Laparoscopic Management of Stress Urinary Incontinence



Urinary Stress Incontinence is defined as the escape of small quantities of urine during "stress" activity, such as laughing, coughing, sports, and so on. Escape of urine during ‘stress' is a result of weakness of pelvic support. This weakness is often, although not always, associated with childbirth. A sense of "something falling out" or prolapse, can also be related to leaking urine. Urinary continence depends upon strong bladder and pelvic support.

Urinary Stress Incontinence: Urinary Stress Incontinence is defined as the escape of small quantities of urine during "stress" activity, such as laughing, coughing, sports, and the like. Escape of urine during 'stress' is a result of weakness of pelvic support. This weakness is often, but not always, associated with childbirth. A sense of "something falling out" or prolapse, can also be related to leaking urine. Urinary continence depends on strong bladder and pelvic support.

What is Laparoscopy?: During laparoscopy, a laparoscope -- the surgical instrument -- is inserted through the belly button. The laparoscope is a telescopic camera which provides visualization of the abdomen. Surgery performed using a laparoscope usually requires three to four small, quarter-inch incisions for insertion of more surgical instruments. Whereas, one large five-inch incision is needed for that traditional operation to repair stress incontinence.

The Burch Procedure - What is It?: During the Burch procedure, the lower bladder is based on suturing the vagina to the pelvic ligaments. This corrects the weakness so that throughout a 'stress' activity, the bladder does not move down and permit urine to flee.

The Burch Procedure - Who Is an applicant for It?

Any woman that has frequent urinary leakage occurring with coughing, sneezing, laughing, sports activities, and the like.

Any woman who experiences recurrence due to failure of previous surgery to correct urinary stress incontinence.

Women with "mixed" urinary incontinence, who will also require medication and use as well as the Burch procedure.

Success: The laparoscopic Burch procedure offers the same high effectiveness as traditional open-incision surgery. Because the laparoscopic version of the surgery continues to be performed for less than a few years, long-term results are unavailable yet. However, information available implies that the effectiveness for the laparoscopic version at 2 yrs resembles the 90% to 95% success rate for that open-incision procedure, which remains despite five years' follow-up.

Benefits: Financial advantages of performing the Burch procedure laparoscopy are significant. Normally, a stay of only one day within the hospital is needed after the laparoscopic procedure. This compares with 5 to 7 days for that traditional surgery. The savings in hospital costs alone are immense. Patients experience a quicker go back to work or normal activity (one to two weeks) with laparoscopic surgery. Also, a lower requirement for pain medicine is a plus.

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