide. Inflate the abdomen below the abdominal wall moves internal organs and allow the surgeon to see better and operational space.

A quarter inch small incision then is usually made below the navel. Then a laparoscope is inserted into the abdomen and the surgeon can begin to examine the internal organs signs of endometriosis. Laparoscope has a tiny camera and light on his surgeon used to visualize the abdominal cavity end.

If the endometrium or scar tissue the doctor can introduce more devices by little incisions in the appropriate way to solve the problem. There are several ways a surgeon can treat endometriosis and scar tissue implanted in the abdominal organs. Using different laparoscopic instruments that can cut tissue with small scissors and scalpels or laser or electrocautery is used to burn the offending tissue. When you are done, small incisions are sewn with a few stitches. Because the incisions are so small, usually no scar. The entire procedure usually takes only 45 minutes to an hour, and is usually performed as an outpatient procedure.

Any pain or discomfort after laparoscopic surgery for endometriosis is usually due to inflation stretching of the stomach muscles of the abdomen. Many women may experience some discomfort in the shoulder of the gas used to inflate the abdomen rises in the upper abdomen and across his shoulders as he escapes the body. Recovery time is usually a week before the patient is able to resume normal daily activities. Most women feel significant pain relief after surgery for endometriosis, but there is no guarantee that the endometrial cells would not return on time. Among the women who have gone through this process more than seventy percent reported that their symptoms are reduced in the first months after the procedure. One year after surgery Forty-five percent of women reported some symptoms return. Studies have shown that a combination of hormone therapy after surgery can significantly reduce the symptoms of endometriosis, prevent the growth of new cells of the endometrium.

In very rare cases, there May be complications of surgery for endometriosis laparoscopy. This can include pelvic infection, internal bleeding that requires opening the abdomen to stop the bleeding, formation of scar tissue after surgery, accidental damage to internal organs of the abdominal cavity. Since the cause of endometriosis medical research has not been able to find the right medication is unknown. Endometriosis surgery, such as hormone therapy drugs and changes in lifestyle, the way to manage the painful symptoms can cause. Women with endometriosis should talk to your doctor about all treatment options to make an informed decision to control this disease.


Click here to see Video Slide of Laparoscopic Surgery

Video Lectures of Prof.Dr.R.K.Mishra

Step-by step-laparoscopic operative procedure

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