Page 68 - World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery
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Medtronic I-Drive vs Ethicon Echelon

            Methods                                            complication, mortality rate, and stapler cost (government and
            We designed a randomized control trial that received institutional   commercial rate). The reload time for each staple load was defined
                                                               as the time from when the stapler exited the trocar until the stapler
            IRB approval. All patients underwent surgery at our facility after   was ready to be fired again, which we defined as when the stapler
            completing our institutional bariatric pathway to include bariatric   was handed back to the surgeon or placed on the Mayo stand
            seminars, support groups, extensive medical workup, and   if the surgeon was not ready to staple. A physician who was not
            psychological evaluation. We excluded patients from participating   participating in the operative portion of the case was present to
            in the study if they needed revisional surgery or presented with   time the surgery. We recorded stapler misfires and results of leak
            inflammatory bowel disease. We counseled all patients that each   tests, which were determined by the operative surgeon. A Mann-
            of the linear staplers used in the study are approved devices for   Whitney test was used to compare the distribution of reload times
            their surgery and the surgeons performing the operation trained   between the two groups.
            to operate with both devices. A total of 63 patients consented to   The cost for civilian vs government institutions for staplers,
            participate in the study and randomized to each arm.  staple  loads,  and  reinforcements  was  gathered  from  the
               The Ethicon Echelon powered stapler—with and without   government supply-ordering website and included in the analysis.
            Seamguard—and the Medtronic I-Drive powered stapler   The cost of each surgery for the Ethicon Echelon was calculated by
            with reinforcement comprised the two arms of the study. All   adding the cost of the color of load, the number of Seamguards that
            laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomies were performed with an   were used, and the cost of the disposable stapler. The Medtronic
            absorbable polymer membrane staple line reinforcement. The   I-Drive cost was calculated by the cost of the color of load with the
            majority of surgeons in this study elected to use Seamguard   pre-attached reinforcement. The cost of the I-Drive stapler was
            on all Echelon loads except for the load most proximal to   not included as it is not disposable. We did not include the cost of
            the gastroesophageal junction. There were 7 staff surgeons   Seamguards or loads that were opened but not used. We performed
            and 19 residents that participated in the study. Patients were   a pooled t-test to compare the two groups.
            randomized into each arm at the time of their consent to the
            study. Two researchers performed the randomization sequence
            by annotating the study arm on a sheet of paper along with an   results
            arbitrary sequential numerical identifier, which were stored in a   We consented 63 patients for the study and randomized
            secure envelope and blindly drawn at the time of consent. We   participants into the Echelon with Seamguard (ESG) or I-Drive
            enrolled all patients that consented within the study period,   with EndoGIA reinforcement arms (GIA-R) between January
            and an interim analysis demonstrated a prohibitive number of   2018 and May 2019—we terminated recruitment due to difficulty
            participants would be necessary to demonstrate statistically   obtaining additional participants. There were 31 patients in the
            significant data—at which point study recruitment was concluded   ESG arm and 32 in the GIA-R arm. After fall-out, a total of 51
            (Flowchart 1).                                     patients remained with 26 in the ESG arm and 25 in the GIA-R
               Our primary end points included sleeve creation time   arm. All patients in the study completed the Bariatric Pathway
            (minutes), time to reload (seconds), hemostatic intervention,   at our institution. Their baseline demographics are presented in
            transfusion, perioperative leak rate, postoperative leak rate, serious   Table 1. All procedures were completed laparoscopically with no

            Flowchart 1: Trial profile

             66   World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 15 Issue 1 (January–April 2022)
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