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Laparoscopic Management of Hiatus Hernia
            repair for hiatal hernia, by a single surgeon, over a period of   percentages. Chi-square  or Fisher’s  exact  test,  whichever
            10 years between April 2010 and March 2020 in Government   appropriate, was applied for categorical data. A p-value of less than
            Medical College, Srinagar. All patients were first examined by   0.05 was considered statistically significant.
            Department of Gastroenterology. The patients were worked
            up vis-à-vis symptomatic evaluation, barium meal, and   results
            esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD). Patients who had hiatus
            hernia grade II, III, and IV were included in the study. Patients were   A total number of patients included in our study were 42 after fulfilling
            optimized for surgery and were kept fasting for 8 hours prior to   the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Our study included 24 (57.14%)
            the procedure. All patients underwent antibiotic prophylaxis and   female and 18 (42.86%) male patients. The range of age was 22 to
            prophylaxis for deep vein thrombosis.              60 years and the mean age of patients was 38.36 (SD 8.018). The study
                                                               was conducted over 14 (33.33%), 18 (42.86%), and 10 (23.81%) patients
            Exclusion Criteria                                 of type II, III, and IV hiatal hernia, respectively, as shown in Table 1.
            •  Medically unfit patients.                          Heartburn (32, 76.19%) was the most common symptom
            •  Patients with previous gastroesophageal surgery.  followed by regurgitation (27, 64.29%) and epigastric pain
            •  Type I hiatus hernia.                           (25, 59.52%). Some patients also complaint of pulmonary symptoms
            •  Esophageal motility disorders.                  with chest pain (16, 38.1%) as most common symptom followed by
                                                               breathing difficulty (14, 33.33%). Two (4.76%) of the procedures were
            Operative Technique                                converted to open repair owing to the nonavailability of bariatric
            Procedure was started under general anesthesia; urinary catherization   instruments as the patients were obese (BMI >30) and dissection
            for monitoring and Ryle’s tube for stomach decompression were   became difficult with the available instruments. Posterior cruroraphy
            placed. Pneumoperitoneum (12–15 mm Hg) was created by Veress   was done in all the patients. Nissen’s fundoplication was our primary
            needle, and patient was placed in a reverse Trendelenburg position.   choice performed in 37 (88.1%) patients. Few of our patients
            Five trocars are inserted into the peritoneal cavity at the epigastrium,   were comorbid and frail to whom Toupet’s repair (4, 9.52%) and
            the right subcostal area, the left subcostal area, above the    gastropexy (1, 2.3%) were performed, optimum to their conditions.
            umbilicus on the middle abdominal line, and at 4–5 cm lateral to   Out of 42, mesh was placed in 17 (40.48%) patients including all the
            the midline in the left upper quadrant. Surgeon stands in-between   type IV and few of the type III patients as shown in Table 2.
            the legs (French position); primary and secondary assistants on   The mean operative time was 126.90 (SD 12.781 minutes), with
            either side of patient. Procedure was started with liver retraction   operative duration decreasing with each procedure performed. The
            and commencement of lesser omentum division keeping GEJ under   mean blood loss and hospital stay were 62.14 (SD 17.605 mL) and
            traction. Phrenoesophageal membrane was then dissected starting   4.60 (SD 1.127 days), respectively, as shown in Table 3.
            from anterior aspect of hiatal opening resulting in mobilization of
            esophagus and visualization of crura taking care of the two vagi.   Table 1: Patient profile
            Mediastinal dissection of esophagus was done for lengthening of
            intraabdominal esophagus and reduction of hernia. Gastric fundus   Total         42 (100%)
            was then mobilized for the wrap by dissection of short gastric   Gender
            vessels, sometimes gastrosplenic ligament also. Esophageal hiatus   Female          24 (57.14%)
            was then narrowed down by suturing the crura with nonabsorbable   Male              18 (42.86%)
            sutures under a large 50–60 Fr bougie. About 2 cm anti reflex wrap   Type of hernia
            was then made by grasping posterior aspect of gastric fundus with   II              14 (33.33%)
            a blunt forceps placed posteriorly to the esophagus and calibrating
            with a large 50–60 Fr bougie. In cases where total fundoplication   III             18 (42.86%)
            was not feasible, a partial posterior fundoplication was performed.   IV            10 (23.81%)
            In type IV and few of type III hiatal hernia, U-shaped mesh [mixed   Mean Age  38.36 ± 8.018 (22–60) years
            mesh polypropylene + polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)] was placed
            around the hiatus and fixed with the tacks. No drains were placed,   Table 2: Symptomatology and procedure
            and procedure was completed by closing the port sites.  Variable      Type               Frequency
               Postoperative care was taken for the prevention of postoperative   Total              42 (100%)
            nausea and vomiting. Barium radiography was done on second   Symptoms  Heartburn            32 (76.19%)
            postoperative day. Orals were started on postoperative day 2.
            Patients were discharged once tolerating orals.                       Epigastric pain       25 (59.52%)
                                                                                  Regurgitation         27 (64.29%)
            Follow-up                                                             Chest pain           16 (38.1%)
            Patients were followed up at 1 month, 6 months, and then annually.    Breathing difficulty      14 (33.33%)
            The follow-up included routine general examination, barium
            radiography, and EGD.                                                 Palpitation           18 (42.86%)
                                                                Type of plication  Nissen’s           37 (88.1%)
            Statistical Analysis                                                  Toupet’s               4 (9.52%)
            The recorded data were compiled and entered in a spreadsheet          Gastropexy             1 (2.38%)
            (Microsoft Excel) and then exported to data editor of SPSS
            Version 20.0. Continuous variables were summarized as mean ± SD,   Crural closure  Suture repair      25 (59.52%)
            and categorical variables were expressed as frequencies and           Mesh repair           17 (40.48%)

                                                 World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 14 Issue 3 (September–December 2021)  209
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