Laparoscopic CBD Exploration


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Laparoscopic common bile duct exploration has been found to be a safe, efficient and cost-effective treatment for choledocholithiasis. Following Laparoscopic common bile duct exploration, the clearance may be ascertained by a cholangiogram or choledochoscopy. The common bile duct (CBD) may be closed primarily with or without a stent in situ or may be drained by means of a T-tube or a biliary enteric anastomosis.

Laparoscopic common bile duct exploration (LCBDE) has been discovered to become a safe, efficient and cost-effective treatment for choledocholithiasis. Up to 16% of patients with gallstone disease might have concurrent choledocholithiasis.

In a conventional 'open' common bile duct (CBD) exploration, a clearance rate in excess of 90% was accepted as a standard of care. However, this implied that nearly 10% of those patients were built with a missed or perhaps a slipped stone and were liable to undergo re-exploration. Endoscopic CBD clearance following an endoscopic sphincterotomy became popular as a way to tackle choledocholithiasis with cholelithiasis.

The development of laparoscopy for choledocholithiasis like a single stage treatment raised an essential issue - choosing the therapy for each particular patient. We started performing CBD explorations in 1997.

As per our institutional protocol, we now have used different modalities to pay off the diseases of common bile duct. However, because of the limitations involved with transcystic laparoscopic common bile duct exploration, we have always performed CBD exploration through a properly performed choledochotomy. Hereby, we present our knowledge about antegrade stenting from the common bile duct following Laparoscopic common bile duct exploration.



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