Laparoscopic Burch Suspension


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The Burch Suspension a type of bladder neck suspension for stress incontinence, consisting of fixation of the lateral vaginal fornices to the iliopectineal ligaments.

An abdominal surgery that supports the vagina to the pubic bone.

Genuine Stress Incontinence may be the involuntary loss of urine, which takes place when the intravesical pressure exceeds the most urethral pressure in the absence of a detrusor contraction. Stress urinary incontinence in women is definitely an entity that presents high prevalence and significant medical, social and psychological consequences. This is a common problem and approximately 20 -30% of ladies complain of involuntary lack of urine on some occasion during their lifetimes.

Many modes of treatment happen to be devised to rectify the negative impact of bladder control problems on an individual’s standard of living. These include both medical therapy and surgical treatments. Surgical procedure offers the highest cure rate (85-90%) when compared to medical options. Burch procedure has been the defacto standard for operative treating bladder control problems. In the the past few years, trends in gynecological surgery were toward minimally invasive surgical treatments for treating female stress bladder control problems and also have occurred available for clinical use. It's associated with shorter hospital stay period, lower indexes of complications and faster rehabilitation of patients resulted in the development of laparoscopic surgery.


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