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                                                            Pouch of Douglas: A Noble Route for Surgical Specimen Retrieval

          Pouch of Douglas: A Noble Route for Surgical Specimen

          Retrieval in Laparoscopic Pelvic Mass Surgery

          1 Abhipsa Mishra,  Sujit Behera

          ABSTRACT                                            INTRODUCTION
          Aim: To evaluate the feasibility and surgical outcome of sur-  With the advent of laparoscopic surgery, the major
          gical specimen retrieval through the pouch of Douglas by an   challenge has been to find the easy and safe method of
          innovative way of puncturing the same with a 10 mm trocar and
          cannula in 100 consecutive women undergoing laparoscopic   tissue retrieval from the surgical site. Retrieval of small
          gynecological procedures for a pelvic mass.         specimen with massive hemoperitoneum and retrieval of
          Materials and methods: A prospective study over a period   medium-to-large specimen sometimes leads to struggle
          of 2 years from June 2012 to June 2014; 100 cases of pelvic  for hours and ultimately it becomes frustrating for the
          mass (small-to-large) surgeries were done laparoscopically and  surgeon. The conventional method remains the enlarge-
          specimens removed through pouch of Douglas by our own new   ment of a 5-mm ancillary port-site incision to 10 mm, or
          method of puncturing the same with 10 mm trocar and cannula
          and putting the mass in endobag and removing with a grasper.   more, or through 10 mm primary port. The use of larger
          Parameters studied were indications, operative time, blood loss,  entries does not only implicate cosmetic drawbacks jeop-
          spillage, postoperative pain, long-term complications.  ardizing the whole purpose of minimal access surgery
          Results: In 96% of cases, surgical specimens were retrieved  but can also increase the chance of injuries involving the
          successfully, with minimal spillage without any intraoperative or  inferior epigastric vessels (the most common vascular
          postoperative complication. Though the rest 4% were retrieved   complication accounting for more than 3 per 1,000 events
          successfully, 2% had laceration but they were managed intra-                   1
          operatively, 2% had postoperative abscess formation managed   during operative laparoscopies).  Moreover, enlargement
          conservatively. Only 5% had pain in vagina at 24 hours on 10 cm   and stretching of port-site incisions have the potential
          visual analog scale (VAS); 95% cases had no complaint of dys-  to increase the risk of incisional hernia formation,  post-
          pareunia on 3rd month follow-up and 5% were lost to follow-up.  operative pain, and infection. Whole of the surgeon’s
          Conclusion: A pouch of Douglas approach for specimen  effort goes in vein when these complications happen.
          removal by our new method after laparoscopic resection of   Removal through pouch of Douglas under vision is one
          pelvic masses offers the advantage of less postoperative   of the natural orifice transluminal endoscopic methods,
          pain, with minimal spillage, good cosmetic result, and patient
          satisfaction without prolonging the operative time.  although this route of specimen extraction has not been
                                                              explored by many suspicious of expected injury to bowel,
          Clinical  significance: Tissue retrieved through pouch of
          Douglas after puncturing with 10 mm trocar with cannula   bladder, vessel, and dyspareunia. Opening of pouch of
          under vision is a safe, feasible, less time-consuming method  Douglas can be done by direct bold incision vaginally
          in laparoscopic pelvic mass surgery. It avoids the enlargement  or with the help of monopolar hook on the bulging part
          of operative port site.                             of vagina after inserting a colpotomizer. We tried a new
          Keywords: Incisional hernia, Laparoscopic, NOTES, Port closure.  method of puncturing the pouch of Douglas by10 mm
          How to cite this article: Mishra A, Behera S. Pouch of Douglas:  trocar cannula under vision at the apex of triangle formed
          A Noble Route for Surgical Specimen Retrieval in Laparoscopic  by two uterosacral ligament and retrieved the specimen
          Pelvic Mass Surgery. World J Lap Surg 2018;11(1):29-32.  by tooth grasping forceps (Fig. 1).
          Source of support: Nil
          Conflict of interest: None                          MATERIALS AND METHODS
                                                              The study was a prospective study which was conducted
                                                              in the Department of Gynecology, KIMS Hospital, from
           1 Assistant Professor,  Consultant
                                                              June 2012 to June 2014.
           1 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kalinga Institute of
           Medical Sciences, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
                                                              Inclusion Criteria
           2 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Sparsh Hospital &
           Critical Care Pvt Ltd, Bhubaneshwar, Odisha, India  •  Reproductive-age group women (18–45 years)
           Corresponding Author: Abhipsa Mishra, Assistant Professor   •  Adnexal mass (3–20 cm)
           Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kalinga Institute   •  Benign in nature
           of Medical Sciences, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India, e-mail:   Ultrasound investigation was performed before surgery
                                                              to evaluate the morphology and size of the adnexal mass.
          World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, January-April 2018;11(1):29-32                             29
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