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Specimen Extraction after Sleeve Gastrectomy

            dIscussIon                                         trocar increases the risk of postoperative pain, patient comfort, and
            Nowadays, sleeve gastrectomy is used with increasing frequency in   hernia risk in the trocar site.   However, for the use of staplers in the
                                                               sleeve gastrectomy, the minimum trocar diameter is 12 mm, and
            the surgical treatment of morbid obesity owing to some advantages   there is only one study in the literature on removal of the specimen
            such as preservation of normal anatomy and absorption capacity of   from a 12-mm trocar site by preserving the tissue integrity. In this
            small intestines, technically easy applicability and short operation   study by Nassif et al.,   the fascia was extended with a Kocher
            time.   In this procedure, where successful results are obtained in   clamp and the specimen was removed with the organ pouch. In
            the resolution of weight loss and comorbid conditions, 80–90%   our study, this technique has been modified. Without expanding
            of the stomach in vertical axis is resected.   Removal of the   the fascia and the usage of organ pouches, the specimen was
            specimen outside the abdomen after this wide resection can be a   extracted. Trocar-related complications such as wound site
            complicated, and prolonged duration of operation.  infection or trocar site hernia were not observed. According to the
               In laparoscopic surgery, there are questions looked for to   extraction time of the specimen, it was observed that the specimen
            be answered such as from which area the specimen should be   was extracted in a time similar to those of the other studies. In
            removed, from how much width the specimen should be removed,   three cases, it was observed that the specimen was ruptured from
            how to reduce complications related to the area the specimen   fundus, owing to insufficient decompression of the stomach and
            removed from, and whether the integrity of the specimen should   the rotation of the specimen on the reverse axis during extraction.
            be preserved in benign procedures. The answer to these questions   Therefore, caution should be exercised to ensure that the stomach
            was not standardized also in the sleeve gastrectomy procedure.  is sufficiently decompressed and not to cause any reverse rotation
               The method frequently applied in laparoscopic procedures is   during traction.
            the extraction of the specimen by a mini laparotomy. In a study in
            which the specimen was removed by a mini-laparotomy after a
            sleeve gastrectomy, 5% wound site infection, 3.3% hernia, and 8.3%   conclusIon
            hematoma in the site of extraction were detected.   These results   According to the results of our study, the specimen can be safely
            show that the specimen removal by mini-laparotomy reduce the   extracted from the 12-mm trocar site after the sleeve gastrectomy,
            advantages of the laparoscopic surgery.            without the use of additional tools and without expansion of fascia
               Different techniques have been described, in which the   and without prolonging the operation time.
            specimen is removed after it was disintegrated. In one of these
            techniques, described by Mahmood et al.,   the specimen was
            disintegrated by a tissue disintegrator and removed from a   ethIcAl coMMIttee ApprovAl
            15-mm trocar. Another technique is the technique by which   Ethical committee approval was obtained from University of
            Calin et al.   extract the specimen from the 12 mm trocar site, by   Kocaeli (GOKAEK-2017/14.37 2017/300).
            cutting and making the specimen thinner in the longitudinal axis
            intraabdominally. The main disadvantage of both techniques is   references
            the inability of histopathological examination of the specimen     1.  Lee L, Abou-Khalil M, et al. Incidence of incisional hernia
            due to tissue disintegrity, and the risk of intraabdominal spread of   in the specimen extraction  site for  laparoscopic  colorectal
            gastric content. As a matter of fact, it was shown in several studies   surgery: systematic review and meta-analysis. Surg Endosc 2017
            that in the sleeve gastrectomy specimen, there was a clinically   Dec;31(12):5083–5093. DOI: 10.1007/s00464-017-5573-2.
            significant histopathological finding at a rate of 3.3–5.8%, and the     2.  Leung AL, Cheung HY, et al. Advances in laparoscopic colorectal
            histopathological examination of the specimen was necessary.         surgery: a review on NOTES and transanal extraction of specimen.
            In addition, it has been shown that intraabdominal spread of gastric   Asian J Endosc Surg 2014 Jan;7(1):11–16. DOI: 10.1111/ases.12070.
            content may cause a localized inflammatory response, adhesion,     3.  Gagner M, Hutchinson C, et al. Fifth International Consensus
            and intraabdominal abscess.                             Conference: current status of sleeve gastrectomy. Surg Obes Relat
                                                                    Dis 2016 May;12(4):750–756. DOI: 10.1016/j.soard.2016.01.022.
               The most commonly used technique for removal of specimen     4.  Gastrointestinal surgery for severe obesity: National Institutes
            in sleeve gastrectomy is the removal of tissue from the trocar site   of Health Consensus Development Conference Statement. Am J
            by preserving tissue integrity. One of the controversial points   Clin Nutr 1992 Feb;55(2 Suppl):615S–619S. DOI: 10.1093/ajcn/55.
            in this technique is whether the wound site is protected with   2.615s.
            different auxiliary devices (wound site retractor, organ pouch)     5.  Cottam D, Qureshi FG, et al. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy as
            when removing the specimen. Studies have reported that the   an initial weight-loss procedure for high-risk patients with morbid
            use of organ pouches or wound site retractors does not reduce   obesity. Surg Endosc 2006;20(6):859–863. DOI: 10.1007/s00464-005-
            infectious complications, prolonged operation time, and increased     6.  Maietta P, Qureshi FG, et al. Retrieval of the gastric specimen following
            operation costs.   In our technique, any auxiliary equipment was   laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. Experience on 275 cases. Int J Surg
            not used to protect the wound site and no wound site infection   2016;28(Suppl 1):S124–S127. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijsu.2015.12.057.
            was seen in our series.                               7.  Mahmood A, Silbergleit A. The utilization of a morcellator during
               In order to reduce trocar-related complications after the sleeve   laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. Technol Health Care 2006;14(6):
            gastrectomy, a technique involving a small number of patients   537–539.
            with which the specimen was extracted transgastrically has been     8.  Calin ML. Specimen extraction after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy.
            described.   However, this technique requires laparoscopic and   J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A 2015 Apr;25(4):330. DOI: 10.1089/
            endoscopic experience, and the risk of intraabdominal spread of     9.  Safaan T, Bashah M, et al. Histopathological Changes in Laparoscopic
            stomach contents is the most important disadvantage.    Sleeve Gastrectomy Specimens: Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Value
               In a minimally invasive surgery, the overall goal is to use a   of Routine Histopathologic Examination. Obes Surg 2017 Jul;27(7):
            smaller number of trocars with a smaller diameter. The use of larger   1741–1749. DOI: 10.1007/s11695-016-2525-1.

                                                       World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 12 Issue 1 (January–April 2019)  3
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