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Comparative Study between Open and Laparoscopic Appendicectomy
            Table 1: Age-group of patients who underwent appendicectomy  Table 6: Return to routine work time for patients who underwent
                      Open               Laparoscopic
            Age   appendicectomy        appendicectomy          Return to
            (years)  (n = 34)  Percentage  (n = 67)  Percentage  routine    Open              Laparoscopic
            20–30      7        20.58       31         46.26    work    appendicectomy       appendicectomy
            31–40      10       29.41       15         22.38    (days)     (n = 34)  Percentage  (n = 67)  Percentage
            41–50      5        14.70       10         14.92    7 days or    15       44.11       45       67.16
            51–60      8        23.52        4           5.97   8–14 days    10       29.41       15       22.38
            61–70      4        11.76        7         10.44
                                                                More than    9        26.47       7        10.44
                                                                15 days

            Table 2: Gender of patients who underwent appendicectomy
                      Open               Laparoscopic          initially came from Germany and was published by Pier et al.
                   appendicectomy       appendicectomy         Laparoscopic appendicectomy has several advantages over the
            Gender    (n = 34)  Percentage  (n = 67)  Percentage  conventional open method of appendicectomy. In the laparoscopic
            Male       20        58.82       40        59.70   method, the patient’s recovery is quicker, and the patient can also
            Female     14        41.17       27        40.29   return to his or her routine work at the earliest. The amount of pain
                                                               that the patient may endure is far less in the laparoscopic method
                                                               than in the open method. Ortega et al., in their study of 135 patients,
            Table 3: Presentation of patients with appendicitis
                                                               showed that the pain level was much less in the laparoscopic
            Presentation                No. of patients  Percentage  method as compared to the open method.  The problem of
            Abdominal pain over the right lower   72  71.28    wound infection is also much less in the laparoscopic method.
            quadrant                                           Marzouk et al. also showed in his study that the postoperative
            Nausea                          20        19.80    wound infection rate was much less in the laparoscopic method.
            Vomiting                        25        24.75    The length of hospital stay is significantly reduced if a laparoscopic
            Fever                           45        44.55    appendicectomy is done as compared to the open method. In their
                                                               studies, Ray-Offor et al.,  Rbihat et al.,  and Vellani et al.,  showed
            Table 4: Duration of hospital stay for patients who underwent   that the length of hospital stay was much shorter for the patients
            appendicectomy                                     who underwent laparoscopic appendicectomy. In our study, the
                                                               patients who underwent laparoscopic appendicectomy had a
            Duration                                           hospital stay of 3 days or less after surgery. The operative time is also
            of hospital                                        reduced quite a bit in case of laparoscopic appendicectomy. Our
            stay after   Open              Laparoscopic
            surgery   appendicectomy      appendicectomy       study also shows that most of our patients had an operative time
            (days)      (n = 34)  Percentage  (n = 67)  Percentage  of 60 minutes or less. The need for analgesia reduces significantly
             3 days       28       82.35      60        89.55  in the case of laparoscopic appendicectomy. Biondi et al., in their
                                                               study of 593 patients, showed that laparoscopic appendicectomy
             or less
                                                               was associated with a shorter hospital stay, with a less need for
             4–7 days     4        11.76       5        7.46   analgesia and with a faster return to daily activities.  Shaikh et al.
             8–15 days    2        5.88        2        2.98   also showed in their study the need for lesser requirement of
                                                               analgesia following laparoscopic appendicectomy.  Li et al. also
                                                               reported similar findings in their meta-analysis.  In the case of
            Table 5: Duration of surgery for patients who underwent appendicectomy
                                                               young women, further care is needed while making a diagnosis of
            Duration    Open              Laparoscopic         appendicitis since the differential diagnosis of right lower quadrant
            of surgery   appendicectomy    appendicectomy      pain is extensive and includes gynecologic pathology as well.  In
            (minutes)  (n = 34)  Percentage  (n = 67)  Percentage  addition, Azaro et al. had previously conducted studies to show
            60           20       58.82       37       55.22   that laparoscopic appendicectomy is a safe procedure.  The port
            minutes                                            placement and the sites of the incisions are extremely important
            or less                                            while performing laparoscopic appendicectomy. Studies have been
            61–90        10       29.41       23       34.32   done to improve cosmesis in cases of laparoscopic appendicectomy
            minutes                                            (Tables 7 and 8). 12
            91–120       4        11.76       7        10.44
                                                               From our study, it was found that laparoscopic appendicectomy
            dIscussIon                                         (66.33%) was the preferred choice of surgery for appendicitis. The
            Today, laparoscopic appendicectomy is considered a safe and   hospital stay was 3 days or less for most of our patients. Moreover,
            effective method to treat appendicitis. When a patient is admitted   82.35% of patients who underwent open appendicectomy and
            in the hospital with appendicitis, initially antibiotics must be started   89.55% of patients who underwent laparoscopic appendicectomy
            and then a decision must be taken on the need for appendicectomy.   stayed in the hospital for only 3 days or less after surgery. The
            A large series of laparoscopic appendicectomy for acute appendicitis   duration of surgery was 60 minutes or less in 58.82% of patients

            206   World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery, Volume 14 Issue 3 (September–December 2021)
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