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Dr. Ali Raza Brohi from Pakistan



"Hi good evening friends, I am Dr Ali Raza Brohi. I am from Pakistan and I am working in institute of health and medical sciences. First of all I must thank Dr Mishra for giving me an opportunity to attend the course, as such there are many laparoscopic surgeons working in Pakistan but this sort of training I have never seen in Pakistan and I have done few workshops for 2 days and 3 days but I learnt zero from them and even the A, B, C I have learnt here. As far as India is concerned India and Pakistan are the same, culture and everything is the same. I have never felt even one day that I am out of my home. As far as hospital is concerned Dr. Mishra is very dedicated and very hard working and I must say that god will give him very long health and life so that he can train many more people from all over the world. Thank you.

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