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Dr. Safdar Shah Pakistan




"I am Dr. Safder shah From Pakistan. Today I am disclosing many new thinks. One day I was discussing some important points with my head of the department. I asked would you tell me few things. He said ok you come to me no problem. I went there and I saw that he was also a beginner. He said we will learn together. He was head of department there and I thought how he can teach me when he does not know anything. Then I went back after four years of my job there I went back to Pakistan and I did my FRCS from England Edendra. During that time many friends from Ireland told there is one surgical skill centre from Alfred Chushery if you would like to go. Then I searched for that. Then I found that training time is so short and Price is so high in Sterling Pound. Which for us specially the developing country like India and Pakistan. They are unable to bear that. Then again I said ok let us talk to my Professor. He was the Pioneer in Urology. I said sir you have done almost everything and you have not started laparoscopy the new Era is of Laparoscopy. He said ok would you like to suggest something for me. He said better for you to go to India. Because there are many centre. Then I started search on web. Let us find the Laparoscopy Centre in India. One day it clicks to me on World Laparoscopy Hospital. I tried and registered for the course. I submitted the initial fees. The day I was going to fly there was something in my country that our leader Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto was murdered. That time my flight was cancel. I send professor Mishra through Email Please Postponed My this session. I will come next time because I was very busy. I was working as associate Professor and head of department in urology at Sekh Zeya medical College so I have no time. Then I said how I can spare time. I thought that this is occasion because we have ten week vacation. Then I planned to have this dissection. When I came here it looks very small hospital. He has little minimum Minimal access surgery. What is this? When I entered started the taking lectured. I thought it is entirely different thing. In a very short time within one to two days. I come to know that this is not less than the centre. Where I entered? Because the very total basic fundamental and the principal of laparoscopy. Even the many other professor of laparoscopy of people where of their doing laparoscopy dead not only. This is important he completed whatever in necessary at this stage. All they know that the learning curve very that different from country to country. But it takes time we can be master within day. But whatever important to us during this two week. I think one any of us if they to start anywhere they can do something because the way whatever and he so much found this teaching the laparoscopy. Then I found him so co-operative, so sympatric. I found that there no different. I was teaching that I am still Pakistan. I have no word to say that there is great institute and we hope so in future that whenever we will call him from Pakistan. In any conference and International Laparoscopy. He would not say no, he will like to come and visit because we will arrange everythings for him in Pakistan. So he will be again come later Dr. Mishra the hole team and the specially Mr. Raghubir singh. He was very corporate, frankly and we mode him like brother not less than. We have good feeling living in India. We will advise Dr. Mishra and his team. They should be come Pakistan and we would like to become the host for him .

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