Page 109 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgeons
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          Patrick O Igwe                                                        10.5005/jp-journals-10007-1335
          InnOvatIOn ReSeaRch

          Laparoscopy in Developing Countries: A Resident-friendly

          Endo-Lap New Training Device

          Patrick O Igwe

          ABSTRACT                                            constructed using items readily available to the average
          Introduction: Surgery via minimal access is the beauty of a surgi-  surgical trainee at minimal cost is proposed.
          cal procedure. With minimal access, besides less pain and early
          return to activity for the patient, the surgeon also feels fulfilled.  MATERIALS AND METHODS
          Minimal access surgery is currently gaining ground in developing
          countries. Training devices to achieve this especially for residents   A normal television monitor, camera, cables and bucket
          are not only scarce but expensive also in developing economies.  with cover, ordinary electrical bulb, foot pedal pump
          Aim: The aim of this study is to present a new resident-friendly   for insufflation are used to design an Endo-Lap trainer.
          training device for laparoscopy with the hope of improving  Sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy conduits are also incor-
          residents’ training in developing countries.        porated in this device using plumbing conduit.
          Materials and methods: A normal television monitor, camera,  Step 1: Make multiple openings on bucket cover (Figs 1
          and bucket with cover is used to design an Endo-Lap trainer.  and 2). Cut a hole for the camera holder and cable to pass
          Sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy conduits are also incorpo-  from inside out of the bucket.
          rated in this device.
                                                              Step 2: Construct a cover to snug fit a camera (Sony was
          Conclusion: Surgery using minimal access technique can   used in this design), connect the cable with AV output
          be aided with a training device made locally to achieve cost-  of monitor to Sony camera (Figs 3 to 8).
          effective and wider training benefits.
                                                              Step 3: Construct a light source with bulb (in this case
          Keywords: Developing country, Endoscopy, Laparoscopy,   energy bulb was used).
          Training device.
          How to cite this article: Igwe PO. Laparoscopy in Developing
          Countries: A Resident-friendly Endo-Lap New Training Device.
          World J Lap Surg 2018;11(1):54-57.
          Source of support: Nil
          Conflict of interest: None

          Laparoscopic training is becoming part of surgical train-
          ing in developing economies. It provides a safe means
          of acquiring fundamental skills. Laparoscopic trainers
          are useful aids in developing skills, such as hand–eye
          coordination, triangulation, depth–eye perception, and
          good ergonomics. Commercial laparoscopic trainers are
          expensive. Most trainees may not be able to afford them.     Fig. 1: Bucket with holes superior surface
          Easy-made laparoscopic trainers have previously been
          described,  but these require the purchase of a webcam
          and the use of cables, and some iPhones are expensive.
          Hence, a very distinctive, laparoscopic trainer that can be

           Senior Registrar
           Department of Surgery, University of Port Harcourt Teaching
           Hospital, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
           Corresponding Author: Patrick O Igwe, Senior Registrar
           Department of Surgery University of Port Harcourt Teaching
           Hospital, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria, Phone:
           +2348035510045, e-mail:
                                                                             Fig. 2: Bucket side view
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