100th Batch of Laparoscopic Training Program.

100th Batch of Laparoscopic Training Program. World Laparoscopy Hospital, Gurugram, NCR Delhi, India on 13th of September 2008

Dr. Akhilesh Prasad Singh

Minister of Agriculture, and Food, Government of India, Dr. A. P. Singh as chief guest on occasion of 100th batch of Laparoscopic Training Programme.

Dr. Akhilesh Prasad Singh

Honourable Minister Addressing the 100th batch

Speech of Honourable Minister on the occasion of celebration of 100 th batch of Laparoscopic Training Programme of World Laparoscopy Hospital on 13 th Evening at India Habitat Centre, Casurina Hall.

"I am very happy to see the Galaxy of super specialist surgeons and gynaecologists who came here from different part of India and abroad - Dr.A.P.Singh.


Laparoscopic surgery is one of the fastest growing areas in surgery today. Combining advanced technology with patient care has allowed surgeons to do more advanced surgery with less trauma to patient. Patients are experiencing less pain, shorter hospital stays, and faster recovery times than were ever imaginable 20 years ago - Dr.A.P.Singh.

Dr. Akhilesh Prasad Singh

Laparoscopy was previously considered as surgery of rich people but in my opinion laparoscopic surgery should be available for every citizen of India specially the poor who earn their money by hard physical work and they need more rapid recovery then rich and affluent section of society - Dr.A.P.Singh.

Dr. Akhilesh Prasad Singh

I am happy to know from Dr. R. K. Mishra that today World Laparoscopy Hospital is celebrating the convocation of their 100 th batch of laparoscopic training course. Within last 8 year 2500 surgeons and gynaecologists has been trained in art and science of laparoscopic surgery by World Laparoscopy Hospital. Among these 2500 surgeons 1150 surgeon are from overseas country - Dr.A.P.Singh.

Dr. Akhilesh Prasad Singh

Dr. R.K. Mishra Presenting the Momento to Honorable Minister of Govt. of India. Dr. A.P. Singh

It is a hard fact that only rich and middle class people can afford Laparoscopic surgery. I am very happy to know that for the poor and needy, World Laparoscopy Hospital provides once a month laparoscopic surgery completely free of cost. For these patients medicines are also dispensed absolutely free of charge. There is no charge attached to any service at our hospital for these categories of patients. T his free service is provided to economically disadvantaged people irrespective of race , colour, language, class , creed, religion or region. World Laparoscopy Hospital is providing these services in collaboration with World Association of Laparoscopic Surgeons - Dr.A.P.Singh.

Prof. Dr. P. R. Trivedi

Prof. Dr. P.R. Trivedi Pro Chancellor TGO University addressing the 110th Batch of Laparoscopic training Program

I wish all the surgeons and gynaecologist who are present here a great success in their professional life. Much work is being done by many organizations, particularly in private-public partnerships, to ensure that lives are saved and health improved worldwide and I request all the doctors present in this gathering also to serve the poor and needy with their advanced surgical skill - Dr.A.P.Singh.

100th Batch of laparoscopic training

100th Batch of laparoscopic training Program at World Laparoscopy Hospital

"Skilled Surgeon Safer Surgery "

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