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                                                                 Robot-assisted Laparoendoscopic Single-site Myomectomy
          RevieW aRticLe

          Robot-assisted Laparoendoscopic Single-site

          Myomectomy: Current Status

          Sugandha Agarwal

          ABSTRACT                                            is forever optimistically moving forward in hope of
          Introduction: The commercial availability of robotic da Vinci   performing safe surgical procedures with cosmeti-
          surgical system (Intuitive Surgical inc., Sunnyvale, California,  cally smaller and fewer scars to the patient, as well as
          USA) has attracted the gynecologic surgeon’s interest due   improving peri/postoperative surgical outcomes. With
          to proposed favorable surgical ergonomics, greater preci-
          sion in dissection, and easier suturing as well as knot tying.   the progression in the learning curve, surgeons are now
          Robot-assisted laparoendoscopic single-site surgery appears  inclined to perform more challenging procedures, such
          to be encouraging for more suture-intensive surgeries like   as myomectomy via the minimally invasive route.
          myomectomy as it offers potential in resolving the ergonomic
          challenges imposed by the restrictive range of motion and vision   Clinical advantages of conventional multiport lapa-
          of conventional LESS.                               roscopic myomectomy over abdominal myomectomy in
          Aim: The aim of this review is to appraise the available literature   young women seeking fertility preservation are now well
          on robot-assisted laparoendoscopic single-site (RA-LESS)  proven.  Furthering the minimally invasive approach,
          myomectomy and comment on the feasibility, reproducibility,   laparoendoscopic single-site surgery (LESS) has been
          learning curve as well as financial implications of this technique.
                                                              adopted by the surgeons due to better cosmetic accep-
          Results: The studied outcome measures of mean operative   tance by the patients.  Additionally, the wider umbilical
          time, estimated blood loss, and number and type of myomas
          removed suggest that this is a feasible technique. It was found  access associated with LESS provides for an alternative to
          to be a safe procedure with no reported intraoperative compli-  electromechanical morcellator for contained mechanical
          cations or conversions and negligible postoperative complica-  tissue extraction. This feature becomes more relevant to
          tions. The data on financial implication are, however, limited.
                                                              gynecologic surgeons owing to the recently imposed ban
          Conclusion: Current initial data indicate that RA-LESS is a
          promising technique. It is a safe and reproducible procedure   by US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on the use
          for performing myomectomy. However, more studies with larger  of electromechanical morcellators.  However, the use of
          cohorts and long-term follow-ups are needed to conclusively   LESS for myomectomy has not gained wide popularity
          recommend this technique for a wider application.   due to intensive reconstruction and suturing required
          Clinical significance: With increasing experience in minimal   as well as lack of proven robust surgical benefits when
          invasive techniques and availability of single-port da Vinci surgi-                                7-9
          cal system, more challenging surgeries like myomectomy can   compared with conventional multiport myomectomy.
          be safely performed to optimize clinical benefits to the patients.  Other challenges posed by LESS like manipulation of
          Keywords: Myomectomy, Robotic, Single site.         three articulating instruments through one access port,
          How to cite this article: Agarwal S. Robot-assisted Laparo-  lack of triangulation, instrument crowding or clashing,
          endoscopic Single-site Myomectomy: Current Status. World J  poor ergonomics, and a long learning curve make it a
          Lap Surg 2018;11(1):33-37.                          less favored choice for a demanding surgery, such as
          Source of support: Nil                              myomectomy.
          Conflict of interest: None                             The commercial availability of robotic da Vinci surgi-
                                                              cal system (Intuitive Surgical inc., Sunnyvale, California,
          INTRODUCTION                                        USA) has attracted the gynecologic surgeon’s interest
                                                              due to proposed favorable surgical ergonomics, greater
          Minimally invasive surgery for gynecological proce-  precision in dissection, and easier suturing as well as
          dures has gained worldwide acceptance. This specialty   knot tying. Robot-assisted laparoscopic myomectomy

                                                              has shown similar surgical outcomes as conventional
           Research Officer                                   laparoscopy and has gained acceptance as a safe and
                                                              reproducible operation. 10-13  Robot-assisted laparoendo-
           Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vardhman Mahavir
           Medical College & Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi, India  scopic single-site surgery appears to be encouraging for
           Corresponding Author: Sugandha Agarwal, Research Officer   more suture intensive surgeries like myomectomy as it
           Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vardhman Mahavir   offers potential in resolving the ergonomic challenges
           Medical College & Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi, India, Phone:   imposed by the restrictive range of motion and vision
           +911244275822, e-mail:
                                                              of conventional LESS. 14
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2018;11(1):33-37                             33
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