Laparoscopic Myomectomy Surgery


Fibroids are indexed by their location, which effects the symptoms they might cause and just how they can be treated. Fibroids which are within the cavity of the uterus intracavitary myomas, will usually cause bleeding between periods and often cause severe cramping. Fortunately, these fibroids can usually be easily removed with a method called "hysteroscopic resection," which may be carried out by the cervix with no need for an incision. Submucous myomas are partially within the cavity and partially in the wall of the uterus. They too can cause heavy menstrual periods (menorrhagia), well as bleeding between periods. Some of these can also be removed by hysteroscopic resection.

Intramural myomas are in the wall of the uterus, and can range in size from microscopic to bigger than a grapefruit. Many of these don't create problems unless they become quite large. There are a number of alternatives for treating these, but often they don't need any treatment whatsoever. Subserous myomas take presctiption the exterior wall from the uterus. A fibroid might even link towards the uterus by a stalk (pedunculated myoma.) These do not need usually treatment unless they grow large, but they can twist and hurt. This kind of fibroid is the easiest to get rid of by laparoscopy.

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